MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler,Trustee Amy Mann,Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Fritz Koennecke, Trustee Jim Joseph

ALSO PRESENT: Chuck Macaulay, Ted Bartlett, Randy & Joan Light, Eric Olson, Jason Emerson, Richard Hubbard, Peter Hubbard, (see list for remainder present).

Mayor Wheeler took a few moments to express his condolences to the Bradstreet family on behalf of the Village.

Mayor Wheeler continued thepublic hearing at 7:00pm regarding the Western Gateway Districtand gave a synopsis of the significant changes made since last month. Mayor Wheeler asked the public for new comments that have not been made that pertain to the law and to keep their comments brief. Mayor Wheeler added the Western Gateway committee met for a final time on August 12th to review the comments received at the August 4th public hearing.

The two significant changes that were made were not to allow the use of tents for special events and with regards of the offsite parking if it is within 400 feet to be consistent with the Village Code. The parking plan would have to be submitted and approved with the special use permit. This zone will have the same noise ordinance as the other zones in the Village.

There were no comments from the Village Board. Mayor Wheeler asked the public to keep their comments to new things and speak to the law or legislation and please keep it brief.

Jack Rooney, a Village resident reviewed what he felt was the Western Gateway District progress that had taken place over the last several months and why.

Russ Brownback of 6 Rippleton Rd. read a letter supporting the Western Gateway District.(see attached)

Margery Connorpointed out this new WGD would not affect Russ Brownback who owns a very large well insulated home as it would have a great effect on her property which backs up to the Smith property and Gale property. Mrs. Connor also added Mr. Brownback has business interests in the Village and that may drive some of his remarks. Mrs. Connor suggested the Village take more time with this issue.

Carlos Gavilondo, President of the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation reviewed a letter he submitted to the Village Board. (see attached) Mr. Gavilondo added the CPF does not support the law as drafted.

Bruce Ross a neighbor of Mr. Brownback on Rippleton Road is strongly in favor of this new district as it would be good for the economy and could help to create new jobs.

Bill Brod commended the Village Board for the exceptional job in a short amount of time that has been done regarding the Western Gateway District.This law is the best opportunity for responsible development to happen to allow it to be developed into a Gateway we can be proud of. Right now as you come into the Village on Route 92 or come down Route 20 you see the decrepit brown building with what looks like a dumpster. This isn’t a great first impression.

Mr. Brod asked the Board to approve this law.

Max Gale of 1 Ledyard Ave. addressed Mr. Brod’s comments. Mr. Gale was disturbed about what Mr. Brod said regarding the homes on Ledyard Ave.which he called an embarrassment. Mr. Gale also pointed out that homes have sold within two years and feels this is all about creating an opportunity for one personto sell their house to another person.

Rich Huftalen, Chairman of the Village Planning Board and member of the WGD committee pointed out this proposed law isn’t about doing something to benefit just one person in the community. Mr. Huftalen claimed his interest is for the welfare of the community. Mr. Huftalen urged the members of the Village Board to vote in favor of this legislation.

Doug Shepard who was involved with theTrush building spoke of the corridor which is sustainable economic development working with CACDA and state and federal agencies. Mr. Shepard added this was not just about the Brewster Inn. Mr. Shepard is in favor of this.

Dave Connor stated this was a bad idea. Mr. Connor added the people who live on Ledyard Ave. never knew anything about this until it was well underway, just before the first public hearing. Mr. Connor added the Board didn’t enforce the code violation. Mr. Connor urged the Village Board to vote no. Changing the character of Ledyard Ave. is a huge mistake.

Doug Falso spoke in favor of this law because he has confidence of both the Village Board and the Village Planning Board.

Sparky Christakos stated he was in favor of the Comprehensive Plan. There are 85 acres of Village land along with 300 acres from the Town for businesses on either side of Route 20 in Village Edge South which contains Cazenovia Dental, CAVAC and a new hotel in the very near future. He stated Cazenovia was business friendlyThe Comprehensive Plan didn’t vote to add commercial property to Ledyard Ave. Mr. Christakos gave an overview of what he has heard during the WG committee meetings along with the public hearings. Mr. Christakos felt the Board needed to deny this.

Eric Olson of 4 Forman St. which is opposite the old CAVAC building stated he is in favor of this plan. He felt the Brewster was a wonderful neighbor and is a huge asset to the community.

Anne Fergusonstated there was no need to make this residential district commercial.

Mayor Wheeler pointed out this was not going to become a commercial district. It will remain residential with additional special uses that are permissible.

