FALL 2012
Dr. Rod Culbertson, Jr.
Associate Professor of Practical Theology
Syllabus for 3PT734: Preparing for Ministry: Leadership II
Reformed Theological Seminary - Charlotte
fall 2012
Rod Culbertson, Jr.
ASSOCIATE Professor Of Practical Theology
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The process and procedures for finding a specific call and entering into a ministry position will be addressed. Attention is given to personal, spiritual and professional development as a leader, development of future leaders, handling normal and extraordinary hindrances to leadership in ministry, vision casting and strategic planning, setting goals, budgeting, and overseeing the church organization.
1. The student will understand the process for finding a ministry call, including resume’ building, ministerial data compliance and presbytery exam preparation.
2. The student will understand how to apply principles of Biblical leadership to Christian ministry.
3. The student will better understand his/her personal “make up” for leadership roles and will also reevaluate his/her understanding of himself/herself (personality traits, gifts, strengths and weaknesses) and how these traits affect his or her calling to ministry and to the dynamics of ministry.
4. The student will better understand the process involved in change and the means to enact change as a leader.
5. The student will learn basic principles of conflict management and how to deal with difficult people in their church or ministry.
6. The student will learn how to assist in the development of leaders.
7. The student will hopefully learn how to be less stupid as a fledgling leader.
8. The student will learn about the role of the pastor’s wife in the life of church and ministry.
9. The student will better understand vision, mission and organizational dynamics and how to better administrate the church (or ministry) as an organization.
1. The student will gain more confidence in leading God’s people and will gain a trust in the Lord for the needs of the Christian leader.
2. The student will grow in confidence regarding his/her philosophy of ministry and how that affects the ministry.
3. The student will build convictions about how to survive in ministry.
4. The student will grow in assurance that God has designed and developed him/her for use in ministry.
5. The student will gain a deeper desire to share leadership and to therefore attempt to develop and train other leaders.
6. The student will build a deeper sense of the need for organization and administration in the ministry.
7. The student will grow in awareness of potential problems in the ministry.
1. The student will complete the following RTS requirements for graduation: Westminster Shorter Catechism memorization, the RTS Bible exam.
2. The student will complete a ministerial resume’
3. The student will complete a ministerial data form for his or her respective denomination.
4. The student will write or reevaluate his or her personal Philosophy of Ministry statement.
5. The student will review and refine his or her written Philosophy of Ministry statement.
6. The student will participate in a mock Presbytery exam.
Course Objectives Related to MDiv* Student Learning Outcomes
Course: 3PT734 Preparing for Ministry: Leadership II
Professor: Dr. Rod Culbertson
Campus: Charlotte
Date: Fall 2012
MDiv* Student Learning OutcomesIn order to measure the success of the MDiv curriculum, RTS has defined the following as the intended outcomes of the student learning process. Each course contributes to these overall outcomes. This rubric shows the contribution of this course to the MDiv outcomes.
*As the MDiv is the core degree at RTS, the MDiv rubric will be used in this syllabus. / Rubric
Ø Strong
Ø Moderate
Ø Minimal
Ø None / Mini-Justification
(oral & written) / Broadly understands and articulates knowledge, both oral and written, of essential biblical, theological, historical, and cultural/global information, including details, concepts, and frameworks. / Minimal / Course integrates some biblical concepts related to Christian leadership into the lectures
Scripture / Significant knowledge of the original meaning of Scripture. Also, the concepts for and skill to research further into the original meaning of Scripture and to apply Scripture to a variety of modern circumstances. (Includes appropriate use of original languages and hermeneutics; and integrates theological, historical, and cultural/global perspectives.) / Moderate / Principles of Leadership drawn from Scripture are integrated in an assigned paper.
Reformed Theology / Significant knowledge of Reformed theology and practice, with emphasis on the Westminster Standards. / Strong / The student will memorize the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
Sanctification / Demonstrates a love for the Triune God that aids the student’s sanctification. / Moderate / Relating Christ-likeness to leadership and ministry will be addressed.
Desire for Worldview / Burning desire to conform all of life to the Word of God. / Moderate / Practical ministry is viewed from the perspective of Scripture as a foundation
Winsomely Reformed / Embraces a winsomely Reformed ethos. (Includes an appropriate ecumenical spirit with other Christians, especially Evangelicals; a concern to present the Gospel in a God-honoring manner to non-Christians; and a truth-in-love attitude in disagreements.) / Minimal / Principles of leadership are derived from broadly evangelical sources and evaluated
Preach / Ability to preach and teach the meaning of Scripture to both heart and mind with clarity and enthusiasm. / None
Worship / Knowledgeable of historic and modern Christian-worship forms; and ability to construct and skill to lead a worship service. / None
Shepherd / Ability to shepherd the local congregation: aiding in spiritual maturity; promoting use of gifts and callings; and encouraging a concern for non-Christians, both in America and worldwide. / Moderate / Leading the congregation and vision casting are addressed at length.
