North Syracuse Class of 1978 30 Year Reunion Meeting Minutes

Hi again everyone,

Another good meeting yesterday. Even more people from the class of 1978

came with even more great ideas for our reunion. In attendance were...

Bahadur, Dorothy (Casolare)

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Personal Information:

Phone: 315-454-8280

Brauchle, Toni (Grasso)

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Personal Information:

Phone: 315-699-7237

Caruso, Lisa (Roecker)

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Personal Information:

Phone: 585-426-0097

Joyner, Mike & Lee (sorry, I don't remember Lee's maiden fact

none of us really remembered her from high school at all!! :-)

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Personal Information:

Phone: 607-753-8420

Krueger, Howard

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Personal Information:

Phone: 315-455-6131 (work)

Loiacono, Debra (Bacon)

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Personal Information:

Phone: 315-450-2430

Santocki, Cathy (Stapleton)

E-mail Address(es):


(mailto:) (I know I have her in here

twice..she wanted people

to have her work email as well)

Personal Information:

Mobile: 315-289-3068

Stapleton-Santocki, Cathy

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Personal Information:

Mobile: 315-289-3068

VanDyke, Laurie

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Personal Information:

Phone: 315-457-8508

work 315-435-8250

Mobile: 315-372-2235

Yarmon, Fonda

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Personal Information:

Phone: 209-840-2852

Fonda came all the way from California for our meeting. (she said something about maybe going to a nieces birthday party as well since she was in town :-)

We started the meeting by reviewing the last meeting minutes. After some discussion about dates we decided upon August 15 - 17 for our reunion.

RE: Friday evening and Eagle View at GreenLakes - Cathy gave us some prices and menu options for the evening. However, after some discussion we are considering not having it there as Cathy and her husband own this restaurant and Cathy admits she would have some difficulty relaxing and enjoying herself. She would feel the need to be watching her staff and tending to business instead. We all stated we would rather see Cathy enjoying the evening instead of worrying about the event and staff. Debbie mentioned that she works at a place in Bridgeport called The Union and that she is sure the owner would be

Happy to accommodate us. She will check in to that and let us know.

RE: Saturday event - We discussed the option of a more casual event as

opposed to a dressy or formal dinner. We all decided that a casual event would be more enjoyable. Mike did contact the Spinning Wheel owner. They are open for an event that evening from 7 - 11 PM. They have facilities for a clam bake and outdoor activities. At $35.00 per person this would include food, soda and beer. *Cash bar. We also talked about going to Hinerwadles. Lisa will contact them to see if they are available at all the 16th and at what times, prices and menu options. (one thought here was that it might be better to have a daytime event outside as there tend to be a lot of mosquitos in the evening in August) Mike and Lisa will make their contacts and let us know within the next couple of days so that we can secure a venue now.

RE: Sunday family event - We'd like to secure a place with a decent

pavilion just in case it should happen to rain that day. Howard will check OneidaShores, Jamesville and Long Branch, Cathy will check with Green Lakes RE: availability and prices.

Howard will make up "business cards" about the reunion. We can all take some and hand them out to classmates we may happen to run into.

RE: a memorial to deceased classmates - Howard also has access to information about classmates who may have passed on. He will research and see what he can find out.

Lisa knows about a company called "West Side Reunion". This is a company that produces an interactive dinner theater based on our class/reunion. They would create a mystery for us to solve based on our own class/classmates. They would play 70's and 80's music throughout the evening at our venue. *No decision was made on this. We will probably revisit this at the next meeting.

RE: how to get the word out about the reunion. - Laurie made some beautiful drafts of invitations, "save the date” and RSVPs. If we go with US mail we would consider using a post card type format so as to save a little in postage costs. There was discussion about how in this day of internet and email, it may be easier and more cost effective to post messages on different websites such as _ ( and ( Mike did put an announcement on the internet through his own website about the reunion. Also we will take advantage of the free event postings on TV, newspaper and radio stations. We may be able to reach more people this way as well. Classmates have moved away and female classmates have name changes. It may be difficult to reach them all by mail. We would like to avoid an unfortunate, unintended inability in getting the word out to everyone. Certainly, some will not get the news, but we will make every effort (as the committees have done in past years) to get the word out to as many as possible.

There was discussion about door prizes for Saturday. Lisa mentioned that they were able to do this at the last reunion by soliciting donations from area businesses. We all thought this was a great idea. We will revisit this issue as well.

Cathy mentioned planting a tree on the school grounds or having some other type of memorial to the class of '78 on the property. We also talked about maybe trying to get a tour of the school at some point during the weekend. We're not too sure the school will allow a group of rowdy individuals onto school property for any reason, but we will check in to that. Again, excellent ideas to be revisited at a future meeting.

RE: inviting special teachers - some of the teachers mentioned are still in the area. Toni and Laurie mentioned they know how to get in touch with acouple of them. We will get invitations to them well before the event.

A couple of people also mentioned they had contacts with DJ services. We will discuss this at upcoming meetings. In the meantime they may check with the services to see aboutavailability.

Lisa is elected treasurer for the committee. She says she has a CD in a bank with left over money from the 20th reunion. This CD comes to maturity on March *10th. At that time she will have this money placed in a checking account for things like deposits, postage, and other expenses.

The next meeting will be held Saturday March 8th, 6PM at The Union in

Bridgeport. *Rt. 31 just past where the light is at RT 298.

If you should happen to run into classmates and can get contact information, please forward it to Laurie.

The following are the names and email addys of the other classmates who have voiced interest in the reunion and wanted to be kept up on meetings and developments. If you are getting meeting notes and other emails and you wish not to please email me and I will take your name off the list. Thanks

DelZoppo, Patti (Dittman)

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Dobrovolsky, Mary

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Masters, Cindy

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

O'Hara, Dennis

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Schuldt, King

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Shattuck, Cindy (Masters)

E-mail Address(es):



Spina-Sampson, Peggy (Dave)

E-mail Address(es):

_ (mailto:)

Below are the meeting minutes from Jan 26th just in case you did not get them the last time. I have added some email addys to my group since then.

Thank you all. See you on the 8th.


*some of the information was coming so quickly at the meeting that I'm not sure I got all the details correctly. Please forgive any mistakes or misinformation. Anyone who has differing info please feel free to correct me on these. thanks!!