Employee Self-Assessment

  1. Review this document and the August 2012EPMP Employee Brief: “Your Self-Assessment” posted on more detailed instructions on how to document your self-assessment, guidance on how to think about performance, and examplesof documentation.
  2. Copy your goals for 2011-12 into the ‘Individual Goals’ section of this form.
  • If you do not have documented goals, document your actual results in the ‘Results’ boxes.
  • You do not need to backfill ‘Goal Statements’ or ‘Performance Indicators’, but reference appropriate performance indicators in documenting results.
  1. If you identified anyareas of focus for ‘Success Factors’,‘Additional Performance Factors’, or ‘People Management’ at the beginning of the year, copy those into the appropriate section of this form.
  2. Document your assessment of goal achievement and impact in the ‘Employee Comments’fieldsfor each goal; success factor; people management section and additional performance factors (if applicable).
  3. Be sure to complete all applicable sections of this form. You can provide overall comments on your performance on the Year-End Performance Summary page; it is optional.The rest of the form, including your comments on the performance review and signatures, will be completed in your Performance Review session.
  4. Save a copy of your self-assessment on your computer or in a network folder.
  5. Complete your self-assessment by emailing it to your managerby August 27, 2012.

Manager Evaluation

  1. Review this document for instructions regarding how to document your evaluation.
  2. For each section of this performance evaluation form:
  3. Review the employee’s self-assessment.
  4. Document your evaluation in the ‘Manager Comments’ fields. Build upon the employee’s self-assessment and/or note, specifically, any areas where your evaluation differs from the employee’s assessment and why.
  5. Applya performance ratingin the ‘Manager Ratings’ fields using the specific rating scale for each section.
  6. Be sure to complete all applicable sections of the form. The rest of the form, including the employee’s comments on the performance review and signatures, will be completed in the Performance Review session.
  7. Complete a draft of all Employee Performance Reviews by September 10 for norming sessions to be conducted September 11-19. Your department head will provide more details regarding the time and location.
  8. Once norming sessions have been held and ratings finalized by the Senior Leadership Team, meet with your employee to hold a Performance Review and Goal Setting Sessionbetween September 25 and October 12.
  9. In the Performance Review and Goal Setting Session, discuss the employee’s and your views on the employee’s performance. Provide the employee an opportunity to write comments in the Year-End Performance Summary.
  10. Print and sign the finalized performance review. Be sure to get the employee’s signature as well.
  11. By October 31, please print and interoffice mail the completed performance review to: Pam Tanner,Human Resources, Room 501, 900 Grant Street.

2011-12 Self-Assessment and

Performance Evaluation Form

For Central Office Exempt Employees

Employee Name: / Employee ID:
Job Title: / Dept./Division:
Supervisor Name: / Planning Date:
Job Title: / Review Date:
Individual Goals

For each goal, document your assessment of goal achievement and impact. Cite specific outcomes (e.g., key outcomes or deliverables, process/operating results, impact on stakeholders), referring back to the performance indicators defined at the beginning of the year. Note opportunities for improvement and further development. If you do not have documented goals, document your actual results in the ‘Results’ boxes. You do not need to backfill ‘Goal Statements’ or ‘Performance Indicators’, but reference appropriate performance indicators in documenting results.

Managers: Apply the following rating scale for each goal:

Goals Rating Scale

Description / Code
Exceeded / EX
Fully Met / ME
Partially Met / PM
Did Not Meet / DNM
1 / Goal Statement
Performance Indicators
District or Department/Division Goal Supported / Weight
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
2 / Goal Statement
Performance Indicators
District or Department/Division Goal Supported / Weight
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
3 / Goal Statement
Performance Indicators
District or Department/Division Goal Supported / Weight
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
4 / Goal Statement
Performance Indicators
District or Department/Division Goal Supported / Weight
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
5 / Goal Statement
Performance Indicators
District or Department/Division Goal Supported / Weight
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
DPS Success Factors

Goal achievement results are about what was accomplished; Success Factors speak to how results were accomplished. In documenting performance against the Success Factors, provide specific examples and identify specific behaviors that demonstrate performance.Managers may focus their feedback on areas of strength and areas of growth – i.e., it is not necessary to comment on Success Factors rated “Full Proficiency.”Representative behaviors for each Success Factor are described on the last page of this form.

Managers: Apply the following rating scale for each Success Factor identified:

Success Factors Rating Scale

Description / Code
Role Model / RM
Full Proficiency / FP
Developing / DEV
Needs Improvement / NI
Success Factors - Areas of Focus Identified During Performance Planning

Performance Evaluation

Success Factors / Comments / Observed Actions
Put Students First
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
Achieve Results
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
Deliver Excellent Service
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
Make Change Happen
Employee Comments
Manager Comments / Manager Rating
Additional Performance Factors (Optional)

Document performance relative to any other performance factors identified during performance planning (e.g., knowledge and skills, certifications, attendance, policy compliance, standards of conduct, etc.)

