BUCS AGM, 14th July 2011 Appendix 1

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Keele University
9.00am Thursday15thJuly 2010.
No. / Minutes / Action / Date by
1. / Introduction
The Chairman, welcomed everyone to this year’s AGM, and thanked the University of Keele and all their staff for hosting and helping with the event.
2. / Attendance
Please see attached Appendix 1, for a full list of members who attended this AGM.
3. / Apologies for absence
Roger Finbow - Director
Chris Lightfoot – Director
Members :
4. / Minutes and Matters Arising
There being no matters arising from the minutes of the previous AGM held on 17th June 2009, the minutes were approved as a true record of proceedings.
5. / Chairs Report
The Chairman made a brief statement of the circumstances facing the sector in general. The new Coalition Government were in process of making changes and announcements, Ministerial roles had been reviewed, Regional development agencies withdrawn, and harsh levels of funding cuts intimated. A period of continuous growthwas probablynow at an end providing and there was a need to align and define activities to maximise the studentexperience.
Chief Executive Statement
The CEO stated that the Second Year of BUCS had been focused on improving Membership Service and rationalising Committee
The Advisory Group had been convened and targeted at specific projects; Alcohol policy, Conference Themes, Regional structure of BUCS, Eligibility of students for International.
Sport England had been lobbied;Applications from the sector for £10m Themed funding Round had just closed.
In addition 4 new funded posts had been supported by Sport England in respect of Sports Development and strategy.
Sports Hub project had been completed in respect of Facebook as a platform for social sport.
Research Project into more accurate measurement of sport activity being conducted through MORI.
Sheffield Championships would be continued without the support of Fastrack management services and financial support from the local region. The Staff at BUCS had been re organised and extended to provide equivalent event management services as an internal resource.
Sports Strategy review had resulted in a clarification of roles within the sports team to include Sports Events, Competitions, and Sport Development functions
Activity of the Commercial department had continued to attract further external funding from Mars and Chinese sponsors for the Summer WUGS whilst maintaining and servicing ongoing commercial arrangements. It had been considered necessary to isolate and account for commercial income under a separate trading subsidiary BUCS trading Limited.
A sponsor for the Championships in Sheffield were actively being sought.
DisabilityPost appointment had been made with Dave Padgen through joint support of Nottingham University.
International Programmefor WUCS 2010 had resulted in several medal successes. Preparations for the winter and summer WUGS 2011 were in progress under the new stewardship of Neil Rogers who had recently replaced Jo Kirk in the International Managers role
There had been a number of staff changes during the year Jo Kirk, Dave Rodgers, Alayna Carter, Andy Redfearn, Andy Smith, and Jenni Andersen have left.
New recruitments or internal promotions, including those directlyfunded by Sport England.
Include Jon Brookstein, Cai Robbins, Georgina Agnies, Chris Roberts, Sarah Gordon, Tom Gee, Alex Scotcher, Neil Rogers,
Geetha Sobinarth and Dave Padgen.
The following 12 months will be a period of consolidation, a focus on value for money and improved customer services.
The Chairman opened the meeting for comment on the CEO’s report for comment from the meeting.
There was a general vote of thanks for BUCS contribution towards securing the £10m funding from Sport England for the Sector.
There was criticism of the Disciplinary Procedures24 hour Short notice had been given for a Racism Charge.
Specifics not dealt with at meeting but KR confirmed that procedures had been reviewed and two category of procedures and timing of hearings had been set :
- ‘Standard’ matters subject to disciplinary action
- Matters which could bring the sector/competition into Disrepute
There was a view aired that the structure of the organisation did not encourage engagement; members were not ‘customers’; BUCS was failing to engage at the various different levels ranging from Students to Directors of Sport.
An open discussion followed, contrary arguments that Members needed themselves to ensure that the Executive was aware and responsive to members requirements at Sport Directors and Student
Representative Level.
Some members felt it was necessary to ensure that there was active ownership from within by the membership and interaction with the executive on this basis.
Some concerns were expressed on the July timing of the conference, and the number of absentees, the combination of AGM with conference, structure of the content of the conference to meet the requirements of the wide range of stakeholders attending.
Suggestions to hold Stakeholder forums before general advisory Group Meetings, use members enthusiasm to run workshops etc
The Chairman reported that there was a Senior staff event planned for December which would enable Directors of Sport specifically to engage with the organisation. A member survey wasplanned.
The Chairman considered that it was important to ensure that the organisation was supportive, and acted as a cohort with a single voice to face the challenges of the coming year.
6 / Ratificationof Boards Proposals for Financial Arrangement with SUS
The Chairman referred to members to detailed proposals set out in Appendix 2. The Chairman confirmed that these proposals were recommended by the Board.
The meeting duly approved the proposals unanimously.
8. / Applications for Membership
The Chairman informed the members that new applications for membership had been received and the institutions meet the current membership criteria.
It was agreed that both the following institution be accepted into membership of BUCS:-
Central School of Speech and Drama
Embassy Theatre
Eton Avenue
Swiss Cottage
9. / Financial Statements & Trustees Report
Audited Financial Statements including Trustees Reports for the year ended 31st January 2009 and 31st July 2009 were presented to the meeting for comment.
There being no questions the financial statementswere duly approved for both periods.
10. / Budget 2010-11
The Chief Executive presented the budget to the AGM for approval.
The CEO informed the AGM that an increase in total affiliation fees of 5% was sought on 2009/10 levels.
The Meeting expressed concerns that this level of increase, whilst justified in general terms of inflation etc, was out of step with the severe constraints and operating reductions being faced by the membership in the short term. Caution was also expressed that these constraints would apply to future years and contingency planning should be considered for static or reduced levels of affiliation fees.
In view of the concerns expressed the Chairman proposed a compromise allowing 2% discount if the affiliation fee was paid by 15thSeptember 2010. In view of the imminent close down of some accounts departments the meeting requested that pro forma invoices based on 2009/10 fees be raised as soon as possible as a mechanism to enable all institutions ,large and small, the opportunity to secure the bulk of the discount offered
The AGM accepted this Compromise and voted unanimously to accept the budget for 2010/11
11. / Appointment of Auditors
On the recommendation of the Board it was agreed that Baker Tilly be re-appointed auditors of BUCS for the year ended2010/11
12. / Appointment of the President
The Chairman informed the AGM that the President, John Inverdale, had agreed to carry on in the post for a further year, and sought approval from the AGM.
The AGM unanimously agreed that John Inverdale should continue as President of BUCS.
13. / Endorsement of the Returning Officer
The Chairman asked for the endorsement of the returning officer Dave Fletcher which was agreed by the AGM.
The Chairman asked the returning officer to come forward to the stage and oversee the election process.
14. / Election of the Student Officers
Dave Fletcher chaired the election process, with Jean Cook as the Deputy Returning Officer.
Outgoing Student Officers acted as tellers.
Nominations for Student Officers were :
Charlie Glyn
James Perry
Jamie Mac Donald
Colan Leung
Tomas Vincent
Following an election by secret ballot it was resolved that:-
Charlotte (Charlie) Glyn
James Perry
Jamie Mac Donald
Colan Leung
Be appointed as Student Officers for the ensuing year and that with most votes cast Charlie Glyn was elected as the Student Director.
The results of the Voting for Executive Positions were :
Quentin Sloper – Sports Programmes & International
Stuart Wade – Non-Student Executive Member Professional, Regional & SportDevelopment
Stephen Baddeley - Finance and Governance
The Chairman expressed his thanks all those involved with the smooth running of the elections.
15. / Any Other Business
16. / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 14th July 2011 at a venue and time to be advised.
17. / Close of Meeting
There being no further business the Chair thanked members for their attendance and wished everyone a fantastic year. Additional thanks were extended toSam Gillfor all her efforts as a Director at his final BUCS meeting. The Chairman closed the meeting at 4.18pm.

