Registration for “2018 Summer Adventures” Program
at Little Acorns Preschool
Child’s Name:(Last)______(First)______M____ F______
Date of Birth: ______Nickname:______
Age as of August 31, 2018 ______Does your child speak English? Yes____ No____
Child lives with: Mother/Father/Both/Other (Please circle) Primary Email:______
Address:______City & Zip:______
Parent Name:______Parent Name:______
Parent Cell #1:______Parent Cell#2:______
House Phone:______
If your child has any special needs, please explain:______
Current/Prior School: ______
Please select the weeks and times your child will attend:
(pick between Option 1 or 2 each week)
Option 1 Option2 (children bring a lunch from home)
______Week 1 May 29th-June 1st (9-12 T-F) ______Week 1 May 29th-June1st (9-1pm T-Th; 9-12 Fri)
(Fairy Tale Fun) $80.00 $85.00
______Week 2 June 4th- 8th (9-12 M-F) ______Week 2 June 4th- 8th (9-1pm M-Th; 9-12 Fri)
(A Bug’s Life) $100.00 $105.00
______Week 3 June11th-15th (9-12 M-F) ______Week 3 June 11th-15th (9-1pm M-Th; 9-12 Fri)
(Outer Space Adventures) $100.00 $105.00
______Week 4 June 18th-22nd (9-12 M-F) ______Week 4 June 18th-22nd (9-1pm M-Th; 9-12 Fri)
(Kids in the Kitchen) $100.00 $105.00
_____ Week 5 June 25th-June 29th (9-12 M-F) ______Week 5 June 25th-June 29th (9-1pm M-Th; 9-12 Fri)
(Rumble in the Jungle) $100.00 $105.00
**Note that week 1 of camp is a 4 day week due to Memorial Day, hence the adjusted fee.
Payment Schedule:
Payment for your child’s first week of camp due with this registration form. The fee in NON-REFUNDABLE
· Balance for remaining weeks due by May31st
Occupation:______Name of Workplace:______
Phone Number of Workplace:______
Occupation:______Name of Workplace:______
Phone Number of Workplace:______
If the parents are divorced or separated, what is the custody arrangement for the child?
Is there a language other than English spoken in the home and to what extent?
What else would you like the staff to know about your child? (add separate sheet if needed)
Parent Signature and Date
First Week Payment Received on ______Check Number ______