Analysis of Student Work (ASW) Process Timeline
ASW is an evidence collection process to populate Standard 6 for educators teaching in grades/subjects where there is no End of Grade (EOG) assessment, End of Course (EOC) assessment, NC Final Exam, Career Technical Education (CTE) assessment, or K-3 Checkpoint. Beginning in the school year, 2014-2015, it will be used for:
- Arts Education
- Healthful Living
- World Languages
- Advanced Placement
- International Baccalaureate
Teaching Context: Confirm Schedule: August 25 – Late Sept.
DPI pulls schedule information for all teachers from PowerSchool. Teachers confirm and correct schedules. Principals confirm schedules.
Class Selection: Mid October
ASW Online Platform selects 5 classes.
Note: Teachers who are on a semester or 4x4 schedule will have classes selected for 1st semester. Classes for 2nd semester will be selected prior to 2nd semester.
Objective Selection: Mid-late October
Teacherchooses 5 objectives from the NC Essential Standards, 1 per each selected class. Requirements vary depending on content area and will be clarified in the Strands & Standards Guidance Charts.
Note: AP and IB teachers select from AP Central and the IB Online Curriculum Centre. AP/ IB teachers will select one objective for each class using ASW process per participation guidelines outlined by DPI.
Note: Teachers who are on a semester schedule will select for their first semester classes. After their second semester classes are selected by the platform, they will select their remaining objectives.
Timelapse Artifacts: Late October - early Jan
Each Timelapse Artifact consists of student work gathered at two different points in time. Teachers will compile student work based on their decision to collect whole class or individual student samples. Collection methods can be determined by the teacher, but must result in a digital sample for uploading to the platform. Teachers must be able to determine where a student or group of students are in relation to the objective and when both points in time are collected, show growth between the two points.
Note: Teachers on a semester schedule will finish collecting 1st semester work samples by the end of December and will upload their artifacts to the Online Platform. Then, they will repeat the class selection and objective choosing processes for 2nd semester classes.
Denotes Principal Involvement
Student Selection: Early Jan and/or Late May-early June
Platform will select three students for each class where teachers made the decision to collect individual student samples.
Upload Evidence Collection: Jan and /or Early May/June
An ASW evidence collection is comprised of 5 Timelapse Artifacts, which are based on the 5 classes selected by the online platform, along with 5 objectives chosen by the teacher using the Strands & Standards Guidance Charts.
Teachers will upload student artifacts and submit completed Evidence Collections to the Online Platform.Teachers will include narrative context for each Timelapse Artifact including information on the frequency and duration of their classes, and how the evidence demonstrates growth in the classroom.
Note: Teachers with semester courses will do this in December and in early May/June.
Blind Review: Summer 2015
Two trained content area specialists complete the review process for the 5 timelapse artifacts.If they agree, the teacher will receive a rating of Exceeds Expected Growth, Meets Expected Growth, or Does Not Meet Expected Growth. If they disagree, the artifacts will be sent to a third reviewer who will align with one of the first two reviewers.
Receive Rating: Fall 2015
Teachers receive their Standard 6 rating for 2014-2015.
Each artifact is evaluated individually and the 5 scores combined to determine overall rating: does not meet, meets, or exceeds expected growth.
Status is determined using 3 years of growth data, so teachers using the ASW process will receive their first Status (Highly Effective, Effective, or In Need of Improvement) that includes ratings from Standards 1 – 6 in Fall 2017. For educators implementing the ASW process in 2014-2015, growth will be calculated using the best two of three years data.
Guidelines to determine participation:
High School
Educators teaching high school credit courses* in AP, Arts Education, Healthful Living, IB, and World Languages, fall
into two categories:
1. If 60% of an educator’s classes are in ASW subject areas, then the educator must participate in both ASW
and any other Standard 6 measure covering the remaining classes.
2. If 60% of an educator’s classes can be covered by an existing measure of student learning, then the teacher is
not required to participate in ASW.
Educators teaching K-8 courses in Arts Education, Healthful Living, IB, and World Languages fall into two categories:
1. Educators who have 45 minutes per week scheduled with students in these content areas are required to
participate in ASW.
2. Educators who do not have 45 minutes per week scheduled with students in these content areas are not
required to participate in ASW.
For educators who do not meet the requirements to participate in the ASW Process, the district may choose to opt in to the ASW Process for those educators. The decision to opt in for a group of educators must be a district-wide decision.