Clowne Road Runners General Meeting Friday 7th of February 2014
Simon Sleney, Gareth Lowe, Louise Lowe, Jim Rust, Hilary Smith, Martin Smith, Andrea Walker, Mats Rydberg, Sharon Bache, Samantha Coleclough, Geoff JacksonAndrea Jackson, Suzanne Leusby, Malc Stapleton, Gillian Carter, Neil Innes, Ade & Angela Kirkham, Reg& KarenBestwick, Emma Mackie, Daniel Page, Paula Macpherson, Katie Taylor, Michelle Needham & Deborah Leese.
Steve Shipp, Les Banton, Dennis Learad, Lewis Banton, Brian Banton, Steve Hattersley, Dave and Julie Keeling, Graham Sheen, John Proffitt, David Leese, Gareth Lowe, David Hazleton, Paul Sadler, Jim McIntosh, Gregg Goddard, Fiona Cunliffe, SJ Massinghsm, Richard Hind, Chris Lane, John Proffitt, Andy Foster, Andy Ward, Mel Adams, Jackie Robson and Gemma Scougal.
Steve Shipp in the chair opens the meeting at 8.42 pm
Minutes handed outfrom the deferred reading of December and passed as a true record by all reading the minutes.
Minutes read from January’s meeting and said to be a true record by Gregg Goddard and Andy Foster.
Matters Arising
- Car stickers are available from David Leese
- Northern XC Simon flew the flag for CRR this year.
- National XC- 22/2 Woolaton Park. 14 running. Steve Hattersley sending out relevant information.
- XC series – 3 races finished and we are now 111 points behind so we need a big turnout from our runners here on the 16th February. Note we are running from the cricket club with bag storage, changing etc then back to the community centre for the buffet. Information will be going out for our members to park at the community centre and bring food here too. Contact Dennis or Roger if you can marshal please.
Club President – Brian Banton
Brian commented on the presentation evening being a great night full to capacity.It was good to see new and old faces present. It looks like we need to have two events now, one for the Presentation and one for a Social side with numbers increasing considerably.
The club has great results/PB’s coming through.Thank you to SteveHattersley sending the e- mails out and Andy for the training nights.A great turn out from Clowne at the XC’s, Brian thanked all of our membership taking part. Everyone is enjoying the team spirit with good food afterwards. Brian commented on the XC’s getting very competitive and not as friendly as when they first started out, this can be aired at the next XC meeting.
Half Marathon – Dennis Learad
Dennis reported that Steve Shipp had applied for licences. We have maintained the Gold Grade for the race. The racing chips are now to be sorted with John Schofield. Hopefully it will go well making a vast difference for the race results and the way forward. The cost this year is £13 and £15. SJ may beable to help with race prizes. Thank you.
Club Secretary – Steve Hattersley
There was no interest from members about the Sweden races but thank you to Mats for the information. Steve would like members to e-mail regarding any charity nomination to add to the Half Marathon donation tick box so this can be sorted within the next 2 months.
There was a charity request but the request was from a non - member so we found a way around this as this person gives a lot of time to the club with their support. Please watch the web page and e- mails.
Membership Secretary – David Leese
David was happy to announce we had reached over 100 first claim members for the first time. We have 104 altogether which includes life members. There are 5 new members this month, Adam and RussellCunliffe, Jane Aram, HelenCalendar and Martin Smith. Welcome to the club.
Club Captains Mel and Dennis
There are lots of promotions going out, with e-mails and Facebook etc. There were 12 members attending the last training session but the weather has been against us of late. Mel asked for more ladies to turn out for the XC’s please, new runners turning out which is great to see‘you do not have to be elite runners to turn up’, come along and enjoy the day.
Treasurer – Lewis Banton
Cheques from the membership are being banked.
Social - Simon Sleney– Not present but we know he is busy with ideas for this year.
Publicity – Dennis Learad
Dennis reiterated for members to send him photos and results please as he is the one who puts them in the Guardian. If anyone would like the role of Publicity Officer please come forward. Thank you, Dennis.
Grand Prix – Steve Shipp
Steve handed around the results from the last GP race the XC at Retford which was the 2nd of the GP races. Next GP race will be Handsworth on the 2nd of March. Here on the 16th of February for the next XC.
Any Other Business
- Dennis was asking for everyone’s profiles as a fun idea. Please send them to Dave Keeling, Dennis Learad or Steve Hattersley.
- Andy and Graham were aiming to measure progress of members on 5k races. This would be sorted on a percentage rating which shows better improvement for newer runners. Also don’t forget the park runs are free!! It would be great if our members could marshal an event at Rother valley this year as discussed previously.
- 30th Anniversary Event – we are to have a 30/15 mile walk run from Hathersage/Ashgate Hospice to Clowne Community Centre on the 7th of June (provisional). We are aiming to raise money for Ashgate Hospice. Brian has sorted a coach.
- John asked about marking our XC course - Mel and Dennis are turning out on the Saturday afternoon with aim of someone checking it Sunday before the race. Thank you
- SJ reiterated the university student who would like members to fill in a questionnaire on line please to be found on the web.
Steve Shipp closes the meeting at 9.36pm and the next meeting will be held on April the 4th at 7.30pm