Part 1—Advertisement

Your job is to create a new invention!

(It can be whatever you like, as long as it’s appropriate for school).

You must then create a commercial for your invention.

Keep in mind your “target audience” (who are you selling to?)

Your product and commercial must...

·  Have a unique name and look

·  Can’t use a product that already exists

·  Use at least two advertising techniques—one teacher picked and the other of your choice.

Part 2—Short Essay

You must also hand in a written explanation of your commercial that includes the following details and information:

1.  What is your invention? What purpose will it have in the world?

2.  Describe it completely (e.g.--appearance, size, color, weight, functions, etc.)

3.  What two advertising techniques did you use? What benefit did these techniques serve in “selling” your product?

4.  By choosing these techniques, what was your purpose?

5.  Which did you choose to focus on, the pathos, ethos, or logos of your audience? Why?

6.  When would your commercial air? What type of channels would you want them to be seen on? Why? (Hint--who is your target audience?

7.  Why would your commercial appeal to your target audience?

Remember to check for spelling and grammar errors before handing in your work!

Due Date: ______

Brainstorming Sheet

Before beginning your commercial and your essay, make a few quick notes to help you create a creative, eye-catching and fabulous assignment.

1.  What product are you going to try to sell? Using all of your 5 senses, describe your invention completely.

2.  What brand name are you going to create? Why did you invent this product?

3.  Advertising Technique (teacher given)? ______

a.  How will this technique “sell” your product?

4.  Advertising Technique #2 (your choice): ______

a.  How will this technique “sell” your product?

5.  Who is your target audience? Why did you pick this age/gender group?

6.  Why would your commercial appeal to this audience?

7.  Which form of argument will you rely on the most? Why?

8.  Write an outline of your script for the commercial—

a.  Where is the setting?

b.  Who is in the commercial?

c.  What do we see when it starts?

d.  What happens during the commercial?

e.  How will you deliver the “sell” at the end?

9.  What will you have to do to provide your scene and props needed for the commercial—including your invention?

10.  Who will do what during the presentation?