Geography 10-A Reading Review #1 Ch. 22:
Rocks & Rock Formation
- There is $1 billion worth of gold dissolved in VancouverHarbour, so why are no efforts being made to mine it or recapture it?
- When is a mineral considered resource considered to be an economic deposit?
- What is the name give n to rocks that contain metals or minerals that can be recovered and sold at a profit? Define this term using your glossary
- Gold, silver and platinum are what type of metals? Define this type of metal using your glossary.
- Gold, silver and platinum has uses both as industrial and jewellery products, list an example of industrial uses for each.
- At what percentage can gold be mined economically?
- Copper, lead, zinc, tin and aluminum are what types of metals? Define this term using your glossary.
- Define ferrous metals (use your glossary) and give two examples.
- What type of rock formation are all types of metals?
- Describe the three ways in which veins of metals are created and provide a definition for any terms related to each way.
- When are open-pit mines used? (What natural process occurred before mining)
- What are Placer deposits? Where would you expect to find them? Give an example of a location where these can be found.
- How are natural gas and oil formed? Describe in point form with multiple steps.
- What type of plant/animal was present during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras?
- What type of rocks are natural gas and oil located in? What type of rock are is over top of them?
- What comes out first when you drill into a hydrocarbon deposit?
- How is methane gas created? Explain in point form.
- Define anthracite. Why is anthracite better than bituminous coal?
- What type of rock formation does coal form in?
- Why is coal a less popular form of energy?
- What are two uses of coal?
- What is limestone used for?
Diamond Questions
- Where do scientists believe there is a large supply of diamonds? Why do they believe this? Explain your answer.
- What are two different things that can be produced by carbon?
- Define Archaean crust.
- How old are diamonds?
- Define kimberlite pipes.
- What parts per billion does diamond ore need to have to be an economic deposit?
- Explain the different ways geographers try to identify likely areas for diamond deposits.