Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees July 10, 2012 Page 2



July 10, 2012

A regular meeting of the Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Rick Pastecki followed by the Pledge to the Flag and Prayer. The following Trustees were present: Joan Stevens and Jeremy Yasses, Jason Armbrewster, and Shelly D’Alba

Also present: Clerk/Treasurer Joyce Grazioplene, D.P.W. Supervisor Dave Laney, Fire Chief Sean Downing, Chad Williams, Code Officer Bruce Gerould.

Bruce Gerould, Code Enforcement Officer reported he received a letter from ISO with the new rating. The rating has been downgraded due to New York State being behind on adopting new ICC codes. There is nothing the Village can do. The State will always be behind in adopting the new codes. The Clerk was told that the rating would not take effect for one year, and our rating would actually have been better than the last rating if not for the code issue. He has been told the ISO ratings have no bearing on homeowners’ insurance rates.

Bonduelle has applied for a permit for reconstruction of one of their large roof systems. The plans are being reviewed by an engineer.

There was a property maintenance complaint at 22 Webber Avenue. The Bank has been notified and will be sending out a property maintenance person. The barn at 15 Gibson is under contract to be taken down. It has been shored up until the contractor can get to it.

PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments.


1. Water Tower Update Mayor Pastecki reported Attorney Whiting is waiting for final paperwork.

2. Zoning Ordinance Amendments Attorney Whiting is working on the moratorium process.

3. Sheriff Patrol Mayor Pastecki met with Sheriff Dibble. The Board reviewed a proposed contract. This would be a yearly agreement for a number of days. The days and times would be scheduled with the Sheriff’s Department by the Mayor on a month by month basis. The estimated cost would be $28,000 for 100 days for this budget year. There are sufficient funds in the unappropriated fund balance. If the Board wants to move forward, it would have to go to Genesee County Ways and Means Committee by July 31. Trustee Yasses has talked to the Mayor of the Village of Bergen, who has a similar program with the Sheriff’s Department and he raves about it. Trustee Yasses met with Town Supervisor Cianfrini to see if the Town would be interested in a shared program. They are not interested. Trustee Yasses feels the Village needs to do what is right for the majority.

A Motion was made by Trustee Joan Stevens to approve contracting with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department for 100 days of additional patrols from August 9, 2012 through May 31, 2013, to be paid for with unappropriated fund balance.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Jeremy Yasses.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.

4. Fire Truck Purchase Chad Williams presented the Board with information on a rescue truck/mini-pumper the Fire Truck Committee feels would be the best option to replace Truck 74. They would like to get this out to bid as soon as possible. The estimated cost is $206,000 plus $15,000 for miscellaneous equipment. The life of the mini-pumper would be 15-20 years. Trustee Yasses asked how soon they need this truck, and if there were extras that could be eliminated to save money. Chief Downing said the truck is needed as soon as possible. Bidding without the mini-pumper could save $70,000. Chief Downing said they could draw up specs with and without the mini-pumper. Mayor Pastecki said he wants to see a committee in place to work on a long term plan for replacing the trucks.

A motion was made by Trustee Jason Armbrewster to approve soliciting bids for a rescue truck with an optional bid for a mini-pumper.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.

Chief Downing said he will get a Committee together to start working on a master plan for replacement of the fire trucks. He reported they have submitted a grant for new turnout gear. The last turnout gear was purchased in 2003. It’s only good for 10 years. Approximate cost is $113,000.

5. Personnel Policy Amendment Trustee Stevens is meeting with Supervisor Laney this week to review the policy.


1. Approval of Minutes – A Motion was made by Trustee Jason Armbrewster to approve the minutes of the June 25, 2012 meeting.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.


2. Approval of July Abstract – The following claims were audited by the Board:

General Fund – #8831-8841, 8846-8859 $ 24,642.26

Water Fund – #8131-8137 2,073.27

Sewer Fund - #8748-8757 7,994.01

Capital Project - #8322 _____2,648.00

TOTAL $ 37,357.54

A Motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba to approve payment of the above claims, Blanket P.O.’s #63-65 totaling $1,200.00 and P.O.#66 in the amount of $10,000.

The Motion was seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbewster, D’Alba.


3. Investment Report The Board reviewed the June Investment Report.

4. Resolution #9-2012 Closing Streets for Labor Days Parade A Motion was made by Trustee Jeremy Yasses to adopt Resolution #9-2012 Approving Closing Streets for Annual Labor Days Parade, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.

Resolution #10- 2012 Closing Irving Parkway for Parade Float Display The Board discussed concerns regarding the number of floats on the street and safety of children. The resolution was not adopted.

5. Surplus Equipment A list of surplus equipment was given to the Board for review.

A Motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba to contact Auctions International to sell the surplus equipment.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Jason Armbrewster.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba. Carried.

