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Weetwood Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Minutes of the PTA meeting held on 22nd May 2017

Present: Lauren Rippin (Chair), Alice Willis (Y2), Pilar Sanchez Miñarro (Y3), Sarah Lockhart (Y2), Lynsey Fielden (Y6), Kirsty Curwen (Y5), Sophia Harris (Y2), Annalise Pike (Y6)

Apologies: Jon Iglesias (Head teacher), Darren Clarkson

1.  Feedback from Cinema Night ( 5th May)

General feedback confirmed this was a successful event and one which we should repeat in future. The recently purchased glass storage was brilliant, as was the ready-made popcorn.

Points to note for future:

-  one large bag of ready made popcorn was sufficient for the numbers in attendance

-  Wine prices need to be reviewed to maintain the expected return on investment.

2.  Summer Fair

Date – Sunday 2 July 2017, 12 noon – 2pm

Members reviewed plans for the summer fair from the previous meeting and discussed further attractions. Activities were allocated to each year group and an activity for teachers to lead on. Class representatives were asked to take planning forward including securing volunteers, as follows:

Reception - Games (hook a duck, lucky dip etc)

Year 1 - Obstacle Course

Year 2 - Tombola and Nearly New Stall

Year 3 - BBQ

Year 4 - Entrance (£1 adults, children free) and Bucket

Collection Raffle

Year 5 - Climbing Tower

Year 6 - Bar (Pimms, Beer and Juice and Ice Lollies

Teachers - Splat the Teacher (wet sponge game)

a)  External Contributions

Entertainment on the day will be provided by local activity group demonstrations from Headingley Ballet School and Premier Martial Arts.

The climbing tower will be provided by Carnegie Great Outdoors for a fee of £275. Members agreed to spending money on this attraction at a previous meeting. Children may participate in a climb from age 5 and approximately 70 climbs will be possible in 2 hours. A nominal charge of £2 will be made and year 5 volunteers will manage the queue for this activity while staff from Carnegie Great Outdoors manage the climbs.

There will be a small number of external stall holders who are asked to make a £10 donation for their table. One of these includes a cake stall and therefore we will not be asking for donations of cake this year.

Staff from David Lloyd will attend and organise games with younger children and there will be a guest appearance by Ronnie the Rhino.

b)  Additional Summer Fair Suggestions:

·  Plant stall - appeal to go out for donations and Vicky Casey (Yr 1 representative will be asked to lead on this)

·  Music - Annalise, Lindsay and Alice agreed to follow this up.

·  Face Painting – Shakira to follow up.

·  ‘Summer’ themed Art Competition – Lauren to follow up with Mr Iglasias. Kirsty agreed to source prizes if this goes ahead.

·  Fire Engine – Lauren agreed to follow up arrangements for a visit from the Fire Brigade.

·  Treasure Hunt Stamp – Lauren to organise stamps for each stall and prize for collecting all stamps.

Two requests were made for stalls raising funds for other causes, one from year 6 for their leavers party fund and one from a local scout group (sweets stall). Members agreed to both providing they were not duplicating stalls already on offer.

c)  Advertising

A poster to advertise the summer fair and a map showing the layout on the day were agreed. The date and time would also appear in the school newsletter.

(Update – Thryth has produced a fabulous poster and the map will follow)

d)  Other items

A licence for the bar would be required. Thryth agreed to submit an application for this to the council.

A request for donations for the nearly new stall and tombola needs to go to parents a couple of weeks prior to the event. Year 2 reps to advise on what they need to share with other reps and Mr Iglesias for inclusion in school newsletter.

3.  Den Building

The Chair confirmed the Den Building event would take place on 7th June, this is a whole school event funded by PTA.

4.  Gazebo

Members discussed and agreed that a new gazebo would be purchased to replace the tired and worn out gazebo which had served its time.

5.  AOB
