In Technology-Connected Lesson Plan

Title: /

French Europe

Grade Levels: / Grades 9-12
Curriculum Areas: / :  French I
Measurable Objectives: / :  TLW identify the French names of European countries.
:  TLW match European countries to their appropriate names in French and to locations on a map.
:  TLW discuss cultures of other countries in Europe.
LA Content Standards: / :  FL.9-12.CM.1 - Students understand and interpret spoken and written communication in the target language on a variety of topics.
:  FL.9-12.CM.3 - Students present, through oral and written communication, information, concepts, and ideas on a variety of topics to an audience of listeners or readers with whom there is no immediate personal contact, or in a one-to-many mode.
:  FL.9-12.CL.1 - Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices (patterns of social interactions) and the perspectives (meanings, attitudes, values, ideas) of the target cultures.
Technology Standards: / 2. Technology Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Tools (Problem Solving Foundation Skill)
Students use appropriate technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.
Students employ technology for real world problem solving.
Students evaluate the technology selected, the process, and the final results through the use of informed decision-making skills.
3. Technology Productivity Tools (Resource Access and Utilization Foundation Skill)
Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
Students use productivity tools to work collaboratively in developing technology-rich, authentic, student-centered products.
6. Basic Operations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.
Students are proficient in the use of technology.
Technology Connection: / :  Computer w/Internet Access
:  SMART Board
SMART notebook software (FrenchEurope file)
Procedures: / :  The students will work to identify the name and location of European countries. They will then create a list of characteristics or descriptions of each country in Europe that was identified on the map.
Materials: / :  Pencil and paper
Assessment: / :  Classroom participation & Student created translations
Teacher’s Name: / :  Aimee Bancroft based on Smart notebook file created by Dana Mardock.
School: / :  C.M. Fagan