Jack Rooney corrected Mr. Brownback when he said the Village Board approved the use at 5 Ledyard Ave.

Margery Connor stated the issue of parking hasn’t been addressed.

Sparky Christakos spoke of thesales tax in the Village and the amount that would be potentially generated.

Rich Huftalen reported the Planning Board talks about the occupancy, usage and the compatibility at each meeting.

Sonnett Loftus stated she grew up on Ledyard Ave. and never thought of this area as commercial. Ms. Loftus added she would like to move back but doesn’t want to come back to an area with a different character.

Gail Woods asked why these homes aren’t being made into condominiums or two family homes. Ms. Woods also stated she didn’t like being compared to Skaneateles as people who live there aren’t happy with recent growth.

John Cawley of 17 Forman St. urged the Board to take Mr. Christakos’ comments seriously.

Bill Loftus stated if this legislation does occur who would want to live next to a party venue.

Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Amy Mann to close the public hearing.

Vote taken. All aye. Approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Katherine A. Burns

Village Clerk


MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler,Trustee Amy Mann,Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Fritz Koennecke,

Trustee Jim Joseph

ALSO PRESENT: Chuck Macaulay, Ted Bartlett, Randy & Joan Light, Eric Olson, Jason Emerson, Richard Hubbard, Peter Hubbard, (see list for remainder present).

Mayor Wheeler stated the Board along with the attorney for the Village had received a lot of input and would like to schedule a special meeting to gothrough the SEQR process and to review the local law.

Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Jim Joseph to schedule a special meeting for Wednesday, September 3rd at 8:00 p.m.

Vote taken. All aye. Approved.

The Village Board approved the minutes from the August 4, 2014 Continued Public Hearing for the Western Gateway District, the minutes from the August 4, 2014 Village Board meeting and the minutes from the August 18, 2014 Special Village Board meeting.

Mayor Wheeler reported there had been a productive meeting on August 26th with Dan Kwasnowski of Applied Planning regarding the Creekside PD Zone plan. Mr. Kwasnowski has taken the ideas received and is looking at the whole area and should have a revised document sometime later this month. This item will be on next month’s agenda.

Trustee Amy Mann reported on August 5th there was a kick off meeting with Saratoga Associates regarding the Lakeland Park Master Plan. There has been a committee working on this over the last eighteen months. The next step is to hold three public meetings open to the general public to gather information. The first meeting is Monday, September 29th t the Municipal Building. The process should take approximately nine months. Saratoga Associates will help the Village prioritize the needs at Lakeland Park.

Mayor Wheeler gave Phase 2 parking update. The Board is trying to make the best use of the parking available in the Village. Overnight parking is a great need in the Village center. Bill Carr and Mayor Wheeler looked at the different spots available. Two different areas were identified for possible overnight parking. They are Bennett Lane (10 spots) which are now two hour parking and 10 spots in Peggy’s Lot at 22 Lincklaen St.Any of these spots which don’t get reserved for overnight parking will remain as public two hour parking. These overnight parking spots would be $50 per month for a one year lease of permit parking or $60 per month for a month by permit parking. The Mayor also suggested lowering the price of the Riverside Drive overnight parking from $50 per month to $25 per month for a one year parking permit or $30 per month for a month by month parking permit. These parking changes will make parking more affordable and help the property owners keep tenants in their buildings.This will leave 13 open spaces in Peggy’s lot. Mayor Wheeler would also like to change the 10 minute parking on both sides of Lincklaen St. and the two designated spots in Peggy’s lot from 10 minutes to 15 minutes. A short discussion followed.

Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Joseph to make 10 parking spots on Bennett Lane and 10 parking spots in Peggy’s lot at 22 Lincklaen overnight permit parking spots.The overnight parking will begin on October 1st. These overnight parking spots will be $50 per month for a one year lease of permit parking or $60 per month for month by month permitted parking. For the first month there will be a three spot maximum per property owner to allow more owners to take part. After October one, all spaces will be available regardless. The price of the Riverside Drive overnight parking will be changed from $50 per month to $25 per month for a one year parking permit or $30 per month for a month by month parking permit. The 10 minute parking spots on both sides of Lincklaen St. and the two designated spots in Peggy’s lot will be changed from 10 minutes to 15 minutes.

Vote taken. All aye. Approved.

Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and second by Trustee Joseph to declare the parking meter at the 22 Lincklaen St. parking lot surplus and to sell it to the highest bidder.

Vote taken. All aye. Approved.

The Board approved the request from Project Café to hold their annual 9/11 Observance in Memorial Park.

