Bonjour et Bienvenue!
French 3 Honors
Madame Wasserman Room C-207 Period 3
Contact Info: (914) 669-5414 ext. 2146
Questions/comments from you or your parents are encouraged! I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible to your calls and emails.
This course is intended for students who wish to pursue their study of French beyond the Regents level in order to prepare for SUNY French or AP French. We will continue to strengthen our skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening at a more advanced level. The topics in our text will cover real-life applications of French that are intended to prepare you for future language learning beyond high school. We will also incorporate authentic materials including music, literature, and film to enhance our language skills and expand our cultural knowledge of Francophone nations. This course will be highly interactive and students will be expected to address each other and their teacher in French whenever possible.
Required Materials: Please bring these with you to each class period.
3-ring binder (or section of binder) Recommended dividers: Class Notes, Homework, Essays/Quizzes/Tests Please keep all returned items for future study and review.
Text: Discovering French Rouge, Valette and Valette, McDougal-Littell
The online version of the text is available at and is recommended for use from home, so as not to transport your book back and forth from school.
Pencils/Pens/Paper/Other Desired Materials
Recommended Material:
French/English dictionary
English Grammar for Students of French by Jacqueline Morton
Verb conjugation book (501 French Verbs by Christopher Kendris)
Topics Covered:
- Unit 6: Séjour en France. (Quizzes, Hotel Design PST, Unit Tests.)
- Unit 7: La forme et la santé. (Quizzes, Unit Tests, Essay on “En Voyage”)
- Unit 8: En ville. (Quizzes, Unit Tests, Street Performer Project)
- *Film* Entre Les Murs(Round-table graded discussion)
- Unit 9: Les relations personnelles. (Quizzes, Unit Tests, Love Story Comic Strip, Essay on Family)
- Unit 10: La vie active (Quizzes, Unit Tests)
Grading Breakdown:
Tests and Projects: 35%
Essays and Orals 30%
Quizzes: 20%
Homework: 15%
Homework Policies:
- All homework is due at the start of class on the designated day.
- Late work will only be accepted for excused absences. (See make-up policy.)
- Homework should be neat and labeled with your name, class period, and date.
Make-up Policy:
- Late/missing work will only be accepted with excused absences (as defined by your student handbook).
- The missing work is due 5 school days from the day you return to school.
- Any work that is turned in after 5 school days will not be accepted. This includes make-up tests, quizzes, and homework.
Quiz upgrade Policy:
- Any student can earn back half of the points lost on a quiz by arranging a short meeting (after school or occasionally during class) during which the student and I will review the mistakes and make corrections.
- Upgrades are for quizzes only and must be done during the half of the quarter in which the quiz was taken.
Cell phones/Electronics: Cell phones should be silenced and off your desks during class at all times. Listening to music after a test or quiz is allowed with the teacher’s permission.
Extra-Help: I am happy to provide extra help and encourage all students to take advantage of it, whenever needed.
After-school: Wednesday and Thursday in Room C-207
by Friday, September 12, 2014 for 1 HW grade
I have read and understood the Course Information Sheetfor French 3H. I agree to work to the best of my ability to achieve the objectives of this class.
Student Name (Please print): ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Date: ______