Grand River Technical School (GRTS)
Discussion Points Regarding Embedded Credit
Nancy Burtch, GRTS Tech Math Instructor, and Debby Peery, GRTS Counselor, have shared the following comments regarding Embedded Credit:
Debby Peery, Counselor—Discussion Points/Comments:
How many Embedded Credit offerings are available? (Students may earn 1/2 credit unit per year in both English and math.)
When Credit is Awarded? (Credit is awarded at the end of each year)
Title of Course (Technical Math, Technical English)
Delivery of Content—Pull-out or embedded/integrated (Students are not pulled out of technical classes on a regular basis. If a student has a question, they may meet with the instructor when they arrive to school. Occasionally, the instructor will schedule meetings to discuss assignments with all students.)
Pros/Cons (Because we don't pull students out of class, they do not miss out on valuable classroom and shop experiences. The con is that students who enroll in the program aren't always self motivated to complete the work on their own. Some schools have scheduled an hour back at their home school to work on the assignments and those students tend to be more successful in the program. We find that some of the students enrolled do so because they have not been successful in previous English and/or math classes and are short on credits. These students tend to be those who aren't as motivated to get the assignments completed.)
Who oversees the program – is there a certified instructor on staff (I am typically the contact for area schools. Our certified instructors in English and math oversee the assignments and curriculum.)
Who grades the assignments? (Instructors certified in English and math)
How validated by a highly-qualified instructor (Our instructors are certified in the embedded areas; each have their master’s degrees; each has 15+ years teaching experience.)
Nancy Burtch, Tech Math Instructor—Discussion Points:
1. Structure of Offerings
a. Credits Earned
How many Embedded Credit offerings are available?
There is an Embedded Math 1 and an Embedded Math2. If both are completed 1 math credit can be earned.
b. When Credit is Awarded (each semester, yearly, end of two-years)
½ math credit is awarded if the student completes the entire year of the Embedded Math program. The ½ credit is assigned yearly at the end of the year. A student may complete Embedded Math 1 and Embedded Math 2 to gain a full math credit.
c. Title of Course
Embedded Math
2. Delivery of Content
a. Pull-out or embedded/integrated
The Embedded Math is set up as an online course.
Pros Cons
Little to no pull-out Students are often not motivated enough to complete
Everything is accessible w/internet access Little interaction with student except messages, posts
Students often get immediate feedback Hard to complete if no internet access at home
b. Who oversees the program – is there a certified instructor on staff
Certified math instructor
c. Who grades the assignments
Many are set up to be graded online, but those that are not graded by the computer are graded by the certified math instructor.
d. How validated by a highly-qualified instructor
The math instructor consults with the CTE instructors.
3. How it is Implemented
a. Who delivers the lessons
Most lessons are delivered through a powerpoint or video. Sometimes the student discovers concepts by using online manipulatives.
b. What Power Standards/Objectives are covered – cross-walked w/ standards (CLEs, Common Core, Show-Me standards, etc.)
Show-Me Standards
c. How are the lessons developed
The math instructor has made most lessons by referring to technical math books, CTE instructors, and certification and employment tests.
d. What is the standard for grading
The student must pass all units, including the final, with a 75% or better to receive credit! Assignments will be 40% of the grade and exams will be 60%.
4. What Assessments are Used
a. Standardized
Although sample questions from the COMPASS, ASVAB, and ACT are sometimes used along with sample employment test questions, no standardized test is given.
b. Common/Formative
Students must complete assignments, quizzes, and discussion posts throughout each unit.
c. Summative
Tests are given at the end of each unit and a final is also given at the end of each year.
d. Local/classroom assessment alignment w/ various Technical Skills Assessments, End of Course, COMPASS, etc.
Although sample questions from the COMPASS, ASVAB, and ACT are sometimes used along with sample employment test questions, no complete test is given.
e. Sharing of Lesson Plans/Templates
I will gladly share anything and would like to look at what others are using. I know most of the material I am using has LOTS of room for improvement and the online portion is not completely finished for all CTE areas.
GRTS Tech Math Moodle site is Use ec01 or ec02 as usernames and Grts2011! as a password (both are case sensitive). Scroll down to the bottom and access Embedded Applied Math (Guest) copy 1. I will try to remember to shut off some of the dates so everything can be accessed. If problems are experienced, contact Nancy Burtch via email: .