OCTOBER 18-22, 2010
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
Tuesday, October 19, 2009 to Thursday, October 21, 2009
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Electronics Task Group (ETG) was called to order at 10:00 a.m., 19-OCT-10
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMEAaron / Havlovic / Cessna Aircraft Company
Erick / Henry / SAFRAN Group
Eddie / Hofer / Rockwell Collins
* / Eric / Lacourt / Thales
* / Ed / Lewis / Goodrich Corporation
John / Mastorides / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Scott / Meyer / Goodrich Corporation
Mark / Northrup / GE Aviation
* / Philippe / Pons / Airbus / Chairperson
* / Richard / Rumas / Honeywell Aerospace / Secretary
* / Richard / Rowe / Honeywell Aerospace
Lucille / Snedaker / General Dynamics Corp.
* / David / Soong / Hamilton Sundstrand
* / Suzanne / Steketee / Ball Aerospace & Technologies
* / Barbara / Waller / Raytheon Co.
* / Mark / Whalley / Goodrich Corporation
* / Dewey / Whittaker / Honeywell Aerospace / Vice Chairperson
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMELee / Barrett / Logic
* / Cristiano / Bazzi / Somacis
* / Johnny / Blackwell / Coretec Denver Inc.
Paul / Comer / Graphic plc
Sarah / Fuqua / Kearfott Corp.- Motion Systems Division
* / Mark / Kasting / Coretec Cleveland Inc.
* / Ishwar / Mathur / IEC Electronics
Hari / Muthuswami / Foerster Instruments Inc.
Kunihide / Otomo / OKI Printed Circuits
Scott / Potts / WETSU Group, Inc.
Douglas / Schueller / AbelConn LLC
Roger / Sprague / OKI Printed Circuits
Tim / Voeller / Logic PD
Jennifer / Wagner / LaBarge
Chris / Wiebe / Atlas Group DBA Vitron Mfg.
PRI Staff Present
James / Bennett1.2 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes / Chairperson Report – OPEN
Philippe Pons presented the Chairperson’s Report. This included a review of the Code of Ethics and Conflicts of Interest.
Secretary Mark Whalley has declined to remain the ETG secretary and wants to be removed from the list as secretary. Richard Rumas will take his place temporarily.
ACTION ITEM: Dewey Whittaker takes the action to determine if Richard Rumas can remain the secretary since he currently does not attend all meetings. Honeywell will determine if he can attend all meetings in the future. (DUE DATE: 01-Feb-10)
Scott Meyer was elected as timekeeper.
Motion made by Dewey Whittaker and seconded by Johnny Blackwell to approve Ishwar Mathur as a new Supplier Voting Member. Motion Passed
Motion made by Dewey Whittaker and seconded by Scott Meyer to approve Dave Soong as the Alternate Subscriber Voting Member for Hamilton Sundstrand. Motion Passed
Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by Suzanne Steketee to approve Barbara Waller to officially vote on audit report packages on behalf of the Task Group (TG). Motion Passed
Reviewed ETG Priorities - TG to adjust priorities as necessary at the end of the meeting.
Reviewed ETG Sub-teams - Steve Webster is no longer supporting the ETG. Dave Soong is currently reviewing the need for a replacement. Mark Whalley will no longer be the sub-team lead for AC7120 and Ed Lewis will remain in this role. Changes to the team are as follows:
· AC7119 – Add Barbara Waller, Johnny Blackwell
· AC7120 – Add Ishwar Mathur, John Mastorides, Doug Schueller
· AC7121 – No change
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to modify sub-team listing, issue to sub-team and make available in eAuditNet. (DUE DATE: 12-Nov-10)
Motion made by Scott Meyer and seconded by Dewey Whittaker to approve the June 2010 Singapore minutes as written. Motion Passed
Dewey Whittaker offered on behalf of Honeywell to hold an interim face to face Task Group meeting at a Honeywell site (to be determined). Unfortunately there was insufficient support by the Task Group. Dewey also offered a Supplier Symposium in Asia at a Honeywell site, possibly Penang or Shanghai. This is important since the ETG has probably the most Suppliers in Asia of any TG and like to continue to provide resources to those Suppliers, especially if meetings in Asia will be minimal.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to look into the possibility of holding a Supplier Symposium in 2011 for the Asia sector, hosted by Honeywell. (DUE DATE: 31-Dec-10)
Discussed audit report packages currently in the system that requires Task Group resolution:
Audit #136469 – PRI Staff required clarification on the action to take regarding NCR 3.
