Recruitment Resource Plan (RRP)

DatePlan Developed / 1-Oct-14 / Investigator: / Dr. Jones
Sponsor / CRO: / NAME / Coordinator: / Name
Protocol # / Title:

Anticipated Recruitment Funnel and Projections:

From the recruitment funnel analysis worksheet

Total Expected # of Patients to Be Identified / Total Expected # of Patients to Be Consented (Enrolled) / Total Expected # of Patients to Be Randomized / Projected # of Months to Enroll / Projected # of Patients to Identify /Pre-Screen Per Month / Projected # of Patients to Consent (Enroll) Per Month / Projected # of Patients to Randomize Per Month
113 / 15 / 10 / 12 / 9 / 1.2 / .8

Activities for Finding the Patients (“Filling the Funnel”)

Patient Sources:

Site Will Target the Following Sources of Patients (check all that apply):
 / Investigator’s Database / Clinic Patients / ☐ / Patient Advocacy Groups
 / Referrals from Primary Care Physicians / GPs / ☐ / Other:
☐ / Referrals from other Healthcare Professionals / ☐ / Other:
 / Referrals from Patient Advocacy Groups / ☐ / Other:
☐ / Community Events / Health Fairs / ☐ / Other:

Recruitment Tactics

Site Will Focus on the Following Primary Tactics (check all that apply):
 / Database / Chart Review (every 2 weeks) / ☐ / Traditional Advertising (Print, TV, Radio)
 / Letters / Emails to Referring Colleagues / ☐ / Social Media Advertising (search engine optimization, website banner ads, facebook, etc.)
☐ / Educational Session with Colleagues (e.g., lunch and learns, grand rounds) / ☐ / Transportation advertising (e.g., billboard, subway or bus)
 / Advocacy group newsletter postings / mailings /  / Advocacy group educational events / support group activities
☐ / Other: / ☐ / Other:
☐ / Other: / ☐ / Other:

Preliminary Materials, Resources and BudgetRequests

(Materials that will be (or are likely being)provided by the sponsor or Patient Recruitment Organization are noted in grayed out rows and only supplies are noted; for site-oriented activities the preliminary budget is included)

Materials / Resources Needed / Quantity / Estimated Costs
PowerPoint Presentation about study / 1 / $0.00
Pocket Inclusion / Exclusion cards / 20 / $0.00
Study Brochures (Patient Pamphlets) -English / 200 / $0.00
Study Brochures (Patient Pamphlets) –Spanish / 200 / $0.00
Part –time research assistant to conduct chart reviews / 4 hours / week X 10 weeks @$50.00/hour / $2000.00
Banner Ad for site website (development costs) / 1 upload / $100.00
Subway Ad Development and Printing / 4 / $2500.00
Planned Total Recruitment Budget / $4,600.00

Past Performance Metrics on Prior Trials / Notes:

In a recent similar trial, subway advertising generated 350 calls of which 4 patients were consented. This yields a cost per patient enrolled of $625.00 / patient.

Recruitment Resource Plan Developed By Clinical Performance Partners, Inc. – Reproduced with Permission