Module 5 Study Guide

1. When an area around a vehicle is not available to the driver, it is called a:

2. The space management system used in Virginia is:

3. To search effectively, drivers need to know these three things:

4. The driver should search at least _____ seconds ahead of the vehicle for an open path of travel.

5. In zone control driving, the driver monitors _____ zones around the vehicle.

6. A vehicle positioned 6 inches from the left line is in lane position:

7. If the left front zone is closed and the right front zone is open, lane position ___ would be a wise choice.

8. The most important area to check when stopping for a red light is the:

9. The position of this vehicle communicates

the driver intends to

10. A red traffic light is an example of:

11. To cross a two lane roadway at 30 mph takes a gap of about:

12. To safely turn right and merge into traffic moving 55 mph, you will need a gap equal to about:

13. When stopped in traffic behind another vehicle, the driver should be able to see this:

14. You should not drive more than _____ feet in a shared left turn lane.

15. Once you have reached the apex of a curve, you should

16. Most crashes occur here:

17. Before entering an intersection you should do these three things:

18. When approaching the crest of a hill, lane position _____ is recommended.

19. Excessive steering input in a curve may result in:

20 A vehicle traveling 40 mph will take about ______to pass another vehicle traveling 30 mph.

21. When passing another vehicle on a two lane roadway, what two things must you take into account? Think about speed and your position after your pass.

22. A vehicle traveling 40 mph, is going approximately how many feet per second?

23. Where is passing illegal?

24. To safely pass another vehicle, start from a position _____ seconds back.

25. A driver may pass a vehicle on the right in what cases?

26. If you are traveling 50 mph and an oncoming vehicle is approaching at 50 mph, your closing rate is:

27. A vehicle with its headlights off during daylight may not be visible until it is within _____ feet.

28. When is it legal to pass a stopped school bus?

29. How does a shared left turn lane help you when you are pulling out of a driveway or roadway?

30. You are a defensive driver. What would you do before you come to a complete stop?

31. Before turning right on red, a driver must do these three things:

32. What is stopping distance? Is it the same as braking distance? What scenarios would increase your stopping distance?

33. What are staggered stop lines? What two purposes do they serve?

34. You are driving the gray vehicle. The black vehicle suddenly begins braking. Your best response is to