NJPAGS Meeting Minutes

Saturday, April 30, 2016

General Meeting

Seton Hall

400 South Orange Ave, South Orange, NJ 07079




  1. Present: Rachel Ascione, Elisabeth Endrikat, Stacie Shivers, Dawn Gemeinhardt, Krista Dettle, Katelyn Coffey, Michelle Pievsky, Juliana Claps, Dominika Zylik, Jiwon Yoo, Marquita Carter, Victoria , Alexandra Gil, Ashley Hall-Simmonds, Chelsea Morgan
  2. Absent: Brett Bersano, Neha Mistry, Hannah Whitman, Mark Versella, Amanda Addolarato

2.Old/Ongoing Business

  1. Chair update (Rachel Ascione):
  2. Executive board meeting
  3. Allowed to call in and video conference for meetings in the future
  4. We have 112 members
  5. 67 members have lapsed (we’re waiting for them to renew)
  6. What happens to students who graduate?
  7. Welcoming students in a different way
  8. No more calling into NJPAGS meetings (with some exceptions for the executive board)
  9. Monthly MAL update (Stacie Shivers/Elisabeth Endrikat)
  10. Try to be prompt with sending updates
  11. Reminder about meetings and other important dates (Rachel Ascione)
  12. Next meeting is May 21st (Saturday), which is a phone meeting
  13. June 3rd: Internship fair at Seton Hall
  14. September meeting
  15. April Workshop Follow Up (Michelle Pievsky)
  16. Good turn-out
  17. Over a dozen students and ECPs for the student social
  18. Interest in having another social

3.New Business

  1. Spring ProgramUpdate/ Social (Michelle Pievsky)
  2. June 3rd workshop (telepsychology)
  3. Another social?
  4. Will reach out to an ECP to see if they want to organize a social afterward
  5. Internship Fair Discussion (Rachel Ascione, Internship Task Force)
  6. Date is the same as the Telepsychology workshop
  7. Panelists: still need a student who recently matched, still need one more training director
  8. We will have 4 training directors, one student who recently matched, and one student who is currently in internship
  9. We will provide food
  10. Tables where directors can provide materials/resources
  11. CRs should print out the flyer and hang it up/distribute around their schools
  12. Possible informal social afterward (at a nearby restaurant)
  13. William Patterson MAL (Elisabeth Endrikat)
  14. New CR for William Patterson- Victoria
  15. Poster Session Update (Michelle Pievsky)
  16. Site has been renovated, so we are still unsure of where it will take place
  17. Approximately 10 posters
  18. NJPA members will help with reviewing student’s posters (already have 3 members who are interested)
  19. Need a committee to review the posters (make sure they are appropriate, etc)
  20. Targeting masters, and doctoral students
  21. Great way for someone to get there name out and put this on their CV
  22. Will check on including undergraduate students participate

4.Brief Reports – as needed

  1. MAL COLA (Dominika Zylik)
  2. Meeting in March
  3. Seeking amendments on a bill which would add psychologist to the term physician and expand the term psychiatrist to treating mental health professionalincluding psychologist in more terms
  4. Integrated behavioral healthis an ambulatory care setting exempt (can be practicing without a license)
  5. Psychiatrists having 12 hours to complete documents instead of 78 hours
  6. Discussion about the listserv and the role of the committee to respond to specific posts
  7. May is mental health awareness month
  8. Trenton legislative day
  9. Looking for new legislator of the year
  10. Efforts to increase the amount of psychologists accepting Medicaid
  11. Incentives
  12. Will send out the meeting minutes
  13. Dominika will send to NJPAGS important information and posts on the listserv
  14. MAL Communications (Neha Mistry)
  15. Not present
  16. MAL Diversity (Alexandra Gil)
  17. Last meeting for Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI)
  18. Reviewed mission statement which is being rewritten
  19. Will create a video for advertisement
  20. Application with a paragraph of interest
  21. What are their procedures for accepting applicants?
  22. MAL Ethics (Ashley Hall-Simmonds)
  23. Articles for NJPA magazine—limits of confidentiality
  24. Programs, presentations, meetings will be having on positive ethics, forensic issues for non-forensic psychologists
  25. Vignetteshelpful in regards to problem-solving for psychologists
  26. Fall conference: topic presented on multi-cultural competence co-sponsored by CODI
  27. Ethics tips of the month
  28. MAL Foundation (Juliana Claps)
  29. Recent meeting
  30. Listserv no longer accepting applications for student funding for conferences this year; will open up again for 2017 applications
  31. Have grants for research projects with underserved populations in 2017
  32. Discussion about sustainability of the foundation
  33. MAL Membership (Brett Bersano)
  34. Not present; no updates
  35. MAL Programming (Michelle Pievsky)
  36. No additional updates
  37. Secretary/Treasurer (Katelyn Coffey)
  38. Internship fair: for food, we will ask for an invoice or estimate first, then request the money from NJPA (this way a student will not have to provide the money upfront)
  39. Will ask Keira if NJPAGS can open up our own account (we need a process for fundraising, we would be better about being on top of our own finances)
  40. Chair Elect (Elisabeth Endrikat)
  41. No additional updates
  42. Past Chair (Stacie Shivers)
  43. Template of survey monkey for our data analysis
  44. Will send it out to board and get feedback before sending to NJPAGS members
  45. No way to get information about past NJPAGS members
  46. Advisors (Dawn Gemeinhardt/Krista Dettle)
  47. CCs
  48. End of June
  49. Michelle will come up with a flyer for advertisement
  50. Mentor/Mentee Program
  51. Working on matching
  52. Juliana will share her surveymonkey account so we do not have to pay the fee
  53. NJPAGS Campus Representatives / APAGS CR’s for NJ Programs
  54. Chestnut Hill (Hannah Whitman)
  55. Not present, no update
  56. FDU PsyD (Chelsea Morgan)
  57. No update
  58. FDU PhD (Michelle Pievsky)
  59. No update
  60. Rutgers PhD (Mark Versella)
  61. Not present
  62. SHU PhD (Jiwon Yoo)
  63. No update
  64. Yeshiva (Amanda Addolarato)
  65. Not present
  66. Kean University (Marquita Carter)
  67. No updates

5.Other Questions/Comments?