Bachelor of Physiotherapy III (Third) Year Annual Examination 2013-14
Course Code: BPT305 Paper ID: 0113130
Physical Diagnosis and Manipulative Skills
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt the questions as per instructions Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Choose the correct alternative: (1x10=10)
i) Which is not the bone of Head:
a) Frontal b) Temporal
c) Occipital d) Sternum
ii) What is Total Lung Capacity:
a) 1000 ml b) 1500 ml
c) 2000 ml d) 6000 ml
iii) Which is degenerative disease:
a) Osteoporosis b) Osteomalacia
c) Osteoarthritis d) Osteopenia
iv) Which is unit of BMI:
a) Kg/m2 b) Kg/cm2
c) Kg / mm2 d) Kg/inches2
v) Which is cranial nerve:
a) Ulnar nerve b) Femoral nerve
c) Optic nerve d) Radial Nerve
vi) Which is not a Synovial Joint:
a) Shoulder Joint b) Hip joint
c) Elbow joint d) Sacro illiac joint
vii) Which is the muscle of lower limb:
a) Biceps Brachii
b) Pectoralis major
c) Biceps femoris
d) Lattismus dorsi
viii) Which is not a vital sign:
a) A Rhabdomyoma of the Sternomastoid muscle
b) Infarction of Sternomastoid at birth
c) A Hemi cervical vertebra
d) Failure of clavicle to develop
ix) Contra Indication to S.W.D:
a) Pregnancy b) Malignancy
c) Metal Implants d) All
x) Bells Palsy is associated with:
a) Facial Nerve b) Femoral Nerve
c) Radial Nerve d) Median Nerve
2. Answer any six of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (6x5=30)
a) Tinel’s Sign
b) Name of Cranial Nerves
c) Types of obesity
d) Ashworth Scale
e) Tidal volume and vital capacity of lung
f) F wave
g) Spasticity & Its Management
h) Strength duration curve
i) Enumerate the name of carpals and tarsal bone
3. Attempt any two of the following. (2 x 15 = 30)
a) Explain the Principles, Indication, contra Indication of Mulligan mobilization. Explain the method of C-5 SNAGS.
b) Describe the Subdivisions of the Stance and swing phases of the walking gait cycle, using the Traditional terminology.
c) i) Difference between spasticity and Rigidity. Explain
with examples.
ii) Explain Types of muscle Contraction with suitable examples