NJPAGS Meeting Minutes
Saturday, April 30, 2016
General Meeting
Seton Hall
400 South Orange Ave, South Orange, NJ 07079
- Present: Rachel Ascione, Elisabeth Endrikat, Stacie Shivers, Dawn Gemeinhardt, Krista Dettle, Katelyn Coffey, Michelle Pievsky, Juliana Claps, Dominika Zylik, Jiwon Yoo, Marquita Carter, Victoria , Alexandra Gil, Ashley Hall-Simmonds, Chelsea Morgan
- Absent: Brett Bersano, Neha Mistry, Hannah Whitman, Mark Versella, Amanda Addolarato
2.Old/Ongoing Business
- Chair update (Rachel Ascione):
- Executive board meeting
- Allowed to call in and video conference for meetings in the future
- We have 112 members
- 67 members have lapsed (we’re waiting for them to renew)
- What happens to students who graduate?
- Welcoming students in a different way
- No more calling into NJPAGS meetings (with some exceptions for the executive board)
- Monthly MAL update (Stacie Shivers/Elisabeth Endrikat)
- Try to be prompt with sending updates
- Reminder about meetings and other important dates (Rachel Ascione)
- Next meeting is May 21st (Saturday), which is a phone meeting
- June 3rd: Internship fair at Seton Hall
- September meeting
- April Workshop Follow Up (Michelle Pievsky)
- Good turn-out
- Over a dozen students and ECPs for the student social
- Interest in having another social
3.New Business
- Spring ProgramUpdate/ Social (Michelle Pievsky)
- June 3rd workshop (telepsychology)
- Another social?
- Will reach out to an ECP to see if they want to organize a social afterward
- Internship Fair Discussion (Rachel Ascione, Internship Task Force)
- Date is the same as the Telepsychology workshop
- Panelists: still need a student who recently matched, still need one more training director
- We will have 4 training directors, one student who recently matched, and one student who is currently in internship
- We will provide food
- Tables where directors can provide materials/resources
- CRs should print out the flyer and hang it up/distribute around their schools
- Possible informal social afterward (at a nearby restaurant)
- William Patterson MAL (Elisabeth Endrikat)
- New CR for William Patterson- Victoria
- Poster Session Update (Michelle Pievsky)
- Site has been renovated, so we are still unsure of where it will take place
- Approximately 10 posters
- NJPA members will help with reviewing student’s posters (already have 3 members who are interested)
- Need a committee to review the posters (make sure they are appropriate, etc)
- Targeting masters, and doctoral students
- Great way for someone to get there name out and put this on their CV
- Will check on including undergraduate students participate
4.Brief Reports – as needed
- MAL COLA (Dominika Zylik)
- Meeting in March
- Seeking amendments on a bill which would add psychologist to the term physician and expand the term psychiatrist to treating mental health professionalincluding psychologist in more terms
- Integrated behavioral healthis an ambulatory care setting exempt (can be practicing without a license)
- Psychiatrists having 12 hours to complete documents instead of 78 hours
- Discussion about the listserv and the role of the committee to respond to specific posts
- May is mental health awareness month
- Trenton legislative day
- Looking for new legislator of the year
- Efforts to increase the amount of psychologists accepting Medicaid
- Incentives
- Will send out the meeting minutes
- Dominika will send to NJPAGS important information and posts on the listserv
- MAL Communications (Neha Mistry)
- Not present
- MAL Diversity (Alexandra Gil)
- Last meeting for Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI)
- Reviewed mission statement which is being rewritten
- Will create a video for advertisement
- Application with a paragraph of interest
- What are their procedures for accepting applicants?
- MAL Ethics (Ashley Hall-Simmonds)
- Articles for NJPA magazine—limits of confidentiality
- Programs, presentations, meetings will be having on positive ethics, forensic issues for non-forensic psychologists
- Vignetteshelpful in regards to problem-solving for psychologists
- Fall conference: topic presented on multi-cultural competence co-sponsored by CODI
- Ethics tips of the month
- MAL Foundation (Juliana Claps)
- Recent meeting
- Listserv no longer accepting applications for student funding for conferences this year; will open up again for 2017 applications
- Have grants for research projects with underserved populations in 2017
- Discussion about sustainability of the foundation
- MAL Membership (Brett Bersano)
- Not present; no updates
- MAL Programming (Michelle Pievsky)
- No additional updates
- Secretary/Treasurer (Katelyn Coffey)
- Internship fair: for food, we will ask for an invoice or estimate first, then request the money from NJPA (this way a student will not have to provide the money upfront)
- Will ask Keira if NJPAGS can open up our own account (we need a process for fundraising, we would be better about being on top of our own finances)
- Chair Elect (Elisabeth Endrikat)
- No additional updates
- Past Chair (Stacie Shivers)
- Template of survey monkey for our data analysis
- Will send it out to board and get feedback before sending to NJPAGS members
- No way to get information about past NJPAGS members
- Advisors (Dawn Gemeinhardt/Krista Dettle)
- CCs
- End of June
- Michelle will come up with a flyer for advertisement
- Mentor/Mentee Program
- Working on matching
- Juliana will share her surveymonkey account so we do not have to pay the fee
- NJPAGS Campus Representatives / APAGS CR’s for NJ Programs
- Chestnut Hill (Hannah Whitman)
- Not present, no update
- FDU PsyD (Chelsea Morgan)
- No update
- FDU PhD (Michelle Pievsky)
- No update
- Rutgers PhD (Mark Versella)
- Not present
- SHU PhD (Jiwon Yoo)
- No update
- Yeshiva (Amanda Addolarato)
- Not present
- Kean University (Marquita Carter)
- No updates
5.Other Questions/Comments?