RESOLUTION # 17 – BE IT RESOLVED,that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby approves the standard Developer’s Fee of an initial amount of $1,500 from Cazenovia College to be used for legal and engineering costs for the Jephson Campus project and to authorize Mayor Wheeler to sign the standard Development Agreement.

By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.

Five in favor. Approved.

Mayor Wheeler spoke of a request the Board had received from Robert Hart regarding the policy of no smoking on the main street of the Village and the Mayor pointed out the current policy states there is no smoking in parks with play areas. The Board had a short discussion and decided they were content with the existing policy.

John Ninos thanked the Board for thinking creatively about the parking issues. These new parking plans will help the property owners.

Lauren Lines gave the CACDA report.

Village of Cazenovia –

  • Carpenter’s Barn/Lakeland Park NYS Parks Planning Grant (2013 CFA) is underway.
  • Speed feedback signs purchased through the Safe Routes to Schools grant were installed. Yield to pedestrian signs will be ordered and a Walk/Bike to School Day is planned for May 2015 with cooperation from the CCSD and Village PD.
  • Grant application will be developed for records management under NYS Archives program.

CACDA Initiatives

2013 Signature Project –

  • GoCaz signage will be installed this fall.

2014 Signature Project -

  • BikeCaz project is underway. Accepting applications for the bike rack design competition through September 15. Top designs will be revealed at the October 3 Art Trail Opening Reception (tickets may be purchased at The committee is also exploring a Winterfest Snowbike event and a Bicycle Benefits program for local merchants.

Joint Project with Chamber – Cazenovia Video

  • Cazenovia promotional video “The Cazenovia Experience” will be released in September

Greater Cazenovia Art Trail

  • The Art Trail will once again be held on the first two Saturdays in October. A gala opening reception will be held on October 3. Two small grants (totaling $3,100) were received to assist with marketing the trail.

Lauren Lines reported she will be working with Kathy Burns this fall on a grant application through the NY State Archive Program for the Village’s records management needs.

Trustee Dave Porter gave his monthly report:


  • Water pumped last month was 8.03 mil gal and 259 kgal/day ave. Historic mthly ave.9.2 mil gal for August – this month we were 12.7% below historic average. Ave historic usage is 297 kgal/day historic average for Aug.
  • Seven Pines Water District Mtng: Aug 21/14 attended by Mayor Wheeler, Bill Carr, Tim Hunt, John Dunkle, Peter Church (Cty DOH), Bob Greiner & Dan Gardner (residents of 7 Pines). Town would take lead in forming a new water district, including submission of petition of residents. Two existing Town water customers would be added to district. Possible extension of 8-inch water main with 6-inch branch to 7 Pines (approx.. 4000 ft). 7 Pines currently has connection to Village Sewer. Timeline: Approx. 3-4 months for district formation, followed by engineering; possible construction by next spring if all goes well. NYS Comptroller approval required.
  • Storm Water Separation Project: Construction was scheduled to be completed last Friday (8/29/14). The Village will be able to apply some of the additional staff hours used for the administration of the project.

Fire Dept:

  • New Fire Dept. member application: None.
  • New mini-pumper (bid was approved in July meeting). Scheduled for delivery in May, 2015,

Lake Watershed Council:

  • Meeting held on July 15th: “Mini lake summit/state of lake is being planned.
  • Next Meeting: November – tentative date is Nov 15th (will be confirmed).


  • CAP: Next meeting scheduled for Thursday 10/2/14 in Library Board Room at 7 PM. In November the CAP will be presented to Town and Village for adoption (non-binding). CAP will be presented as recommendations.
  • Strategy Areas: Transportation, energy efficiency, energy star appliances, renewable energy (possible PV at Village Bldgs), water plant pumping improvements.

Trustee Amy Mann gave her monthly report:


Our planting project has progressed in the past month and everything should be installed in the next few weeks. Mark Stinson and Jim Maloney from Tree Commission have staked all locations and we have ordered the first batch of UFPO's to flag the utilities. We will start with the bare root trees and progress to the larger balled and burlapped ones. We still have not worked out exactly which plantings will be the volunteer plantings but I will publicize that as soon as we know.

We have also proceeded with a few more removals, namely around the school, to manage hazards with the kids coming back this week. We will work with the school on future replacements.


*will discuss the August 5 Lakeland Park Master Plan kickoff meeting in more detail under agenda item #3*

In other news, I am sorry to report that some individuals felt it necessary to vandalize the new garden at the barn and pull out plants. If anyone has any information about this, we would welcome it. It is sad how often we sit up here and report vandalism.