1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018

Please select membership category from the options below. Juniors can subscribe on their own accord for a nominal fee. Parents wishing to join them on the court also need to join, using the adult or family option. Adult/Family subscriptions include full indoor membership of The Hungerford Club. This includes year round use of the clubhouse, including the bar and indoor sports facilities. Paid-up members may use the courts, represent the club in matches and are eligible for the Wimbledon ballot. Please carry your membership card when on club premises. Please note that a list of members’ names, addresses, email and telephone numbers may be displayed in the changing rooms. If you tick the ‘privacy’ box only your name will be displayed, but please supply full details.

Postcode / Home Phone
Forename / Date of birth
if under 17 / Privacy option (see above) / Email address / Mobile / Renewal or
New member?

Tennis Club Fees (payable before 31st March 2017 [August onwards see below])

Only British Tennis members that have renewed Hungerford Club membership will be eligible for the Wimbledon Draw

Adult Single £114.00 c

Adult Joint £201.00 c

Family (couple and children 17 & under) £217.00 c

Over Sixty five – single £78.00 c

Over Sixty five – joint £136.00 c

Over Sixty five + Adult Single £173.00 c

Full-time Student £40.00 c

Junior (aged 12 to 17) £24.00 c

Junior (aged under 12) £12.00 c

Deduct Hungerford Club Subscription if already paid direct c


Online Payments: Bank - TSB, sort code - 30-94-46, a/c – 00065538, please use TENNIS Your Surname as reference

Cheques should be made payable to The Hungerford Club

Please send this completed form, and the remittance if by cheque to the Tennis Membership Secretary

Val Bray, 27 The Croft, Hungerford, RG17 0HY

Membership cards will be available for collection from the bar (please allow 2 weeks),

otherwise please supply a SAE if you want your card to be posted.

Members joining from August onwards – please contact the membership secretary for confirmation of fees

On payment of the tennis subscription, members agree to abide by the rules of the club.