Year 9 Integrated AssignmentBangkokPatanaSchool

Buckler's Coaches


Buckler's Coaches was founded in 1991 by Jenny's father. Roger Buckler. when he retired from the army. For much of its business the firm relies on several long-term contracts with local firms and schools. The company owns and operates a fleet of nine coaches, all of which were purchased second-hand and are at least twelve years old.

When Jenny's father died in 2001, she took over the business. After consulting with her bank. she has decided to purchase a new, modem luxury coach to start offering all-inclusive holiday breaks in the West Country, using hotel accommodation run by a friend at the Regent Hotel, Ilfracombe. Until she is certain this new venture will be successful, Jenny has decided not to employ a new driver and she will drive the coach and act as tour guide.

You work for Jenny as her personal assistant. She has been out of the office over the past two to three weeks, making the necessary arrangements for the first trip which is planned to start on Monday 6 September.

Task 1 - Article

Recall the file TASK1 and amend it as shown, correcting any errors. Proofread your work and save it to disk under the file name ARTICLE. Print a hard copy.

Year 9 Integrated AssignmentBangkokPatanaSchool

Task 1 - continued

Task 2 - Menu

Prepare a copy of the following menu from the information given. Use the centred style of presentation and divide up the different courses with appropriate symbols. Use the facilities of your computer package to enhance your work. Save your work to disk using the file name MENU. Print a hard copy of your work
Task 3 - Database and Memorandum

Recall the file TASK3 which is a database of hotels in the Devon area.

(a) Interrogate the file to obtain an alphabetical list of hotels in Ilfracombe which have more than 60 bedrooms. Save the list to disk using the file name LIST and print a hard copy

(b) Examine the records in the database and then prepare a word processed memorandum for the attention of your employer.

Your memorandum should include the following points.

  • In your opinion, there is insufficient information held in the database. Suggest two additional fields which could be added to the database to provide your employer with more information. Justify your choices.
  • Suggest three ways in which your employer could contact the hotels selected in (a) other than by writing a letter. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods of communication.
  • Giving reasons for your choice, select one of the three methods of communication you have suggested, and explain how you feel it would be most suitable for your employer's needs.

(c) Print a hard copy of your memorandum.

Task 4 - Spreadsheet, Pie Chart and Text

Your employer, Jenny Buckler. has asked you to complete the following tasks

(a) Set up a spreadsheet to record the information given in the table below. This shows details of the daily cost of the holiday at the Regent Hotel in Ilfracombe.

Costs per person for the holiday at the Regent Hotel. Ilfracombe

Cost for
1 night / Cost for
5 nights / Cost for
7 nights / Cost for
10 nights / 10%
Discount / Discounted
Coach hire / ₤10
Room charge / ₤15
Breakfast / ₤4.95
Dinner / ₤10.95
Other costs / ₤1.25
Total cost

(b) Insert formulae to calculate the cost of each item for 5, 7 and 10 nights.

(c) Insert formulae to calculate the total cost for each column.

(d) Insert the formula to calculate

(i)the 10 per cent discount on the total cost for 10 nights;

(ii)the discounted cost.

(e) Print one copy of the spreadsheet showing the totals inserted and a second copy showing the formulae you have used. Save the spreadsheet to disk using the file name NIGHTS.

(f) Create a pie chart showing a breakdown of the costs for one night. Give the chart an appropriate title and either label the segments of the chart or include a key. Print a copy of the completed chart and then save the chart to disk.

(g) Word process a short paragraph of text giving reasons why a pie chart provides a better method of displaying information for the data in (e) than any other form of graphical representation.

(h) Insert the pie chart created in (f) and then print a copy of the paragraph of text and pie chart on one piece of paper.

Year 9 Integrated AssignmentBangkokPatanaSchool

Task 5 - Restructuring of Article

Recall the file ARTICLE which you saved to disk at the end of Task 1 and amend it in the following way.

(a) Delete the heading `Discover Devon's Most Idyllic Retreat' and increase the font size of the remaining heading to 20 point.

(b) Delete the fourth and fifth paragraphs.

(c) Correctly insert the following as the third paragraph and justify the whole document.