Managers: Apply the following rating scale for each performance factor:

Other Performance Factors Rating Scale

Description / Code
Exceeded / EX
Fully Met / ME
Partially Met / PM
Did Not Meet / DNM
Additional Performance Factors Identified During Performance Planning
Performance Evaluation
Employee Comments
Manager Comments
Manager Rating
People Management (If Applicable)

Document performance relative to the basic expectations documented below and address any areas of focus identified during performance planning.Applicable only to those positions which have direct responsibility for managing other people (i.e., have responsibility for hiring and performance review).

People Management Expectations – Visible and accessible leader. Sets clear goals and performance expectations; provides effective performance feedback and coaching. Sets high standards of performance and empowers employees to achieve them. Develops and motivates employees to be their best; keeps employees informed and connected to DPS.

Managers: Apply the following rating scale:

People Management Rating Scale

Description / Code
Role Model / RM
Full Proficiency / FP
Developing / DEV
Needs Improvement / NI
Areas of Focus Identified During Performance Planning
Performance Evaluation
Employee Comments
Manager Comments
Manager Rating
Year-End Performance Summary

Document overall observations of performance over the course of the year, highlighting major accomplishments, strengths, growth and opportunities. Optional for employee self-assessment.

Overall Year-End Performance Scale

Level / Rating / Definition
5 / Results and Impact Exceed Expectations / Impact exceeds expectations for the role. Makes exceptional contributions through superior performance on key goals; role model in demonstrating DPS Success Factors. Demonstrates high degree of skill and competency.
4 / Results and Impact Fully Meet Expectations / Makes significant contributions and impact by meeting key goals and performance indicators and demonstrating full proficiency in DPS Success Factors and critical job skills.
3 / Results and Impact Generally Meet Expectations; Opportunity to Expand Impact / Solid contributor who generally meets goals, but could expand impact in the role. Further consistency or development, or greater impact in key areas, including DPS Success Factors, may be necessary to realize full potential within the role. Demonstrates willingness and ability to grow.
2 / Results and Impact Need Improvement / Impact is below that expected for the role. Results do not meet expectations for experience and job level. May have missed an important goal or goals, or require different development in a key skill area or Success Factor.
1 / Results and Impact Are Unsatisfactory / Did not meet key goals and/or does not demonstrate proficiency in critical job skills or DPS Success Factors. Immediate and significant performance improvement is required.

Employee Self-Assessment of Overall Performance (optional)

Manager Comments of Overall Performance

Manager Overall Performance Rating

Employee Comments on Performance Review (optional)

Signatures (To be completed after Performance Review)
Performance Evaluation / Name / Signature / Date

Note: Employee signature indicates the Performance Planning and Review Form has been reviewed with the employee but does not indicate agreement with its contents. Any areas of disagreement should be noted above.


DPS Success Factors define who we are as an organization, what we stand for and stand on. They define how each employee contributes to student achievement and growth. If all employees demonstrate these actions, we will achieve our goals.

Success Factors / Representative Actions
Put Students First
Puts students first in setting priorities and delivering results /
  • Prioritizes work to focus on those actions most critical to serving students and achieving DPS goals
  • Considers all policies and decisions from perspective of impact on students and families
  • Demonstrates empathy in interaction with students and families
  • Identifies critical needs and highest impact activities; works with manager to align objectives, time and resources
  • Applies sound judgment in making decisions and solving problems in ways that best serves students
  • Gathers relevant data, identifies key issues and considers broader implications in making decisions

Achieve Results
Sets aggressive goals, focuses on key priorities and assumes responsibility for results /
  • Takes responsibility for completing tasks and identifying ways to improve
  • Demonstrates ability to get things done; consistently delivers on promises made
  • Removes barriers to achieving results
  • Focuses on actions needed to achieve goals; effectively managing shifting priorities
  • Holds self and others accountable for achieving results
  • Proactively raises issues and drives them to closure

Works proactively with others to achieve common goals /
  • Collaborates within and across teams to accomplish results
  • Pitches in to help others achieve their goals
  • Builds and maintains positive relationships with students and stakeholders
  • Contributes positively to team effectiveness
  • Inspires trust and confidence by making and keeping commitments
  • Clearly articulates goals and what’s needed to accomplish themto enable others to take action

Deliver Excellent Service
Takes responsibility for understanding and effectively addressing needs of students and other stakeholders /
  • Takes time to understand objectives and needs of students and other stakeholders
  • Takes steps to prevent problems; quickly addresses problems when they occur
  • Sets priorities effectively to handle competing needs
  • Finds ways to deliver quality service within time and resource constraints
  • Solicits and acts upon feedback
  • Anticipates and proactively addresses student and stakeholder needs

Make Change Happen
Seizes opportunities for improvement and promotes positive change /
  • Demonstrates a “can do” attitude; initiates and positively embraces change
  • Finds new challenges and opportunities energizing and motivating
  • Demonstrates sense of urgency; moves forward despite ambiguity and removes barriers to achieving results
  • Finds proactive, creative ways to contribute toDPS objectives
  • Champions new ways of doing things
  • Forward- thinking; plans for future opportunities and needs