World History Post-Classical Era Test Review

Directions: Using the page numbers provided in parenthesis, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Staple this paper to your answers.

Chapter 6

1. Describe the pre-Islam characteristics of the Arabian peninsula. (192)

2. How does Islam compare and contrast to Christianity and Judaism? (193)

3. How did the people of Mecca react upon Muhammad sharing his revolutions? (193)

4. Describe the Muslim obligation of hajj – or pilgrimage to Mecca. (195)

5. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? (194)

6. Describe the Muslim law code of Shari’ah. (194)

7. Why did the Muslim community split in the years following the death of Muhammad? (199)

8. For what reasons was the Muslim empire able to spread so rapidly? (197-198)

9. How were conquered peoples treated by Arab administrators? (198)

10. Describe the Islamic contributions to philosophy, science & history. (208 & 209)

11. Why did arabesques develop as a form of decoration in Islamic art? (210)

12. Describe the purpose of the mosque’s minaret. (209)

13. The word “Islam” literally translates to ______. (Video notes)

14. According to Islamic tradition, who is Muhammad? (video notes)

15. Name at least two popular Middle-Eastern works of literature. (208)

Chapter 8

16. Describe the accomplishments and advancements of both the Tang and Song dynasties. (251-252 & 257)

17. Describe the act of Chinese foot-binding. What purpose did it serve in Chinese society? (493)

18. What were Chinese junks? What do they tell us about Chinese trade and maritime travel? (online)

19. How did the reemergence of Confucianism impact Chinese society during the Tang and Song? (255-256)

Chapter 9

20. What role did the Church play in Europe during the Middle Ages? (287)

21. In what ways did the Roman Catholic Church offer educational opportunities to some people during the Middle Ages? (288)

22. Why was Byzantine emperor Justinian’s Code considered so important? (304)

23. Compare and contrast the Eastern Orthodox Church to the Roman Catholic Church. (287-288 & 304)

24. Name at least three accomplishments of the Byzantine Empire. (course notes)

25. What city was the capital of the Byzantine Empire – and therefore – the center of the Eastern Orthodox Church? (304)

26. Why did a feudal system develop in Europe during the Middle Ages? (292)

27. How did the Crusades impact the spread of religions like Christianity and Islam? (308)

Chapter 10

28. Describe the architecture of medieval Europe- specifically its cathedrals. (333)

29. Describe the manorial system of Europe during the Middle Ages. (317)

30. Who was responsible for most of the work within a manorial system? (317)