The Regent is a family-run Victorian hotel in its own grounds overlooking the coast and harbour. All rooms have private bathroom facilities, colour TV, radio, telephone and tea/coffee making facilities. The hotel is centrally heated throughout and there is a lift to all floors. Each evening a gourmet dinner with coffee is served in the Old Quay restaurant and there is always a choice of five main courses including a vegetarian dish. Full English breakfast is also served every day from 7.00 am until 10.00 am. The hotel's entertainment programme caters for all tastes and includes dance music of all kinds - ballroom. sequence and disco - as well as a twice-weekly cabaret, quizzes and bingo sessions.

(d) Select and insert an appropriate clipart image to illustrate the article. Print a copy of the amended article. Save it to disk using the file name AMEND.

Task 6 - Letter Composition

The following letter has been received at the offices of Buckler's Coaches and your employer has asked you to compose a suitable reply using the notes given below and the information in Task 1. Recall the file TASK6 which is a letter heading and prepare the response which will be signed by your employer on her return. Date the letter for next Monday. Print a copy of your letter and save your work to disk using the file name LETTER.

17 Reigate StreetWeston-super-Mare

Somerset BS23 6HF

15 May 1999 Dear Sir

Further to your recent advertisement in the Weston Mercury, I would like to book two tickets for the 5-day luxury coach trip to Ilfracombe on either 6 or 20 September and enclose a deposit of £50.

Would you please confirm the name of the hotel in which we will be staying, the approximate time of arrival and whether we will need to check out on the Friday in the morning or the afternoon.

My partner and I are particularly interested in visiting Lynmouth during our stay. I should be grateful if you would let us have full details of any excursions which will include a visit to this town.

Year 9 Integrated AssignmentBangkokPatanaSchool

I look forward to receiving confirmation of our departure date together with a receipt for our deposit.

Year 9 Integrated AssignmentBangkokPatanaSchool

Yours faithfully

Year 9 Integrated AssignmentBangkokPatanaSchool

Year 9 Integrated AssignmentBangkokPatanaSchool

Hannah Smerczak

Year 9 Integrated AssignmentBangkokPatanaSchool

Task 7 Web page

Create a four page web site that Bucklers Coach Trips can use on the Internet to advertise their company and it’s services.

This should be designed like this;

Home page – With suitable logo and banner. Use your design skills to create an appropriate page with hyperlinks to the three other pages:

Page 2 List some of the day trips that Bucklers supply. Itineraries, maps and suitable pictures of the destinations

Page 3 Show some of the different types of buses that Bucklers have and describe them according to amenities, sizes etc

Page 4 Price list and an application form for a customer to apply for a trip

Be sure to include sufficient information for prospective customers to reply eg email address, fax, postal address telephone etc

Year 9 Integrated AssignmentBangkokPatanaSchool

Task 8 Presentation

  • Prepare a Powerpoint presentation to be continually displayed in the reception area of Bucklers Coach Trips. Prepare 4 slides on a continual loop.
  • Your slides should have a pale green background and your name and today’s date in 8pt black sans serif text in the bottom left hand corner
  • Ensure the timing enables the audience to take in the information and maintain a consistent house style throughout the presentation.
  • Ensure you use the following styles throughout your presentation:

Heading: / Dark green, centred, 36pt sans serif font
Bulleted list / Bright blue, left aligned, 20 pt serif font
Sub-bulleted list / Bright blue, left aligned, 16pt serif font, different style of bullet
  • On the first slide include the following:
  • The heading Bucklers Coach Trips.
  • Import the Logo you have designed and make it fill the bottom left quarter of the slide
  • Insert a box / border around the image
  • On the second slide include the following:
  • Our Excursions as a heading in the same style as the first page
  • Add a bulleted list of 6 separate excursions list to the left side of the slide:
  • Each bulleted item should appear one at a time.
  • On the third slide include the following:
  • The number of our customers is growing as a heading in the same style as the first slide
  • Create a chart filling the right hand side of the slide from the following data:

Year / Customers
1999 / 367
2000 / 478
2001 / 982
  • Enter the following bullet points on the left hand side of the slide:
  • We started in 1991 with less than 20 clients!
  • In 1999 we purchased ten new luxury coaches.
  • We are growing faster than our competitors!
  • Use the same transitional effect between slides
  • Use one animation effect on the title of all slides
  • Save the presentation with a new filename.
  • Print the presentation as four slides per page
  • Print the presentation one page per slide.