Motion made by Suzanne Steketee and seconded by Mark Whalley for the Supplier to define in the procedure the maximum time permitted between the soldering operation and cleaning. If there is no maximum time, then specify this. Motion Passed
ACTION ITEM: AC7120 audit handbook to include clarification for 17.1.1, 17.4.1 & 19.1 regarding maximum time permitted between the soldering operation and cleaning. PRI Staff to make change to handbook. (DUE DATE: 19-Nov-10)
Audit #135516 – Currently on 4 review cycles with a recommendation from PRI Staff to submit for audit failure (NOP-011) per mode D Too Many Review Cycles to Complete, if the next response is not sufficient to close out the NCR. Supplier’s understanding of the root cause and the long term corrective action has been the problem. Airbus and Thales agreed to get in contact with the Supplier to clarify the expectation. This action was completed during the Task Group meeting. Task Group agreed that audit failure ballot would be the appropriate action to take if next response was not acceptable.
Audit #136168 – NCR 2 reviewed. What kind of waiver was given from the Subscriber? What is the process they are performing procedurally and what should they have done? Dewey Whittaker agreed to take a look at the audit and notify PRI Staff of any additional action required to investigate this issue.
ACTION ITEM: Dewey Whittaker to review NCR information (#136168) and notify PRI Staff if additional investigation work is necessary. (DUE DATE: 05-Nov-10)
Audit #137734 – Much discussion surrounding NCR 1 and the description / responses to the issue. It was agreed that PRI Staff would contact the Auditor and request additional clarification and re-write of NCR.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to contact Auditor to obtain clarification regarding audit #137734 NCR 1 and modify NCR accordingly. (DUE DATE: 22-Oct-10)
PRI Staff presented the New Members Presentation for those attendees not present at the Supplier Symposium (held 18-Oct-10). Presentation is available on eAuditNet.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to review Subscribers mandate slide (New member’s presentation) and modify accordingly to reflect the latest mandate / acceptance roll out per p-frm-10. (DUE DATE: 12-Nov-10)
Johnny Blackwell asked question regarding TG review of audits. How many Subscribers on average are reviewing and approving audits for accreditation? No data was shown however PRI Staff clarified that on average four Subscribers officially vote on the audit report packages. Further discussion occurred around more Subscriber involvement necessary in this and other issues.
PRI Staff presented the Staff Report including Task Group metrics. Task Group will need to address with the increased number of cycles and Supplier cycle time (higher number for both initial and reaccreditation). The intent being that Supplier Symposiums held in the various regions will help to address this. F cycles (high number for both initial and reaccreditation).
PRI Staff highlighted the poor attendance to Conference Calls / Webex, even after committal and the imperative need to update the Checklists and handbooks to address on-going issues (NCRs Voided, Qualified NOs).
Suppliers were strongly encouraged to complete the Supplier feedback forms truthfully to capture any issues immediately so PRI Staff can take necessary actions. It is more difficult to address situations when Suppliers identify issues on the 2nd / 3rd review cycle of the NCR’s.
Open RAIL items were reviewed. Refer to RAIL attached in meeting closure items for update.
RAIL item associated with the comparison of the Nadcap Checklist requirements and Subscriber requirements (Delta’s) were discussed. Due to the current workload of the ETG, it was determined that this action would be removed.
Motion made by Suzanne Steketee and seconded by Dewey Whittaker to remove the RAIL item associated with the Delta’s review. Motion Passed
NOP-002 Draft 2010-09-29 Checklist Vision.doc has been reviewed by the Task Group to determine how to move forward with ETG checklist changes. Discussion resulted over specific wording of 3.3.1 regarding Subscriber-specific requirements. The wording ‘common’ implies that in order for a requirement to become a ‘baseline’ checklist requirement there needs to be multiple Subscribers who have that requirement. Also para 3.3.2 “The program shall include provisions for auditing of Subscriber unique/specific requirements”. What does this mean, the actual checklist, the overall program or supplements?
ACTION ITEM: Philippe Pons to obtain clarification regarding these statements during the Planning and Operations meeting. (DUE DATE: 20-Oct-10).
