September 10, 2013
Omak Park Board
Meeting Minutes
Board Members and Staff Present
Billie Holden, Chair
Nattalie Cariker Todd McDaniel, Public Works Director
Nick Popellier Cindy Gagne
Jody Olson Orlando Gonzalez
Call to Order
Chairwoman Holden called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. with a quorum of the Board present.
Bandshell Civic League Park
Jody Olsen presented to park board the idea of completing the bandshell. The exterior north and south sides are not painted. Jody mentioned she had been speaking with Rodrigo and Smoker Marchand about ideas for the bandshell. There ideas were folk lore dancers on one side and Native American dancers on the other. Jody doesn’t know the cost of the project. Jody mentioned she would ask Megan Azzano the cost of the spray paint that was used for the back of the bandshell earlier in the year. The board discussed entities that might be able to donate or assistance in the cost of supplies. Todd McDaniel mentioned to Jody if she was unable to obtain money for the murals to advise him of cost with the possibility of placing it in his budget. Jody said she would figure out cost.
Todd McDaniel mentioned the George Windell retaining wall across from Julie Maley Park needed to be repainted again. The board discussed entities to repaint the mural. Jody mentioned it would be a great project for Crystal.
Reducing Oak Street Park
Todd McDaniel discussed the problems over the years with parking on private and public at Oak Street Park during sport season. Todd McDaniel stated Fire Chief Bowling and himself had discussions concerning reducing green space and adding parking. Todd McDaniel proposed to park board the idea of reducing Oak Street Park by 60 feet on the south end.
Todd McDaniel mentioned the City of Omak is on schedule to do a well at Julia Maley Park but if the well doesn’t produce then the city could move the well to Oak Street Park. Cindy Gagne said at the Plex fields are being moved around and a softball field is being added.
Todd McDaniel suggested killing the grass and lining it off for parking. Member Cariker made a motion and Member Gonzalez seconded it to reduce Oak Street Park by 60 feet on the south end. Member Gonzalez asked Todd McDaniels to relay the decision to the softball groups and check to see if they could still have two fields.
Dog Park Update
Lew Goebel was unable to attend the meeting. Member Cariker mentioned the Wag N Run Splash brought in about $1200 dollars and about 60 dogs signed in. The event was a huge success. The Park Board would like Lew Goebel to attend next meeting to further discuss the dog park.
Other Business
Todd McDaniel presented a memorandum of park user fees. See attached memorandum. Todd McDaniel stated he spoke with Scott Haeberle from the Omak School District about the user fees for the school district. Todd McDaniel proposed to park board the schools cost of $16, 093.23. Todd searched on line at fees for other public organizations and our fees are in the ball park. Member Cariker had question on special events fees. There was a discussion on park board which entities should pay and should not. Todd mentioned it goes to council and this needs to be further discussed by council. Cindy Gagne had question on public crew ½ hour increments and how does it work. Todd McDaniel would like to do just $45 dollars increments but unknown if can do that or if it has to be each person that works. Todd McDaniel stated he will propose this to the council again. Member Popellier had concerns of where the $16,000 dollars would come from in the schools budget. Todd McDaniel believes there needs to be a partnership with school and city. Park board discussed what the schools cost would be if they had their own facilities and maintenance of them.
The board had a discussion on the RV Park. Todd McDaniel stated the city is down $9,000 dollars compared to this time August. Todd McDaniel would like to leave rates as is for right now. Todd McDaniel mentioned if we dropped the rates back eventually the rates would be raised over time back to what they had been.
Member Holden asked about Ross Canyon project. Todd McDaniel stated the city is waiting for Young’s Welding to confirm a date of delivery. Member Cariker stated she believes the plaques need to be on the side of the bench rocks instead of on top now.
With no other business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.
Nattalie Cariker