Form Title : Event Report Form for Centre for Community Outreach
Form Number : FM-DSSC-CCO-018 / Rev No: 1 / Effective Date: 15-08-2016 / Page No: 1 of 1
Centre for Community Outreach (CCO)
Event Report Form
Community Project Name : RESET, a Sleep Awareness Campaign______
Date : 3 March 2016______
Time : 0930 - 1400______
Venue : MPH, UTAR Sungai Long Campus______
Number of student involved : 26______
Number of community involved : 200, Community of Bandar Sungai Long______
Description of the event:
Remarks: Please attached together at least 4 photos (Format: jpeg , tiff) of the event for each report.
Submitted by,
Name: Lim Chai Lee
Contact number: 016-2334816
Designation: Head of Department of Mass Communication
Faculty/Division/Centre/Department: Faculty of Creative Industries/Department of Mass Communication
Event Details.
Workshop titled 'Tips for a Healthier you' conducted by Ms Amy Ho, Senior Sleep Technologist, ASRCC.
Ms Amy Ho, the Senior Sleep Technologist at RESET sharing some useful tips on the topic Sleep & Wellbeing.
The Guest of Honour of RESET, Yang Berusaha Madam Wong Foong Lai, Secretary of Finance Division, Ministry of Health and Mr Au Wai Chee, Project Manager of RESET presenting the mock cheque to Ms Amy Ho from ASEAN Sleep Research and Competence Centre (ASRCC).
Event report
CCO Forms
Jan 2015
Universiti Tunku Abdul RahmanForm Title : Event Report Form for Centre for Community Outreach
Form Number : FM-DSSC-CCO-018 / Rev No: 1 / Effective Date: 15-08-2016 / Page No: 1 of 1
From left: Ho receiving a mock cheque from Wong and RESET Project Manager Au
RESET, a public health campaign organised by final year students of UTAR’s Corporate Communication programmewas held on 3 March 2016 at the Multi-purpose Hall in Sungai Long Campus.
Present for the event was Ministry of Health, Finance Division SecretaryWong Foong Lai,ASEAN Sleep Research and Competence Centre (ASRCC) Senior Sleep Technologist Amy Ho Lian Neo, Faculty of Creative Industries (FCI)Dean Dr Chin Yee Mun, FCIDepartment of Mass Communication Head Chew Wee Lee,and FCI Master of Communication programmeHead Dr Tham Jen Sern.
The aim of this event was to raise awareness and provide information on the importance of having adequate and good quality sleep in conjunction with World Sleep Day on 18 March 2016 with its slogan of ‘Good Sleep is a Reachable Dream’.
RESET started since 4 December 2015 with their pre-event activities such as fundraising bazaar, academic workshop, zumba dance performances, pyjamas publicity, T-shirt signing, andfun games to engage the public towards the event.
The Ministry of Health’s Wong said, “Sleep is indeed important to our health but is often taken for granted. Therefore, it is timely to have a campaign to raise the awareness of its importance and as a promotional effort for good health. Sleep deprivation and low quality sleep can affect our mental alertness, cause physical fatigue and may result in accidents. Sufficient sleep is part and parcel of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, this event is empowering the community to reach that goal.”
Ho from ASRCC mentioned, “The government has recognised that problems related to sleep is increasing in Malaysia and ASRCC aims to educate the public on the importance of sleep and the consequenceswhen one does not get good quality sleep.”
Tam Tam, RESET’s owl mascot
“Sleep is an important issue and many are not aware of the detrimental effects from the lack of sleep. Therefore, I am proud of our final year students’ achievement in organising this event and to raise awarenessabout the importance of sleep,” said Dr Chin.
Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being throughout our lives. By getting enough quality sleep at the right times, we protect our mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. Sleep also supports healthy growth and development due to deep sleep triggering the body to release the hormone that promotes normal growth. People who are sleep deficient are less productive at work and school.
RESET Vice Project Manager Shashfiny said, “Through RESET, my members and I were able to apply the knowledge we have learned for the past three years in reality. Besides, I have learned that pulling off a successful event also relies on the teamwork and management of skills of members whilst maintaining adequate control of the situation. ”
Event report
CCO Forms
Jan 2015