Welcome to Regents Algebra with Mr. Corcoran and Ms. Napierski

Regents Algebra is the first year of the high school math program preparing students for the New York State Integrated Algebra Regents Examination. Passing this exam is a requirement for graduating from high school. The topics we will cover this year include solving equations and inequalities, functions, linear functions, systems of equations, exponents, polynomials, factoring, probability, coordinate geometry, and spatial shapes. Below are some things you need to do in order to be successful in this course:

1.  Get all of your supplies.

ü  1 3-ring binder (1 ½ inch is fine)

ü  3 dividers with tabs

ü  a package of college-ruled notebook paper

ü  1 box Kleenex

ü  4 AAA batteries

ü  1 TI- 83 PLUS or TI – 84 PLUS graphing calculator **

**You will be provided with a calculator for in-class use, but many

homework assignments will require the use of this technology.

2.  Organize your notebook in the following manner:

ü  Divider #1 Notes/HW

*** Put notebook paper in this section***

ü  Divider #2 Tests & Quizzes

ü  Divider #3 Algebra Review Sheets

3.  Familiarize yourself with the grading system in this class…

ü  Tests

·  given at the end of each unit to assess understanding of unit concepts

ü  Quizzes

·  several given during each unit to assess understanding of a concept or possibly a

few concepts

ü  Homework

·  assigned regularly

·  some assignments are checked for completion while others will be collected and

graded on accuracy

ü  Participation

·  be prepared for class

·  take notes and keep them organized as they will be checked periodically

·  good attendance is necessary for learning

Grading will be done on a total points basis. You simply find the percent of how many total points you earned out of the total points you could have earned. For example if you earned 345 points out of a total of 468 then your average would be 345/468 = 74%

4.  Attendance Policy

Punctual attendance is expected and monitored. You are expected to be in your seat when the bell rings and ready to start class with all materials. If you are late for class you must have a pass. If you are absent from class, you will be responsible for picking up missed material and for completing them. Any truancies (class cuts) from class will result in a write-up, phone call home and detention. Graded work missed because of skipping will receive a zero.

5.  Homework

Failure to complete homework on a regular basis will result in a phone call home, mandatory Learning Center visitations, and/or mandatory after-school remediation with your teachers.

6.  Other Things That Come Up…

·  Music Lessons – before the bell rings copy that night’s homework assignment in your agenda and turn in the previous night’s homework to your teacher. (You should have a copy of the lesson schedule in hand when you ask to attend that lesson.)

·  Field Trips – as stated on the form, you are responsible for handing in any assignments before you go on the field trip – you are also responsible for getting any missed assignments and completing them on time

·  Bathroom Trips – emergencies only!

·  No Food/Drink in class – Water only

7.  Make a regular habit of visiting your teachers or the Learning Center if you are struggling.

Everybody struggles at sone point- don’t be afraid to ask for help!

8.  Please take advantage of e-mail to ask questions about homework, reminders, etc.

This is a great form of communication and often leads to the quickest responses from us !



We are looking forward to a great school year with you!


Please sign and return this part of the syllabus by Friday !

Student Name (printed) ______

Student Signature ______

Parent Name(printed) ______

Parent Signature______