
Lead Contact Details – Cricket Club Representative

Mr / First Name:
Qamar / Last Name:
E-mail Address:
Yahoo.co.uk / Date of Birth:
05 October 1964 / Gender:
Address 1 / 210 Higham:Lane
Address 2
Town / City:
Nuneaton / County:
Warwickshire / Post Code:
CV11 6AS
Daytime telephone:
02476 354888 / Evening telephone:
02476 354888 / Mobile telephone:
07862 275773

Lead Contact Details – Higham Lane School

Mr / First Name:
Ben / Last Name:
E-mail Address:
/ Date of Birth:
02 March 1983 / Gender:
Address 1 / Shanklin Drive
Address 2
Town / City:
Nuneaton / County:
Warwickshire / Post Code:
CV10 0BJ
Daytime telephone:
02476 388123 / Evening telephone:
07745540889 / Mobile telephone:

Cricket Club Details

Club Name:
Nuneaton Abbey Cricket Club / County Cricket Board:
Warwickshire Cricket Board
Address 1 / 210 Higham Lane
Address 2
Town / City:
Nuneaton / County:
Warwickshire / Post Code:
CV11 6AS

School Details

School Name:
Higham Lane School
Address 1 / Shanklin Drive
Address 2
Town / City:
Nuneaton / County:
Warwickshire / Post Code:
CV10 0BJ

What information might a school ask for from a cricket club representative going into a school?

·  Evidence of individual insurance cover

·  Confirmation of qualifications (e.g. qualified coach certification)

·  CRB vetting check confirmation

·  Leaflets / posters / information promoting the cricket club

What information might a cricket club ask for from a school representative?

·  Risk Assessment(s) of venue(s) being used

·  Attendance of teacher / member of staff at the session

·  Session Register(s)

·  Emergency contact at the school / educational establishment during session

What can Nuneaton Abbey Cricket Club offer / commit to?

By ticking the boxes below Nuneaton Abbey Cricket Club are committing to providing Higham Lane School with this service.

No. / Tick
1 / A specific person responsible for communicating directly with the school on a regular basis / ü
2 / Access to cricket specific expertise and knowledge through ECB qualified cricket coaches who have attended the ECB ‘Working in Schools’ module
3 / Innovative school assembly visits and / or cricket specific presentations / ü
4 / Access to cricket specific facilities at the club venue, both indoor and outdoor / ü
5 / Advice and guidance about cricket specific resources - curricular and extra curricular e.g. DVD’s, publications, online etc. / ü
6 / Access to local competitions / ü
7 / Opportunities to access cricket specific equipment / ü
8 / Access to school coaching visits – curricular and extra curricular / ü
9 / The opportunity for all young people to participate in organised training and practice sessions at the cricket club / ü
10 / The opportunity for all young people, parents, carers and guardians / teachers / staff to become members of the cricket club / ü
11 / Provide opportunities within cricket other than just playing the game. This could include umpiring, scoring, web site development, organising events and administration etc. / ü

What can Higham LaneSchool offer / commit to?

By ticking the boxes below Higham Lane School are committing to providing Nuneaton Abbey Cricket Club with this service.

No. / Tick
1 / A specific person responsible for communicating directly with the cricket club on a regular basis / ü
2 / Access to facilities both indoor and outdoor (as a priority where possible) / ü
3 / The opportunity to offer cricket to all young people across specified year groups both within and beyond the curriculum / ü
4 / Access to teachers / staff expertise and knowledge / ü
5 / Offer additional competitive opportunities, including inter and intra competition / ü
6 / Access to equipment both cricket specific and non cricket specific / ü
7 / Promote and advocate the sport of cricket throughout all strands of the National Curriculum, porividng pathways for Higham Lane School pupils and other young people locally. / ü

The cricket club and school may be able to access additional resources from a variety of agencies that will add benefit to and support the creation and sustainability of the partnership including:

·  England and Wales Cricket Board - www.ecb.co.uk

·  Cricket Foundation, Chance to Shine Programme – www.chancetoshine.org

·  County Cricket Boards

·  Partnership Development Managers and other school sport partnership staff

·  Youth Sport Trust – www.youthsporttrust.org

·  Sports Coach UK – www.sportscoachuk.org

·  County Sports Partnerships


·  Innovative playground floor markings and wall / fence targets

·  Access to ECB / QCA accredited PE and Cross Curricular resources in Primary schools and Secondary schools

·  Access to the Professional Development Courses in Cricket for Teachers

·  Training delivery through the ECB ‘Working in Schools’ module for other school staff such as lunchtime supervisors and classroom assistants

·  ECB Coach Education Courses

·  Kwik Cricket, Inter cricket and hard ball equipment information and relevant award schemes

·  A network of Community Cricket / Sports Coaches

·  Competitive opportunities at district, county, regional and national levels

·  Discounted / free tickets to attend First Class County matches / events and the opportunity for young people to participate in the interval display at County / International cricket matches

·  Funding advice including revenue, capital and equipment

·  Generic workforce development training

·  Access to multiskill workshops e.g. scUK

·  Other(s)

Data Protection

The Club will use the information provided in this Partnership Agreement Form (together with other information it obtains about the player) to administer his/her cricketing activity at the Club and in any activities in which he/she participates through the Club and to care for and supervise activities in which he/she is involved.

As the person completing this form, you must ensure that each person whose information you include in this form knows what will happen to their information and how it may be disclosed.

Partnership Agreement

We Nuneaton Abbey Cricket Club and Higham Lane School will work in partnership to jointly deliver the actions and cricket development within this partnership agreement.

Nuneaton Abbey Cricket Club / Higham Lane School
Signature: / Signature:
Print Name: Qamar Khan / Print Name: Phil Kelly
Position within club: Founder / Position within organisation: Headteacher
Date: / Date:
Copies to: / Copies to:

Review Date for Partnership Agreement

Date: 31 July 2019

Person(s) responsible for review: Qamar Bhatti-Khan & Ben Elliott

Version: June 2016