6. Camden Sewer Report The Board reviewed the June report. Supervisor Laney reported the sewer plant was struck by lightning on Sunday. He got a call from Camden that there was limited power and the plant was not operational. They had called in their employees. There was a blown fuse that was changed and restored plant operations. A frequency drive and motor for the clarifier was damaged. Able Electric is doing an in depth assessment of the damage. Three blower motors are showing defects. The Clerk has contacted the insurance company.

7. D.P.W Report

Siemans Panel The defective tubing was replaced by Keeler Construction on Friday. Also on Friday there was a problem with the flows. Adjustments were made with the altitude valve that seemed to have corrected the problem. Over the weekend the chlorine residuals were a little low, and the chlorine pump had to be turned up. Supervisor Laney has been in touch with the manufacturer and the engineer regarding replacement of the panel. Trustee Armbrewster asked Supervisor Laney to flow test the hydrants.

Street Repair The stone and oil project has been backed up to the 1st week in August. Supervisor Laney has been getting quotes for the South Pearl Street milling and paving project. Villager Construction recommends milling 1.5”. This would give a smoother riding road. The cost to mill 1” would be $23,104, 1.5” would be $34,483. The Village of Corfu has a milling machine to fit the bobcat that they can use to mill around the manhole covers.

A Motion was made by Trustee Jason Armbrewster to approve milling and paving 1.5” on South Pearl Street.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.


8. NYCOM Zoning/Planning Summer School Pete Vandetta and Ron D’Alba would like approval to attend the NYCOM Zoning/Planning Summer School in Amherst on July 27, 2012. Registration is $70.

A Motion was made by Trustee Joan Stevens to approve the request of Pete Vandetta and Ron D’Alba to attend the NYCOM Zoning/Planning Summer School on July 27, 2012 in Buffalo, NY.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.


9. Budget Revisions A Motion was made by Trustee Shelly D’Alba to approve the year-end budget revisions, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.

The motion was seconded by Trustee Joan Stevens.

Ayes: Yasses, Stevens, Armbrewster, D’Alba.


Having no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. on motion by Trustee Joan Stevens, seconded by Trustee Shelly D’Alba and carried by unanimous vote.

Next Meeting – August 13, 2012.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce Grazioplene


July 10, 2012



WHEREAS, the Oakfield Betterment Committee, as part of the “Labor Days in the Park” Celebration, has scheduled a parade to take place on Monday, September 3, 2012, from 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.

WHEREAS, the proposed parade routes include a portion of New York State Route 63 located within the Village of Oakfield between its North boundary and Drake Street, and then proceeding East on Drake Street (New York State Route 262) to the Elroy D. Parkins Park,

WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Oakfield has determined that it is necessary to close New York State Route 63 and New York State Route 262 within the Village of Oakfield as described herein in order to adequately protect the health, safety and welfare of the participants in the parade, and spectators along said parade route,

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Village Board of the Village of Oakfield, New York, that a portion New York State Route 63 and New York State Route 262 shall be closed within the Village of Oakfield, New York on Monday, September 3rd, 2012 at approximately 10:00 a.m. in order to permit the passage of a parade along said routes, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that said road shall be reopened to the passage of vehicular traffic as soon as practicable after the conclusion of said parade, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that during the aforementioned periods of time when New York State Route 63 shall be closed, the following detour shall be established:

1. Southbound traffic on New York State Route 63 shall proceed East on Maltby Road to the intersection of Fisher Road, bearing right on Fisher Road traveling South across New York State Route 262, back to New York State Route 63.

2. Northbound traffic on New York State Route 63 shall turn right on Fisher Road traveling North across New York State Route 262, to the intersection of Maltby Road, bearing left on Maltby Road, traveling West back to New York State Route 63.

3. Westbound traffic on New York State Route 262 shall bear left at the intersection of Fisher Road to travel South on New York State Route 63, or otherwise bear right at the intersection of Fisher Road to travel North on New York State Route 63.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that all traffic control devices to be erected shall be approved by the New York State Department of Transportation as required by law.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the Village Clerk of the Village of Oakfield, New York shall post a copy of this resolution and order on the signboard maintained at her office on or before August 1st, 2012, and that this Resolution and Order shall remain posted thereat until Tuesday, September 4th, 2012.

By Order of the Village Board of Trustees,

Village of Oakfield

Joyce Grazioplene


MOTION: By Trustee Jeremy Yasses

RESOLVED: That the Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees does hereby adopt this resolution in support of closing streets within the Village for the 2012 Labor Days in the Park Parade, this 10th day of July, 2012.

SECONDED: By Trustee Shelly D’Alba

CARRIED by unanimous vote.

C.C. Genesee County Sheriff, Gary T. Maha

Betterment Committee Chairperson, Melissa Haacke

Oakfield Fire Chief, Sean Downing

Town Highway Superintendent, Alan Dennis


NYS Police Department

Village of Oakfield DPW Supervisor Dave Laney