Church/World / Ability to interact within a denominational context, within the broader worldwide church, and with significant public issues. / Moderate / Understanding the process and procedures for procuring a call will be strongly emphasized.
REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: (557 pages read)
1. Keating, Charles. 1984. Dealing With Difficult People. Paulist Press, 207 pp.
2. Ministry Nuts and Bolts: What They Don't Teach Pastors in Seminary by Aubrey Malphurs (Paperback - June 23, 2009), 192 pp.
3. Smartt, Kennedy, I Am Reminded: An Autobiographical Anecdotal History of the PCA, can be substituted for Ministry Nuts and Bolts: What They Don't Teach Pastors in Seminary by Aubrey Malphurs if the student so desires.
4. The Trellis and the Vine by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne, 158 pages. (Hardcover - Jan. 1, 2009)
5. Preparing for licensure and ordination exams: Syllabus, study guide (Unknown Binding) Bryan Chapell (see RTS bookstore)
1. A website which might assist you in preparing for an ordination exam. http://www.flashcardexchange.com/cards/chapell-meek-bible-ordination-exam-454428
2. Learn the WSC questions and answers by listening to them set to music. If anyone learns through music, this is a GREAT resource. Its accompanied by acoustic guitar, and very high quality: www.reformedmusic.com
3. You can find ministry opportunities on the RTS website under Resources, click Vocational Services, then View Positions: http://www.rts.edu/Site/RTSNearYou/Charlotte/Resource_files/jobs.aspx
4. PCA Book of Church Order. PCA CEP, 188 pp. (white pages only)
Available online on the PCA website: http://www.pcaac.org/bco.htm
5. See: MinistryList.com. They have a Ministry Resource list that has the RTS job placement page as a reference. There are many other ministry positions on the list that may be helpful to you. The address is http://my.gordonconwell.edu/page.aspx?pid=682
6. PCA Pastor Ed Eubanks’ Blog: Doulos Resources (provides lots of wisdom on the candidating process): http://www.doulosresources.org/transition/placement_reflections/placement_reflections.php
7. PCA Pastor Robert Sprinkle, Jr. Presbyterian Polity and Theology (Questions) http://www.cepbookstore.com/p-2343-questions-on-presbyterian-theo.aspx
1. DISC: The Personality Profile (Purchase in the RTS Bookstore)
2. Myers-Briggs Inventory (available online):
NOTE: If you have not previously done the above assessments, you are required to do them and to report the results to the professor in a simple, one page format.
1. Allender, Dan B. Leading with a Limp: Take Full Advantage of Your Most Powerful Weakness by (Paperback - Jan 15, 2008)
2. Clinton, J. Robert. 1988. The Making of a Leader. NavPress, 258 pp.
3. Dever, Mark. 2004. 9 Marks of a Healthy Church. Crossway, 266 pp.
4. Hughes, Kent and Barbara. Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome by R. Kent Hughes and Barbara Hughes (Paperback - Jan. 31, 2008), 198 pp.
5. Kik, Frank. Leadership and Church Administration Manual. RTS/Charlotte, 284 pp. (8 PDF File Downloads)
6. Maphurs, Aubrey and Mancini Will. Building Leaders: Blueprints for Developing Leadership at Every Level of Your Church , Aubrey Maphurs and Will Mancini
7. Malphurs, Aubrey. 2005. Leading Leaders. Baker, 239 pp.
8. Mattson, Ralph. 1994. Visions of Grandeur. Moody Press, 172 pp.
9. McNair, Donald J. 1999. The Practices of a Healthy Church. P& R Publishing, 242 pp.
10. Miller, Calvin. 1995. The Empowered Leader. Broadman & Holman, 206 pp.
11. Miller, C. John. 2004. The Heart of a Servant Leader. P&R, 316 pp.
12. Ogden, Greg and Meyer, Daniel. 2007 Leadership Essentials InterVarsity Press, 175 pp.
13. Piper, John. Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry by John Piper, 266 pages.
14. Pue, Carson. 2005. Mentoring Leaders. Baker Books, 262 pp.
15. Shelley, Marshall. 1985. Well- Intentioned Dragons. Bethany House, 149 pp.
1. Addington, T. J. Leading from the Sandbox.
2. Arbinger Institute. 2000. The. Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 180 pp.
3. Biehl, Bobb. 1998. 30 Days to Confident Leadership. Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 243 pp.
4. Block, Peter. 1993. Stewardship: Choosing Service over Self-Interest. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 256 pp.
