Wedding Policies
Green River Memorial Baptist Church
3441 Old Columbia Rd
Campbellsville, KY 42718
Member (270)465-6032
We have read and understand the wedding policies of Green River Memorial Baptist Church.
We agree to follow the policies if we are permitted use of the facilities. We will make every effort to insure that our wedding party and those servicing the wedding will do so likewise.
By our signatures, we understand that we are agreeing to the policies set forth in the Green River Memorial Baptist Church Wedding Manual.
Bride’s Signature Groom’s Signature
Clean-up of Church Facilities
Clean-up of church facilities is the responsibility of the paid custodial staff and no other arrangements for clean-up may be used. This includes Sanctuary, corridors, reception areas and outside walks. Custodians are not responsible for removing decorations or personal items from the dressing rooms. Dressing rooms must be cleared of clothing and personal items no later then two hours following the wedding in order to allow custodial staff access to clean. Personal items may not be stored at the church.
If you wish to use the sound system, you must make arrangements with the Pastor.
This form must be completed and given to the Pastor 30 days prior to the wedding date.
AUDIO ONLY $50.00 which includes both the rehearsal and ceremony
Minister(s) ______
Instruments ______
Vocalists ______
Indicate where instrumentalists and vocalists will perform.
Will accompaniment tapes be used? Yes () No ()
Rehearsal Dinner:
______Fellowship Hall $50.00 Custodial Fee Required
Set Up Date Requested ______Set Up Time Requested______
______Sanctuary $30.00 Custodial Fee Required
______Bridal Suite / Groom’s Room No Additional Charge
______# of Additional Rooms Needed $20.00 Each Custodial Fee
______Fellowship Hall & Kitchen $50.00 Custodial Fee Required
Set Up Date Requested ______Set Up Time Requested ______
Wedding Coordinator ______
Minister Performing Ceremony______
If the minister is someone other than the Pastor of Green River Memorial Baptist Church, indicate the church where he serves, his mailing address, and his relationship to the bride & groom.
Serving What Church______
Mailing Address______
Re1atonship to the Bride and______
Address ______
Phone (home) ______Phone (other)______
Christian Yes () No ()
Church Membership ______
Father ______
Church Membership of Father______
Mother ______
Church Membership of Mother______
270 465 6032
This form must be completed and returned to the Pastor of GRMBC before you
proceed with your wedding plans.
Wedding Date Requested ______Time______
Rehearsal Date Requested ______Time______
Address ______
Phone (home) ______Phone (other)______
Christian Yes () No ()
Church Membership ______
Father ______
Church Membership of Father______
Mother ______
Church Membership of Mother______
(Please return this form 30 days prior to your wedding date)
A Christian wedding is a worship service; the music must appropriately reflect this.
Our Minister of Music must approve all music used in the wedding ceremony.
List below the selection of music to be used during your wedding ceremony.______
270 465 6032
(A copy of these guidelines have been provided for you to give to your caterer)
. Wedding receptions may be held in the Fellowship Hall only. A kitchen adjoins the Fellowship Hall.
. The bride will indicate to our Pastor the time you need access to the building to prepare for the wedding reception or after rehearsal dinner.
. The kitchen must be left in the order in which it was found, including trash taken out to the garage at the back left side of the church parking lot.
• Use of the church’s food and supplies are prohibited. Caterers must bring in their own food and supplies.
. An additional fee will be charged if the kitchen needs excessive cleaning.
This is left to the discretion of the custodian.
. Smoking is not permitted in any of our church facilities.
. Caterers and their employees must refrain from the use of alcohol or drugs before and during the reception held at the church. Alcohol and drugs are not permitted on the premises at any time.
Green River Memorial Baptist Church
3441 Old Columbia Road
Campbellsville, Kentucky 42718
270 465 6032
It is the responsibility of the bride and groom to be certain these polices are understood and followed by the florist and their employees.
(A copy of these guidelines have been provided for you to give to your florist)
. In order to preserve the beauty of our church facilities, decorations may not be attached to the pews, furniture or walls by pinning, nailing, taping, gluing or wiring.
• Only dripless refills for Paradise candles can be used. Clear plastic sheeting must be placed under the candelabra to further protect the carpet and flooring. This is required due to possible wax spillage caused by the airflow.
. If Unity Candles are used, the floor must be covered with plastic.
* Candelabra, greenery and floral arrangements may be placed in the choir loft of the sanctuary.
* Pews may not be moved or removed from the choir loft of the sanctuary.
. The church will be happy to use flowers from weddings for the worship services where possible. The bride will discuss these plans with her florist who will discuss these plans with the custodian. Arrangements that are too large to be moved cannot be used and must be removed by the florist.
. Florists must bring step stools if needed. They may not stand on church furniture.
* Flowers, decorations and equipment must be removed immediately following
the ceremony. The facilities must be left in the same condition in which they were found.
. If the florist has questions that are not covered in this listing of policies, please
communicate these to the Pastor of GRMBC.
. Smoking is not permitted in any of our church facilities or grounds.
• Florists and their employees must refrain from the use of alcohol or drugs before
and during the ceremony, reception or rehearsal held at the church.
. Christmas Weddings: The Church Decorating Committee spends a lot of time
decorating the church for the Christmas season. Decorations are in place during
the month of December and must not be altered or moved in any way.
. A Christian wedding is a worship service: the music must appropriately reflect this.
. Our Minister of Music must approve all music used in the wedding ceremony.
Submit your request on the Wedding Music Form.
