Important Information
- Thearchive address established as a result of this request is for storage purposes only.
- An archive box cannot be set up on the domain that you are currently using for your email hosting.
- The box is set up to archive sent/received emails that are journaled from your email host.
- The emails within the archive box will be archived and attached to your client records within your Redtail CRM.
- A password will not be provided for your archive address, as it will be inaccessible to users.
Please complete the email setup form providing the requested information below. Then, save the form to your desktop. Once completed and saved, click the link below to upload the form to us.Note: Click the red question mark [?]while holding down the Ctrl button on your keyboard for additional information pertaining to the respective field it accompanies.
Note:Processing will be scheduled once the form is received. Standard turnaround can fluctuate depending upon volume.
Redtail Account Holder:(First and Last Name) / CRM User Name
Contact Email Address:
Broker Dealer:
[?] Domain Name:
Note: The domain name must be different from the primary email domain (Detailed explanation below)
Why does the archive address need to be on a different domain?
The archive established is essentially an email address that has no outbound functionality. It is setup to receive copies of emails journaled to it for the sole purpose of linking them to your contact records. Due to it being a hosted email address, it must be on a separate domain, as a domain can only have one MX record. Since your email is hosted elsewhere, the MX record for your email domain must be pointed to your host’s MX record. In short, you cannot have email addresses on the same domain hosted by two different providers.
[?] Email Accounts to be journaled from your email provider:
User’s Name (First & Last Name) / Email address / User’s Name (First & Last Name) / Email addressExample: Tucker McLaughlin / / Example: Tucker McLaughlin /
1 / 11
2 / 12
3 / 13
4 / 14
5 / 15
6 / 16
7 / 17
8 / 18
9 / 19
10 / 20
[?] Users to be assigned Email Admin Viewing Permissions
All Users / This option enables Email Admin Viewing Permissions for database users.Specific Users(list Redtail CRM Usernames)
I hereby agree to conduct the present transaction by electronic means and do hereby declare that the following electronic signature constitutes my legally binding signature as if I had manually affixed it to this document:
Redtail Account Holder Signature:(Type First and Last Name) / /s/
What is Journaling?
Journaling refers to the ability to record all communications from one location to another. This is generally required by most Broker-Dealers if an outside provider hosts your email. There are two types of journaling:
Standard Journaling
This type of journaling sends a copy of the email as you would see it in a mail client.
Envelope Journaling
This type of journaling sends a copy of the email as a .eml attachment. When the user attempts to view the email within the CRM, they see only the header information and a .eml attachment. In order to view the email, the user would need to open the attachment.
Our archiving service works best with standard journaling. Not all email hosts/providerswill have the ability to utilize the standard journaling format. In this case you can still see the body of that email — it just takes an additional click of the mouse to open the .eml file.
Email Viewing Permissions:
The ability to dynamically link your email correspondence to your contact records within the Redtail CRM is a feature of Redtail’s Email Hosting Services.There are two viewing permission roles related to users and what emails the user can see. There is a role of Email Admin and then the standard role of Non-Admin. You can choose these roles within the Users to be assigned Email Admin Viewing Permissions section of this form.
Email Admin - By default only the database owner's viewing permissions are set to Email Admin. This role allows for the user to view all email correspondence that is linked to contact records within the CRM.
Non-Admin - By default all other users' viewing permissions are set to Non-Admin, which only allows the users to see the email communications that they are included on. This covers both inbound and outbound.
Billing Information:
The cost of Redtail’s Email Archiving Service is only$8 per month per mailbox set to journal into the archive that we will be hosting. Example: If you have 4 mailboxes with your office that will journal over for archiving, the cost will be $32 per month.
If you have any questions please email or call (800) 206-5030 opt. 3 then opt. 3
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) by clicking here.
Version: 4.0 / Last Update: 11.2014