5. Bridges, William Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change (Paperback)William Bridges (Author), Susan Bridges (Contributor)
6. Buckingham, Marcus. 2005. The One Thing You Need To Know About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success Free Press, 289 pp.
7. Cohen, William A. New Art of the Leader by William Alan Cohen (Paperback - May 1, 2002)
8. Cloud, Henry. 2006. Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality: How Six Essential Qualities Determine Your Success in Business. Collins, 282 pp.
9. Cohen, William. 2000. The New Art of the Leader. Prentice Hall, 296 pp.
10. Collins, James C. Good to Great.
11. Collins, James C. and Porras, Jerry I. 1997. Built To Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. Harper Business 1994, 333 pp.
12. Covey, Stephen. 1994. First Things First. Simon and Schuster, 346 pp.
13. DePree, Max. 1989. Leadership is an Art. Doubleday, 136 pp.
14. Ezell, Rick. 1995. Strengthening the Pastor’s Soul. Kregel, 107 pp.
15. Ford, Leighton. 2001. Transforming Leadership. IVPress, 293 pp.
16. Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell (Paperback - Jan. 7, 2002)
17. Goleman, Daniel; Boyatzis, Richard and McKee, Annie. 2002. Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Harvard Business School Press, 300 pp.
18. George, Bill. Authentic Leadership.
19. George, Carl. 1994. The Coming Church Revolution. Revell, 329 pp.
20. Haggai, John. 1986. Lead On! Kobrey Press, 193 pp.
21. Herrington, Jim; Bonem, Mike; Furr, James H. Leading Congregational Change. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 162 pp.
22. Kotter, John P. 1999. What Leaders Really Do. Harvard Business Review Book, 172 pp.
23. Kouzes, James M. and Posner, Barry Z. 1999. Encouraging the Heart: A Leader’s Guide to Rewarding and Recognizing Others. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 199 pp
24. McIntosh, Gary and Rima, Samuel D. Sr. 1997. Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership: The Paradox of Personal Dysfunction. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 233 pp.
25. Odgen, Greg and Meyer, Daniel. Leadership Essentials: Shaping Vision, Multiplying Influence, Defining Character by Greg Ogden and Daniel Meyer (Paperback - Dec. 30, 2007)
26. Powers, Bruce P., Editor. 1997. Church Administration Handbook. Broadman and Holman, 295 pp.
27. Prime, Derek. 1966. A Christian’s Guide to Leadership. Moody Press, 95 pp.
28. Thrall, Bill; McNicol, Bruce, and McElrath, Ken. 2000. Ascent of a Leader: How ordinary relationships develop extraordinary character and influence. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 200 pp.
29. Trent, John. 2004. Leading From Your Strengths. Broadman and Holman, 103 pp.
30. Wagner, C. Peter. 1979. Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow. Regal, 263 pp.
31. Walker, Simon P. 2007. Leading Out of Who You Are: Discovering the Secret of Undefended Leadership. Piquant Editions, 161 pp.
1. Cannada, Robert C. and W. Jack Williamson, The Historic Polity of the PCA, (Greenville, SC: A Press, 1997).
2. Kornegay, Jerry, editor, Living History of the Presbyterian Church in America, (St. Louis, MO: The PCA Historical Center, 1994).
3. Clements, Don K., The Historical Roots of the Presbyterian Church in America. Narrows, VA: Natokos Press, 2006.
4. Lucas, Sean, On Being Presbyterian. P&R, 2007
5. Richards, John Edward, The Historical Birth of the Presbyterian Church in America. (Liberty Hill, SC: The Liberty Press, 1987), 452 pp., indexed.
6. Settle, Paul G., To God All Praise and Glory: 1973 to 1998 - The First 25 Years, (Atlanta, GA: PCA Administrative Committee, 1998), 94 pp., indexed.
7. Smartt, Kennedy, I Am Reminded: An Autobiographical Anecdotal History of the PCA, 228 pp., indexed.
8. Smith, Frank Joseph, The History of the Presbyterian Church in America: Silver Anniversary Edition. (Lawrenceville, GA: Presbyterian Scholars Press, 1999), 607pp, indexed.
9. Smith, Morton, How is the Gold Become Dim http://www.amazon.com/How-Gold-Become-Dim-Lamentations/dp/B003SA9JTC/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1322691906&sr=1-1
10. Denominational Web site: http://www.pcanet.org/
I. Class attendance and discussion.
You will be expected to participate in the class discussion, especially as we interact with the lecture concepts, the textbooks and assigned reading, as well as the required papers.
II. Reading (20% of course grade)