Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Newsletter Assignment
In the lab today, you will need to research the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. You will be creating a one page newsletter on ONE topic pertaining to the conflict. I will assign you your category that you will need to write about. To begin with, you will need to do some research on the background of the current situation. You will need to visit a few websites to gather information. I generally read about the background information on a topic by visiting It is not enough to get all of your information from this source however. You will need at least one other source to support your information. Additionally, there are links within wikipedia that will take you to other sources and will allow you to research your topic more thoroughly. These are both the blue links within the text and those following the end of the passage. I have provided you with a sheet that explains to you how to create a newsletter. This exercise will get you familiar with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well with working with Microsoft Word to create documents. We have today and Wednesday in the lab so use your time wisely. If you finish early, you are to work on an extra credit assignment on the Middle East or help your peers. These are the topics that will be addressed:
1. The Geography of Israel
2. History of The Land of Israel
3. Zionism and the British Mandate
4. Independence and the first years
5. Conflicts and Peace Treaties
6. Occupied Territories
7. Foreign Relations
8. Israel’s Military
9. Israel’s Economy
10. Science and Education in Israel
11. Demographics of Israel
12. Religion in Israel
13. The History of the Palestinians
14. The Current Situation of the Palestinians
Each student will work on a different topic. When we are finished, we will have an entire newspaper on Israel and the Palestinian Conflict. You must print your paper AND email it to Please do not send it to my school email address. We will have a video on Tuesday that will discuss the conflict in Israel with a short quiz at the end. You are required to work in class on this assignment or you will get a zero. If you do not finish in class, you are required to get if completed at home. Assignments will technically be due at the end of class Wednesday. Please talk with me if you feel you cannot finish on Wednesday.