Thurman White Middle School

Health: Course Expectations

Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce students to the mental, physical, social, emotional, and environmental problems which individuals face in today’s society. The course will include concepts in achieving a healthy body and healthy social and mental attitudes. The overall goal is for your child to set realistic goals and learn how to make good choices that will lead to their overall wellness. This semester course is required for all eighth grade students.

Course Goals:

  1. To investigate the meaning of health and to develop an understanding of the importance of assuming responsibility for individual health and safety.
  2. To understand the importance of forming healthful habits in hygiene, diet, exercise, and rest.
  3. To understand and develop positive ways to cope with stress.
  4. To examine how drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are mentally, physically, and socially harmful.
  5. To understand the necessity for discretion in the selection and utilization of health products.
  6. To investigate the cause, signs, symptoms and prevention of various communicable and non-communicable diseases.
  7. To gain knowledge and skills needed for safe living, accident preventions, and treatment of minor injuries.
  8. To discuss advantages and disadvantages of making decisions based on considerations of the pros and cons of an issue.

Discipline/Behavior Expectations:

Students are expected to behave in order to maintain a safe learning environment.

Student citizenship grades are based on students’ willingness to follow both school wide and classroom rules and regulations. All students begin with an O (outstanding). Any infraction of the rules will be logged and handled according to Thurman White MS citizenship rubric.

Please reference page 16 of the student planner for specific, detailed citizenship expectations.

Grading Procedures:

Students will earn points for daily participation and classwork. Students will be required to be on task at all times. Students will have their daily points taken away if they do not participate in daily activities such as reading, work sheet collaboration/completion, group and partner activities and other learning activities as specified by their instructor.

Grading Procedures continued:

65% Class participation and worksheet completion

25% Tests

10% Final Exam

Late Work Policy:

Students are expected to make every attempt to complete all of their assigned work on time. There may be times, however, when students will not be able to complete their work on time. For these times, the following school-wide late work policy will apply:

One day late: One letter grade will be dropped (10%)

Two days late: Two letter grades will be dropped (20%)

Assignments turned in more than two days late and up to one week late will be reduced by 50% of the grade earned. Students will have one week from the original due date to turn in any late work. Assignments turned in more than one week late will not be accepted for credit.

Lesson Planning:

The following information is an outline of what will be taught during our Health unit of instruction. Students will be expected to write in their Student Planners on a daily basis. Each day there will be an objective on the board that needs to be copied into their planner. In addition to the objective, if their work is not completed that day in class, a notation may be made in their planner. Please check your child’s planner so that you can stay as well informed as possible as to your child’s performance and progress.

The following chapters from the Teen Health text will be covered during the semester long class instruction.

Physical Activity; Your Mental + Emotional Health; Mental and Emotional Disorders; Nutrition; Building Healthy Relationships; The Teen Years; Dating Relationships + Abstinence; The Life Cycle; The Reproductive System; Sexual Feelings + Relationships; “Aspire” Sex Education Text (Coordinated with the previously mentioned Adolescent Growth and Development chapters); Communicable/ Non-communicable Diseases; Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs, & Using Medicines Wisely.

If you have any questions, please call 799-0777 ext. 3311, or you may email Mike Empey at or Kimm Hawkins at . You may also make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher.

Please carefully read the above packet. Sign the very last sheet, front and back, tear it off and return to your child’s teacher no later than Friday September 12, 2014.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” Buddha

Thurman White Middle School

Course Expectations


Parent/Student Agreement Sheet

I have read the course expectations and understand the requirements of my child. I am aware of the following requirements and I will work with school personnel to see that my child attends school each day, understands the course expectations, and is prepared with materials and/or homework each day. I will check my child’s planner each day for assignments and comments.


Parent SignatureDate

I have read the course expectations and understand what is required of me.


Student Signature Date


Student Name (Printed) Period

Please return this sheet to your teacherno later than September 12, 2014.