Above action was completed. A presentation was given at the Planning and Operations meeting that clarified the expectation of 3.3.1.
PRI Staff indicated that the ballot was closing at the time of this meeting, therefore any concerns or issues cannot be addressed at this meeting and should be addressed with the Subscriber Nadcap Management Council (NMC) representatives.
ACTION ITEM: Each subscribing Task Group member to go back to their NMC representative to discuss ambiguity in the draft NOP-002 as presented (see above discussion). (DUE DATE: 12-Nov-10)
Question was posed regarding the AQS type questions in the checklist. Should questions regarding the Quality System be asked in the procedural section and the compliance section or just the compliance section?
ACTION ITEM: Dewey Whittaker to obtain clarification from the AQS Liaison team regarding the commodity groups expectation. (DUE DATE: 21-Oct-10)
Action completed. Dewey Whittaker reported AQS type questions should only reside in the job audit section and removed from the procedural questions.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to remove all procedural AQS questions from the checklists. (DUE DATE: 03-Dec-10)
ACTION ITEM: Sub-teams to review PRI Staff’s recommendations for AQS question removals. (DUE DATE: 10-Dec-10)
Common requirements for sections 1-3 of the checklists were discussed.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to ensure the wording in the para 3.3.1 of all three checklists and the Audit Handbook clarifications contain the same information. (DUE DATE: 03-Dec-10)
All discussion topics for ETG Checklists were not completed.
Checklist consistency related to Question 3.3.1 on corrective actions: the question was reworded as “Were corrective actions from the most recent audit verified effective?”
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to schedule a 2 hour teleconference 06-Dec-10, 9 am EST to discuss checklist vision. (DUE DATE: 05-Nov-10)
ACTION ITEM: If necessary, PRI Staff to schedule a teleconference in January to follow up on checklist vision. (DUE DATE: 17-Dec-10)
7.0 AC7120 – OPEN
ETG reviewed the proposed changes to rev B via the proposed changes spreadsheet.
Ongoing discussion ensued regarding Humidity requirements situation.
Motion made by Mark Whalley and seconded by Richard Rumas to change paragraph 8.3 to change wording to Is there a procedure that defines actions to be taken when the humidity level falls below 30%? Motion Passed
A new Job Audit question has been added: “Are there chart recorders or electronic data collection files for the humidity readings?”
Discussed para 30.14 to be modified in the handbook to clarify the expectation per the matrix.
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to modify AC7120 Audit Handbook to reflect clarification as identified in proposed changes spreadsheet. (DUE DATE: 03-Dec-10)
Due to the discussion topic associated with para 36.4.5, it was determined that additional time would be required.
Motion made by Mark Whalley and seconded by Johnny Blackwell to move this request to revision C proposal. Motion Passed
ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to format (including removal of the word ‘documented’) and ready the AC7120 Rev B for ballot. (DUE DATE: 19-Nov-10)
Dewey Whittaker will be the new Chair after the February meeting. Action item was for Subscribers to come forward if they wished to become the Vice Chair during Dewey’s tenure with the prospect of becoming Chair. Scott Meyer indicated an interest in holding this position.
Motion made by Mark Whalley and seconded by Johnny Blackwell to nominate Scott Meyer as Vice Chair after the February meeting. Motion Passed
9.0 AC7119 – OPEN
ETG reviewed ballot comments on AC7119 E draft.
Motion made by Dewey Whittaker and seconded by Johnny Blackwell to remove para 15.1.2 Motion Passed
Motion made by Mark Kasting and seconded by Mark Whalley to include examples of how to meet the requirements of para 15.2.5 & 15.3.3. Motion Passed
ACTION ITEM: Dewey Whittaker to modify Audit Handbook to identify examples of how to comply with AC7119 para 15.2.5 & 15.3.3. (DUE DATE: 14-Dec-10)
Motion made by Johnny Blackwell and seconded by Christiano Bazzi not to add proposed para 18.1.6. Motion Passed
Motion made by Suzanne Steketee and seconded by Johnny Blackwell to delete para 26.1.1. Motion Passed
Motion made by Richard Rumas and seconded by Johnny Blackwell not to change para 26.2.1 to keep the comment and to review it at the next Checklist revision (will be for rev-F). Motion Passed
Motion made by Mark Kasting and seconded by Scott Meyer to delete para 29.1 associated with custom machining. Motion Passed