Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana
PIA Name : Life Academy of Vocational Studies(LAVS)
Project Duration : 2013 - 2016
Project Area : Pottangi & Semiliguda Block, Koraput district
Introduction :
The Ministry of Rural Development (MORD)GOI vide its letter No. K-11034/81/2011/MKSP/PAC dated 28.02.2013 approved the role of Life Academy of Vocational Studies(LAVS) as PIA for implementing MKSP – a sub component of NRLM in 2 Blocks of Koraput, Odisha. The primary objective of MKSP is to empower women in agriculture by making systematic investments to enhance their participation and productivity, as also create and sustain agriculture based livelihoods of rural women. Community managed sustainable agriculture(CMSA) is the key approach and central idea of MKSP in the implementation process. The thrust area of intervention under this programme are:
Capacity Building :
As the agricultural operations are to be managed by the community. capacity building is one of the key components of MKSP. Components of capacity building includes farming systems, sustainable use of resources, effective utilization of inputs, maximizing output from a unit area etc. Massive capacity building programs are organized to build the capacities of various stakeholders.
Extension Support :
MKSP is focusing on building community best practitioners in technology transfer. They are known as Community Resource Persons(CRPs). These practicing farmers are the role models who have adopted CMSA practices successfully in their fields and improved their net incomes. They are extensively trained in all aspects of sustainable agriculture as they are to provide extension support to other farmers.
Geographical Outreach :
The program has mandate to outreach 3000 targeted households over a period of 3 years spreading over 88 villages in 2 blocks. The following table speaks in details.
Sl.No / Name of District / Name of Block / No. of GPs / No. of Villages / HHs Covered under MKSP1 / Koraput / Pottangi / 6 / 56 / 1802
2 / Koraput / Semiliguda / 4 / 32 / 1213
Total / 10 / 88 / 3015
Demographic Profile of MKSP Area :
The table below shows the demographic composition of the MKSP program location.
Sl.No / Name of Blocks / ST HHs / SC HHs / OBC HHs / Total1 / Pottangi / 1310 / 95 / 397 / 1802
2 / Semiliguda / 879 / 98 / 236 / 1213
Total / 2189 / 193 / 633 / 3015
% / 73% / 6% / 21% / 100%
Summary of Activities/Achievement :
Name of Activity / Cumulative Progress as on November’15Inception Workshop / 2 Block level inception workshops have been conducted & report submitted
Preparation of DPR / DPR has been prepared & submitted
Preparation of Baseline Report / Baseline report covering 10 % sample HHs completed and report submitted
Preparation of Technical Protocol / Technical Protocol on Sustainable Agriculture has been prepared as per the given schedule & submitted
Documentation of Value Chain / Sample survey for value chain study completed and report preparation in progress
Documentation of Livelihood Opportunity Study / Sample survey for livelihood opportunity study completed and report preparation in progress
Development of Training Module / 12 Training module in different thematic issue has been developed and submitted
Development of Audio-Visuals / 2 Audio Visuals are completed and 2 others are in progress
Profiling of Mahila Kisans / 3015 Mahila Kisans Profiled
Promotion & Strengthening of SHGs
Formation of Producers Group / 70 Producers Group formed & 3015 MKs are in Fold of PGs
Formation of GP Level Federation / 10 GP level PG Federation Formed
Capacity Building of Mahila Kisana / ----- Women Farmers trained in 304 trainings in 8 Modules in 304 days
Capacity Building of CRPs / 30 CRPs trained in 24 trainings in 8 Modules in 10 days
Capacity Building of PRPs / 30 PRPs trained in 24 trainings in 8 Modules in 10 days
Capacity Building of PG Leaders / 140 PG Leaders trained in 37 trainings in 9 Modules in 37 days
Exposure Visits Conducted for Primary Stakeholders / 12 Exposure visits conducted to immersion sites for CRP, PRP & PG/Federation leaders
Public Information Disclosure / Wall writings for Public information in 12 MKSP villages done
Input Support to Mahila Kisans / Name of Input / Nos/Qnty.
Improved Sicle / 250
Hand Hoe / 100
Weeder / 60
Sprayer / 50
Fork / 50
Vermi Compost Pits / 10
Potato Seed
Onion Seed
Crop Coverage Details / Name of Crop / No. of MKs / Acres
SRI/Line SowingPaddy / 174 / 127
Vegetables / 1206 / 988
Spices / 145 / 130
Oil Seeds / 87 / 96
Total / 1612 / 1340
Exposure Visit to Immersion Sites:
Participants / Name of Immersion Sites / No of ParticipantsCRP / Prayas Baipariguda / 30
PRP / Prayas Baipariguda / 30
PG Leaders / MSSRF, Kundura / 28
Training/Capacity Building PG Leaders:
Name of Training Module / No. of PG Leaders Trained / Total Training DaysVegitable Cultivation / 148 / 5 days
Training/Capacity Building for Mahila Kisans:
Name of Training Module / No. of Women Farmers Trained / Total Training DaysVegitable Cultivation / 338 / 10 days
Financial Progress Statement-November 2015 :
Particulars / Upto Previous Month / During the Month / Cumulative1.Fund Received from the Central Share / 9750000.00 / 0.00 / 9750000.00
2.Fund Received from the State Share / 3253330.00 / 0.00 / 3253330.00
A.Total Fund Available / 13003330.00 / 0.00 / 13003330.00
B.Expenditure / 6043527.00 / 164250.00 / 6207777.00
C.Balance Available(A-B) / 6959803.00 / 164250.00 / 6795553.00
Photographs of Promotional Activities
Trg. On Veg.Cultivation, Maliguda,Pottangi Trg. On Veg.Cultivation, Chandaka,Pottangi
Trg. On Veg.Cultivation, Chorimariput,Semiliguda Trg. On Veg.Cultivation, Kumariput,Semiliguda
Exposure visit to PRAYAS, Boipariguda Exposure Visit to Kharaguda,MSSRF,Boipariguda