Copper Valley Club, Inc.

Board Meeting Minutes for 2/2/2017

Board Members in Attendance: [Present, Absent,Virtual]

Shawna Baron / P / John Bate / P / Logan Brady / P / Paul Cahill / P
Wayne Eddy / A / Nicole Kaya / P / Mary Lee Kelly / A / Jeff Mahar / P
Karin Pasinski / P / Steve Prior / A / Rick Roberts / A / Steve Schneider / P
  1. Meeting Start:5:58 pm
  2. John moved to approve the Jan 19th agenda–2ndSteve– approved unanimously
  3. John moved to accept January 19thmeeting minutes– 2ndby Jeff – approved unanimously
  1. Update on past actions:
  2. Reviewed action tracker
  1. STC Discussion/Steps:
  2. Rickto provide to provide signed copy of agreement
  3. Jeff and Rick to create certificates for share holders
  4. Target is $56,000
  5. Current collected $52,000
  6. Three more checks to collect
  1. Banking and Bills:
  2. Not discussed
  1. Membership:
  2. Logan to meet with Jeff Friday February 3th to finalize Google Voice Number
  3. Jeff to finalize Marketing Brochure
  4. Karin to set new meeting for Membership Committee Meeting
  5. Goal to set action items with dates to being the Marketing Plan
  6. Tennis:
  7. Tennis Pro
  8. Talked to 12 tennis pro candidates - Narrowed down to 6
  9. Down to 2 serious contenders
  10. Plan is to have Tennis Pro under contract by 2/5/17
  11. Jeff to send draft non-compete clause to BOG for review
  12. Fund Raiser
  13. March 11th – Cardio Event planned at North Haven Health & Racquet
  14. $20 person - 3 hour – 2 hours cardio – 1 hour social
  15. $100 Deposit given to North Haven
  16. Wayne will handle sign ups
  17. Filipek Tournament
  18. Final agreement sent to Wint.
  19. Sending Tennis Pro Letter to the CVC Members discussed
  20. Decided to NOT send a letter
  21. Invite individuals to Open Board Meetings to discuss
  22. Talking Points to developed by Jeff Mahar
  23. Swim:
  24. Steve Prior is no longer swim chair – removed himself for personal reasons
  25. Swim Coach
  26. 2 candidates had concerns about hours in contract
  27. 2 candidates accepted hours as sis
  28. Prepared to make offer to preferred candidate
  29. Plan is to have Swim Coach under contract by 2/5/17
  30. Dive coach
  31. Same person as last year (free membership)
  32. Jeff to send draft non-compete clause to BOG for review
  1. Social:
  2. Nicole to complete social calendar
  3. Calendar to be loaded on the CVC Website
  4. Authorized Nicole to spend $500 Limit for Memorial day event for Opening of Club
  5. Authorized Nicole to spend $500 to reserve a Band for a future event
  1. Barter:
  2. Clay Yalof presented the Barter Business Overview to the Board
  3. CVC has a $2298.20 in barter credit
  4. CVC owes $46.50 in fees
  5. Board decided to pay this bill
  6. CVC board will discuss the topic in next meeting
  7. Option the lease out snack bar – Nicole to review
  1. Prior Bonds:
  2. John to supply Names of current Bond Members
  3. John to work with Logan on adding a Liability entries for the outstanding Bond’s in Quick Books
  4. Next Meeting:
  5. Thursday, 2/16 6:00pm at Nuzzo-Roberts Meeting Room
  1. Motion to Adjourn:
  2. At 7:50 PM Nicole moved –2ndby Steve S – Approved

Respectfully submitted

Paul Cahill, Secretary

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