5/23/2016 2:30:00 PM - 5/23/2016 4:00:00 PM
Breaking the Mold: Building a GI Nurse Residency Program-Destination GI Lab
Hiring and training GI staff to our specialty is a challenging leadership activity. We found in recent years the Atlanta market to be somewhat "tapped out" in regard to experienced GI Lab nurses, and rather had to depend upon those relocating to our area. Our traditional model regarding hiring new graduates directly into a specialty unit was that we avoided such. We expected that they would enter the Medical Surgical Internship program, for which they would sign a 2 year contract, and following that they could request a transfer to begin training in the GI Lab. There was always the risk, however, that these nurses would not make a decision at that point to transfer to our unit. We made a decision to build our own program, training new graduates. We utilized portions of existing programs within our organization and added GI curriculum to produce our "GI endoscopy ready" RN's within a 16 month period. We have currently "graduated" 6 GI nurses in our "one of its kind" program. This session will include presentation of the tools necessary to build a successful program as well as tips to retain the talent. There will be testimonials from previous and current residents.
Objective / Content / Time Frame / Presenter / GI / Not GIIdentify the difference between an internship and a residency in nursing / I. Definition of internship
II. Definition of residency
III. Northside's story
A. Vacancy rate
B. Recruitment strategies
C. Planning
1. Finance
a. FTE's
b. Productivity
c. Budget
d. Preceptors
e. Class numbers
2. Recruitment
a. HR Screening
b. Interview panel
c. Contract
d. Generational considerations
3. Program
a. Length
b. Content
1. Med Surg
2. GI Specific
3. Didactic
4. Clinical
a. Looping
c. Program leadership
1. Dean
2. Instructors
3. Preceptors / 20 minutes / Betty McGinty
State three (3) advantages to training new graduates to a specialty / I. Increased retention rates
A. IOM recommendation
II. Improved patient outcomes
A. Decreased length of stay
III. "Growing your own talent is like growing your own vegetables...."
A. No need to break bad work habits
B. Will be tailored to the needs of the business
C. Return on Investment Tool / 10 minutes / Betty McGinty
Name two (2) tools to measure program success / I. Evaluation
A. Stakeholder Surveys
1. Residents
2. Preceptors
3. Instructors
4. Leadership
B. Turnover Rates
II. Questions (5 minutes in panel with other speaker) / 10 minutes / Betty McGinty
Discuss objectives for, and implementation of, the program / I. Program Agenda
A. Content determination
1. SGNA Core Curriculum
2. Review endoscopy procedures performed within the organization
B. Vendor participation
1. Which products to highlight?
2. Which vendors to utilize based on specialty of equipment?
3. Contact vendor for scheduling availability
a. Length of presentation
b. Location of presentation (i.e., classroom or procedure room)
c. Audio/visual equipment needs and availability
C. Speaker participation
1. physician
a. Which physician enjoys teaching?
b. Which topic do they enjoy the most or have spoken about in the past?
c. Contact the physician regarding interest and availability
1. length of presentation
2. location of presentation (i.e., classroom or procedure room)
3. audio/visual equipment needs and availability
4. agenda flexibility to accommodate last minute schedule change
d. Reminder one week prior to presentation
1. Confirmation
2. Courtesy
2. Leadership member
a. Who will present on which topic?
1. length of presentation
2. location of presentation (i.e., classroom or procedure room)
3. audio/visual equipment needs and availability
II. Program Calendar
A. Detrmine rotation throughout endoscopy locations
1. Assess optimal experience based on location
a. inpatient versus outpatient
b. type of procedures performed
c. patient acuity
B. Determine timing of permanent locations
1. Relevance to final two weeks of residency and transition to orientation of permanent location
III. Putting it all together
A. Determine timing and length of rotation through each area of each location
1. Preop
2. Procedure room
a. nurse role
b. tech role
3. HLD
5. Interventional
B. Agenda correspondence with cliical rotations
1. room availability for didactic presentations
C. Schedule other necessary classes
1. computer training
2. basic EKG interpretation
D. Accommodate and account for Med/Surg Internship didactic days
E. Leadership Communication
1. Discuss goals and objectives frequently
2. Feedback
a. resident performance
3. unexpected changes
a. preceptor call out
b. change in preceptor area within the unit / 25 minutes / Jodi Mouton
Explain the process for leading and supporting the residents / I. Pre-oriention
A. Introduction/welcome call
II. Inpatient GI rotation
A. Clinician Day
B. Meet preceptor(s)
C. Tour unit (inpatient and endoscopy lab)
D. touch base schedule
1. progress
2. goals
3. preceptor compatability
III. Endoscopy rotation
A. Welcome luncheon with endoscopy leadership
B. meet preceptors
C. tour unit (first day at each location)
1. progress
2. goals
3. preceptor compatability
IV. Graduation
A. survival kit
V. Orientation to permanent location
A. welcome celebration
B. meet preceptors
1. touch base schedule
a. progress
b. goals
c. preceptor compatability
VI. First couple of weeks of independence
A. touch base with leadership
1. ensure preceptor/leadership aware of new independence
VII Questions in panel with speakers / 25 minutes / Jodi Mouton