UUCA Board of Trustees Meeting

October 24, 2017


Board Members Present: Erin Stanfill (President), Carol Ann Arvan (President-Elect), Jane Mengel (recording), Lyn Conley (Financial Trustee), Dave Spierman, Bill Kramer, Christian Harden, Mike Kuhar, Jon Johnson

Staff Members Present: Taryn Strauss, Jane Price, Rev. Jonathan Rogers, Rev. Anthony Makar.

Guests: June Lester, DeAnn Peterson

Spirit and Community

Chalice Lighting: The chalice was lit by Mike Kuhar with words by Erik Walker Wikstrom.

Announcements: Erin reminded all about the Project Phoenix Listening Circles coming up on Nov. 12th after second service. Also, the Board sponsored Wonderful Wednesday is tomorrow night. Finally, Josh Gentry is seeking a place to live and board members were encouraged to help if possible.

Thank you messages: Thank yous will be sent to Melissa Marion-Landais and Sonya Tinsley-Hook for their work with the Chalice Challenge fund raiser.

Board Education

June Lester presented the board with an update on the Adult RE team's efforts. The team consists of Hildegarde Gray, Katie Sadler-Stevenson, Rev. Rogers and June. This year the team offered 26 different courses with 25 different facilitators. From January to October 3003 people have participated. The highest attendance has been for Rev. Makar's courses. The team is planning for three months out and doing course evaluations. They have revised structure, policies and procedures in place. There is a coordinator for each Sunday to oversee courses and answer questions. Only 3 courses have been canceled due to lack of attendance. There is some concern about the Middle Hour being used for regular meetings instead of only for faith development opportunities. From now on all room reservations during Middle Hour will go through Jonathan to avoid that problem. Publicity includes the insert in the order of service, an announcement on The City and the Weekly Update (although not consistently). There is a problem with the method used to announce the start time of courses. The team will be working on that. The board thanked June for the team's efforts.

Executive Report

Financial Highlights: Pledge revenues are up from August. Overall revenue remains behind budget by $71,625. The net loss for the month of September is $19,744.

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Expenses remain below budget. However the staff professional expense budget is nearly depleted. The Give Away the Plate account will be examined to see why there is a negative balance there.

AVOM: #1 (Transitioning to our new home) – Project Phoenix Listening Circles will be held on Nov. 12th. #2 (Taking steps to welcome diversity) – The UUCA Survey controversy report is finished and will be put on the website. There are multiple ARAOMC training opportunities Oct. 20-22 at the ARE conference hosted by UUCA.

The POCI Caucus has been put on hold “until it can emerge in a way that feels more organic and respectful towards POCI participants at UUCA”. UUCA will not charge The Pride School rent for the remainder of its time at UUCA. The school is struggling and we are trying to support them. #3 (Build and strengthen community) – The Weekly Update is being adjusted to two formats: a user friendly weekly calendar and InCommunity, a weekly communication with messages from ministers, stories of the congregation and its growth and effect on our world.

Rev. Makar asked for Board feedback on the idea of moving to one service for the remainder of our time at the Cliff Valley address. This is not the first time this has been suggested. Concern was expressed about coffee hour. Suggestion was made to have more time between service and RE and have coffee friendly classrooms. Concern that people who come at 9AM may want quiet time. That could be made available. Rev. Makar thinks the time is right and that community increases when we're all together. It was suggested that Jan. 6th would be a good start date for a new 10AM service.

Project Phoenix

Dave Spierman and DeAnn Peterson presented the current status of Project Phoenix. There was much discussion about the LOI's (letters of intent) sent to the three facilities discussed at the last Project Phoenix Q&A – two Baptist churches and the Kensington Office Park. A Motion was made to sign the LOI and begin negotiations with the Kensington property. A letter from Erin will be going out to the congregation to inform everyone.

Review Budget

The board reviewed the 2018 budget. Staff were given a 2.2% cost of living increase across the board. Three staff position salaries were increased to move them closer to the UUA's midpoint. Professional education expenses will be assigned to particular staff positions. Three position salaries (Director of Development, Intern minister and Social Justice Coordinator) are offset by grants, donations or Growth Initiative funds. Full payment of UUA dues is in the budget.

If UUCA has to rent a space (if a permanent home is not found) we would have a shortfall of about $400,000. We will also be losing $32000 in rent because of moving. Jane Price agreed to create an alternative budget ,with no lease costs, for the board at the December meeting.

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Board Scheduled Work

Erin reviewed work the board needs to accomplish. This includes assessment of the Executive's performance, review of bylaws and policies with respect to ARAOMC, review of the proposed 8th Principle, delegate selection and reviewing and/or revising the congregational covenant. It was suggested that perhaps the new ARAOMC team could take on the 8th Principle and the Covenant.

Erin noted that the agenda for this meeting included discussion of an archivist position. This will take place on line.


Carol Ann shared process observations of the meeting.

Mike extinguished the chalice with words by Tony Bushman and Bill Hamilton-Holway.

The meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting: Nov. 21, 2017

Host: Jon Johnson

Observer: Dave Spierman

Opening and closing words: Christian