Live aquatic - Accommodation and care questionnaire

Please complete this form and return it with the application form to the address given at box 7 of form FED 0172 (Application to import/(re)-export). This information is needed to update our records on the type and suitability of accommodation you have available for housing the species applied for. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

1.  Application Details

Applicant or business name, full postal address, email address and telephone number:
Application Reference Number (if known):
Species[1] (Scientific name):
Total number of specimens:
Provide the name(s), full postal address, email address and telephone number of the premises where the specimens will be kept at the place of destination[2](if different to the one provided above)

2.  Accommodation Details

Provide a general description of the premises (ie shop, warehouse) and indicate the size in square metres:
List the total numbers of tanks set aside for housing aquatic species along with their dimensions and volume. Indicate whether each tank is isolated or served by a multi-tank filtration system:
Describe the lighting and filtration system in place for each tank/tank system. Include reference to mechanical, chemical and biological filtration as appropriate:
Confirm the maximum number of specimens (and species/genus)3 to be housed in each tank. If different animal groups are being imported e.g. clams and corals, please provide details of how many of each group will be housed in each tank:
3 The species/genus may be omitted for coral applications
Confirm anticipated water temperature, PH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and salinity and confirm how the water parameters are regulated and the frequency and method of monitoring (for each species as appropriate):
Provide details of the veterinary care that will be undertaken/available after import:
Confirm whether any animals in the shipment are pre sold and therefore not intended to be housed at the stated address. If so, please state how many specimens are pre sold.

3.  Licensing

Are the premises licensed under the Zoo Licensing Act 1981? YES /NO
Are the premises licensed under the Pet Animals Act 1951? YES /NO

4.  Additional Information

Please provide any other relevant information.
Please continue on a separate sheet if required




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April 2015

[1] This may be omitted for coral applications

[2] The ‘place of destination’ is defined in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No. 338/97 as the place at which at the time of introduction into the Community, it is intended that specimens will normally be kept; in the case of live specimens, this shall be the first place where specimens are intended to be kept following any period of quarantine or other confinement for the purposes of sanitary checks and controls.