City of Nashwauk


Mayor Hendricks called the meeting to order at 4:30 in the council chambers

Members Present: Hendricks, Heyblom, Bolf, Gangl, Fragnito-Smith

Members Absent-none

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Gangl to approve the minutes of the January 22, 2013 council meeting

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Bolf to approve all bills signed and file the claims report as official record

Ayes all present—motion carried

City Departments: John Jamnick of JPJ discussed the street projects and what streets the city would like to have done in 2013. The streets would have to be rebid due to price fluctuations. Hendricks suggested bidding all the streets separately and then deciding what streets they want to do. Jamnick said most of the scope of work is completed and there would be some administrative costs involved. Gangl wants to make the contractors bidding on the projects aware that they may not be doing all of the streets.

*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Bolf to call for bids on the remaining streets needing repair and to allow JPJ to handle the bid process

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Fragnito-Smith, seconded by Gangl to approve the communications as read

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Gangl to approve the consent agenda as follows:

1) Approve Julie Johns for mandatory EMT refresher training in Chisholm cost of class $275.00 plus ambulance hourly wage

2) Approve the following Essar invoice contingent upon PUC approval: JPJ $4,593.97, 485.00, 4,259.07; National Conductor $86,693.71; Lake States $8.900.00; Donovan $36,768.20; Adams Consulting $5,541.55; MN Power $143,015.65; Wm Schwartz $270.00; McGrann Shea $6,481.69

3) Approve one day youth organization winter frolic at Buck Lake and cover under city policy

4) Approve Joe Dasovich to attend non-mandated training February 26, 2013 at HCC in Hibbing, course $175.00 plus police officer rate of pay for 8 hours

5) Allow any council or Mayor to attend the Legislative conference in St Paul March 21, 2013, mileage, per diem, conference fee $275.00

6) Allow Mayor, council, street supervisor to attend the GIS user group meetings, wages, mileage, per diem

Ayes all present—motion carried

Old Business:

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Gangl to approve $250.00 service contract with ESCI feasibility study and allow the clerk to provide them with the information requests and allow Mayor to sign

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Fragnito to approve Mike Ross application for zoning committee

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Fragnito-Smith to approve letter of understanding for patrol officer’s contract with shift differential language change and updated salary schedule

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Heyblom to approve ordinance 224-13 for Mediacom and allow clerk to send letter to them with the information

Ayes all present—motion carried

New Business:

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Hendricks to approve addition to accounting and security policy

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Hendricks to approve the training policy and request for training from for the City of Nashwauk

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Fragnito-Smith, seconded by Heyblom to approve wage increase for office assistant beginning February 1, 2013

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Fragnito-Smith to approve partial pay estimate #9 for Essar corridor $70,656.07 to Hammerlund Construction contingent upon PUC approval

Ayes all present-motion carried

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Heyblom to approve change order #4 for Essar Corridor in the amount of $48,855.30 contingent upon PUC approval

Ayes all present-motion carried

Hendricks brought up the EMS Contract and making a decision on the union issue

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Hendricks to set closed meeting for EMS contract on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 2:00 p.m.

Ayes all present—motion carried

Gangl brought up Apple Tree Photography, the door is not able to be open to the street

Because of the sidewalk heaving. A decision to have the clerk contact JPJ and have them call the contractor to see if they can take care of it.

Hendricks suggested a letter be drafted and sent to the employee as to why the

decision to pay the rate for the class was made

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Gangl to adjourn at 5:00 p.m.

Ayes all present—motion carried


City Clerk