Radio Station Press Release

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Dear ______(Program Manager)

Your station may want to consider interviewing ______, president of our local chapter of the American Singles Golf Association on an upcoming morning radio show.

Here is a brief background of ASGA, followed by a PSA.

SUBJECT: Singles Golf Group forming in ______

BACKGROUND: The golf course is the greatest place to get to know someone. Any golfer will admit that both sides of one’s personality come out on the golf course. The idea of single people playing golf together was conceived by Tom Alsop in Charlotte, NC in 1992. After visiting a number of other singles organizations, Alsop and a friend were out playing golf one day and saw some women on the golf course. Alsop told his friend that “we ought to start a singles club of our own for people who play golf.” From that point, the Charlotte Singles Golf Association was formed. Six people came to the first meeting and the club now enjoys a membership of over 200 single people who play golf regularly. Alsop has since formed the American Singles Golf Association to build chapters throughout the U.S. Over 25,000 people have joined in 70 cities. And ______is now forming its new chapter and invites all singles, age 21 or over to call ______or 1-888-465-3628 (or 1-888-GOLFMATE - - best pronounced over the radio: ONE-TRIPLE-EIGHT-GOLF-MATE (or your local hotline number) for more information. You can also visit SINGLEGOLF.COM for more info.

Details on New Local Chapter: The ______chapter of the American Singles Golf Association is forming and will host an organizational meeting on (day/date) ______at (location) ______from ______until ______pm). (Add name) ______is our local contact and (he/she) can be reached at (phone or e-mail address) ______.

Would you like to do a live phone-interview with our chapter president? We’re happy to accommodate you. We would like to arrange a brief two to three minutes interview with your morning host(s) and our new chapter president, ______, preferably during morning “rush” hour. Please call or e-mail me at ______if you have an interest in this interview.

______, Communications Chairperson
______Chapter – American Singles Golf Association

P. S. To complement the interview, a PSA is written below. We would appreciate your announcing this PSA whether you can do the interview or not. Thank you.

Public Service Announcement

Attention Golfers! Are you Single? The American Singles Golf Association is starting a new chapter in the ______area. The golf course is a great place to meet and get to know other singles. If you’re 21 or over, single and enjoy the game of golf, you’re invited to attend the organizational meeting of the ______Chapter of the American Singles Golf Association, on ______, ______, from ______to ______pm at ______. For more information, call ______go to

Please air as often between now and ______(date of organizational meeting) as possible.

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