• The bride and groom may feel free to secure their own accompanists for the wedding If, however, you choose to use a Green River Memorial Baptist Church accompanist a fee of $50.00 should be paid directly to the pianist or organist. This is for the wedding and the rehearsal.
• Changes to the platform area in the Sanctuary must be approved.
Submit your request on the Building Needs Form.
Green River Memorial Baptist Church provides custodial service for weddings. Only custodial personnel employed by the church are eligible to open and close the the building and to clean the building.
The custodian will open the doors 15 minutes before the announced time of the rehearsal and remain until the building is secure after conclusion of the rehearsal. Maintenance fees are based on the expectation that you will need the facilities for a maximum of two hours. Your rehearsal must begin promptly at the time you have requested. The wedding party is expected to vacate the facilities immediately upon conclusion of the rehearsal. Significant deviation that requires building personnel to stay an extended time will require additional hourly billing charged to the bride and groom.
Weddings held in the Sanctuary:
Building Personnel will be on duty 1 1/2 hours before the announced time of the wedding and will remain until the facilities are in readiness for Sunday services and activities.
Financial obligations for custodial services should be payable to the custodian and given to the Pastor of Green River Memorial Baptist Church no later than 30 days prior to your wedding. (Check Payable to information, can be obtained from the Pastor).
Pastor’s Wedding Policies
1. Ideally, a Christian marriage performed by a pastor in the house of God is based on the mutual faith of the couple in Jesus Christ as lord and savior as spelled out in John 3. I personally have a standing policy not to perform any wedding between a believer and a nonbeliever. My basis for this policy is found in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. I do reserve the right to review each wedding on a case-by case basis and make exceptions in accordance with my theology of matrimony.
2. 1 do require at least six (6) one-hour counseling sessions be completed prior to any wedding I perform. In certain circumstances I may agree to reduce the number of sessions to not less than two, but this is again at my personal discretion. Circumstances include having completed extensive premarita1 counseling with a licensed marriage and family therapist, or other situations as I see fit.
a. Session One — Introduction and a discussion of faith and marriage.
b. Session Two — Exploring how personality differences, gender roles, and personal expectations affect a marriage.
c. Session Three — Discussing family, history and how they affect a marriage.
d. Session Four— How to communicate effectively.
e. Session Five— How to manage Finances
f. Session Six— Sex in a Christian context
3. To maintain order and ensure a smooth ceremony, please deliver the marriage certificate to the office one week in advance of the wedding. I will provide a marriage certificate after the ceremony for your personal records.
4. At the rehearsal, I do maintain the right to make changes to the ceremony as I feel as necessary. Though I will make every effort to respect the wishes of the bride,
my authority does supersede any member of the wedding party, family member, or wedding planer that may have been retained.
5. On the day of the wedding, the groom and best man shall be prepared to meet me in my study 30 minutes before the beginning of the ceremony.
All of these policies are made to ensure that your ceremony has Biblical fidelity and runs as smoothly as possible. My primary concern is to ensure that we build something that will last in this service. Thank you for inviting me into this incredible moment in your life.
By His Grace,
Bro. Jamie
It is the responsibility of the bride and groom to be certain these polices are understood and followed by all members of the wedding party and those who service the wedding (florist, caterer, photographer, etc.).
. A wedding is worship service. Members of the wedding party are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting the atmosphere of the place of worship.
. Rooms will be designated for the bride and the groom.
. NO DRUGS, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR TOBACCO ARE PERMITTED ON THE CHURCH PROPERTY AT ANY TIME. Members of the wedding party and those servicing the wedding must refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs prior to and during any activity held at the church.
No wedding rehearsal, wedding or reception will be conducted if any member of the wedding party or individual servicing the wedding is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
. Bubbles may be used outside the church building only. Confetti, birdseed, and rice are not permitted inside or outside the church building.
. Food or beverages are not permitted inside the Sanctuary, Foyer or Dressing Rooms.
They are only permitted in the Fellowship Hall.
• Replacement value of damaged or destroyed equipment or property of Green River Memorial Baptist Church before, during or after Rehearsal, Wedding or Reception will be the financial responsibility of the bride and groom. The church is not responsible for lost or stolen articles or equipment.
. The bride and groom must obtain a marriage license from the county clerk within the state of Kentucky. The marriage license should be given to the Pastor no later than one week before the wedding to allow sufficient time to prepare the wedding certificate for the ceremony.
• In order to preserve the beauty of our church facilities, decorations may not be attached to the pews, furniture, walls or floors by pins, tacks, tape, nails, glue or wire.
. For the protection of our church, dripless candles must be used in all candelabras.
. Christmas Weddings: The Church Decorating Committee spends a lot of time
decorating the church for the Christmas season. Decorations are in place during the month of December and must not be altered or moved in any way.
In order to establish a uniform and regular practice for all weddings at Green River Memorial Baptist Church the following policies are offered. Your wedding arrangements should be made through the office of the Pastor as soon as possible for:
. Placing the event on the church calendar and securing the church facility.
• Securing the Pastor or other Ministers to officiate the ceremony.
. Scheduling pre-marriage counseling sessions.
Wedding reservations should be made at least two months in advance. Please submit your reservation request through the office of the Pastor using the Wedding Reservation Form provided in this booklet. After the application is approved your wedding and rehearsal dates will be placed on the church calendar. Your wedding will be confirmed when the Pastor or an approved minister has agreed to officiate the wedding.
No dates should be announced until confirmed to you by the Pastor.