Appendix 1

Membership Attendance list.

University of Aberdeen Aberystwyth University

The University of Bath University of Birmingham

Bournemouth UniversityUniversity of Bradford

University of BrightonUniversity of Bristol

Brunel University, West LondonUniversity of Cambridge

Cardiff UniversityUniversity of Chichester

City University LondonCoventry University

University of CumbriaUniversity of Derby

University of DundeeDurham University

University of East LondonEdge Hill University

University of EdinburghUniversity of Exeter

University of GlasgowUniversity of Gloucestershire

Goldsmiths, University of LondonHarper Adams University College

Heriot –Watt UniversityUniversity of Hertfordshire

University of HullImperial

Imperial MedicsKeele University

Kings College LondonKingston University

Lancaster University University of Leeds

Leeds Metropolitan University (Carnegie) University of Lincoln

University of LiverpoolUniversity of London Union (ULU)

London School of EconomicsLoudon South Bank University

Loughborough University The University of Manchester

Manchester Metropolitan University Napier University

Newcastle University Glyndwr University

Northumbria University University of Nottingham

Nottingham Trent University Portsmouth University

Queen Mary University of London University of Sheffield

Sheffield Hallam University University of Southampton

Southampton Solent University The University of St. Andrews

Staffordshire University University of Stirling

University of StrathclydeUniversity of Surrey

Swansea University Swansea Metropolitan University

Teeside UniversityUniversity of the Arts, London

University of Wales, NewportUniversity of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC)

University WarwickUniversity of Wolverhampton

The University of YorkYork St. John University

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