
  1. Margins:left 2.5 cm; right, upper and lower 2 cm [Datei | Seite einrichten | Seitenränder]
  2. Name, class and date

a) Name and class/course in the top left-hand corner in Times New Roman, 10 pt [Format | Zeichen | Schrift | Schriftgrad].

b) The date in the top right-hand corner also in Times New Roman 10 pt.

c)Move the date with the help of the tab(ulator) keyto the right, only the last few “steps” with the help of spaces.

  1. Title

a)Arial 20 pt and centered[Format | Absatz | Ausrichtung: Zentriert].

b)12 pt space before and after the title [Format | Absatz | Abstand: Vor/Nach: 12 pt].

c)In titles the first and last word and all other words except articles, prepositions (to, at, of etc.) and conjunctions (and, but,yet etc.) are capitalized.

  1. Text

a)Times New Roman 12pt

b)1.5 line spacing [Format | Absatz | Zeilenabstand: 1,5 Zeilen bzw. Strg+5]

c)Justified [Format | Absatz | Ausrichtung: Blocksatz bzw. Strg+B].

  1. Indents

a)The first line of the first paragraph is not indented.If you like you may begin your text with a drop cap [Format | Initial | Im Text, Initialhöhe: 2]

b)The first lines of all following paragraphs are indented by 0.5 cm[Format | Absatz | Extra: Erste Zeile Um: 0,5 cm].

  1. Spaces

a)after every punctuation mark.

b)before and after ellipsis marks (“I really don’t know…”).

c)before and after a dash [Strg + minus on the numeric keypad top right-hand corner].

d) No spaces beforeany punctuation mark and e) between quotations marks and the quoted text or the following direct speech.

  1. Quotation marks and apostrophes

a)In English quotation marks are on top.

b)If possible you should use typographically correct quotation marks (“quote”) and apostrophes (Peter’s). Normally correct quotation marks are used automatically when the automatic language recognition is activated [Extras | Sprache | Sprache bestimmen | Sprache automatisch erkennen]. Otherwise you may try to highlight your text and apply a certain language manually.

c)You can insert correct quotation marks and apostrophes with the following key combinations: ALT+0147 (= “), ALT+0148 (= ”) and ALT+0146 (= ’). However it is more comfortable to create a shortcut [Einfügen | Symbol | Schriftart: Times New Roman Subset: Allgemeine Interpunktion | Tastenkombination].

  1. Spell checker:The spell checker should be activated [Extras | Optionen | Rechtschreibung und Grammatik: Rechtschreibung während der Eingabe prüfen].
  2. Hyphenation:Do a “manual” hyphenation before you print out your text to avoid ugly gaps [Extras | Sprache | Silbentrennung | Manuell].
  3. A few lines on a second page:Try to get your text onto one page with the following measures. Keep the following order:

a)Reduce the left margin to 2 cm and the upper, lower and right to 1.5cm.

b)Reduce the space before and after the title to 6pt.

c)Reduce the font size of the text to 11 pt.