Part A. Use the profiles of the Congress to help in answering the questions that follow. You may indicate the answer by listing the % or actual number that answers the question correctly.
Party AssociationMedian Age_____
Roman Catholics_____Blacks_____
Public Officials_____Educators_____
Farmers, Ranchers_____Journalists_____
- In a sentence, state at least six characteristics of a typical representative in Congress.
- List three groups of people who might have reason to question whether or not the House of Representatives adequately represents their interests.
- How does this chart illustrate the need for a representative to keep in close touch with constituents?
- Both Edward Kennedy and Jay Rockefeller are from wealthy families, yet they support social reforms to help lower classes. Why do you think these men champion causes from which they derive no direct benefit?
- What does the example in number 4 tell you about the need to elect someone of the same statistical profile as the majority in the district in order to gain good representations?
Part B. Congressmen constantly face conflicting pressures in voting. They must represent their constituents, satisfy their party, do what is best for the country as a whole and still act in a manner their conscience tells them is right. Read the following situations and then decide how you would vote if you were the congressman.
- Pretend you are a congressman from a large northern city. You are confronted with a vote on farm relief sponsored by our own party. The president is of the opposite party and opposes farm relief. Would your vote be based primarily on the wishes of your constituents, national interest, party pressures, or your conscience? Explain your vote.
- Pretend you are a congressman from a rural area. You are confronted with a vote on a defense contract for a large corporation that is planning to build a factory in your district. Your party is split on the issue. Would your vote be based primarily on the wishes of your constituents, national interests, party pressures, or your conscience? Explain your vote.
Part C. Study the chart and then consider the issue that follows.
How Representatives Spend Their Time
% of Work WeekActivityHours
25.8%Attending sessions of the House of Representatives15.3
12.1%Legislative research and reading 7.2
12.0%Committee work on legislation 7.1
12.1%Answering mail 7.2
8.6%Handling constituent problems 5.1
7.4%Visiting with constituents in Washington 4.4
5.9%Committee work outside of committee meetings 3.5
4.0%Leadership and party functions 2.4
4.6%Writing chores, speeches, magazine articles, etc. 2.7
3.9%Meeting with lobbyists and lobby groups 2.3
3.5%Working through the media 2.1
Considering the tasks a representative must complete, what are eight skills or qualities a congressman needs in order to do the job well?
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
If you could have an ideal representative for your district, what are twelve essential characteristics, qualities, or traits of that person?
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
- 10.
- 11.
- 12.