Four Swannes Primary School
‘Working together to Succeed’As always this has been a fantastically busy term, with many more activities planned for the coming weeks.
We look forward to seeing you at the forth coming Christmas celebrations at Four Swannes and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Please check the dates and times at the end of this newletter.
Meetings and Appointments
If you wish to see a member of staff to discuss your child or other concerns, please leave a message at the schooloffice with a contact number. Staff will always endevour to respond promplty, however please allow up to 48 hrs for contact to be made.
Polite Notice Regarding Behaviour
Could I please remind parents about appropriate language and behaviour within the school grounds and immediate vacinity of the school gates. We have recently been informed by parents and members of the public about abusive language and inappropriate behaviour. Anyone who causes offence or intentional distress, will be barred from site.
End Of Term Banking
Please ensure that any outstanding payments for this term are made to the school office by Wednesday 13th December. if you wish to pay by cash or cheque. This will allow all banking to be completed before the end of term.
/ Attendance
If your child is absent from school for any reason please telephone the office by 9.15am at the latest on the first day of absence as a large amount of admin time is wasted having to call parents to check why their child is not in school.
School Clothing
As the weather has turned particulary cold please make sure your child brings suitable warm clothing to school each day. Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name as it is impossible to return lost property that is not named.
TERM DATES FOR 2017/2018
Please note school finishes at 2.00pm,on Tuesday 19tt December for the Christmas break.
Book Fair, 30thNovember .
13th December, Christmas Lunch & Christmas JUMPER day.
14th December, Christingle Service @ Holy Trinity Church, 2pm ( all welcome)
14th December, FoFs Disco. 5.30-7.30pm.
18th December, Nativity to Parents ( Yr 1,2 and 3) 9.10am.
19th December, Carol Concert, 9.10am.
End of Term,19th December, 2pm Finish.
SCHOOL REOPENS ON Wednesday 3rd JANUARY, AT 8.45am.