Summer term 62017– ‘The Great Explorers’
Personal, Social & Emotional development
Circle time games
SEAL – Caring for each other and animals.
Continue to develop empathy for others.
- Recognise what is right and wrong.
- Realise that people and other living things have needs.
Communication and Language development
Sharing what we plan to do/reviewing our learning
Linking statements and thoughts to a main theme – brainstorming ideas and sharing/listening to one another.
Follow stories without pictures or prompts-The Tin Forest. Write story and innovate, changing characters and events.
Physical Development
Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
Letters and sounds activities each day.
Writing recounts,story, instructions, write a report about on the Amazon Rainforest
Guided reading – reading sentences, understanding the text, finding information using the contents page in non-fiction texts and showing expression in reading in fiction texts.
Children will continue to count in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 3’s to a given number.
Show the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones)
Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (×), division (÷) and equals (=) signs
Recognise, find, name and write fractions
1/3, 1/4,2/4 and ¾
Sole missing number problems, eg 5 + =20
Tell the time to 5 minutes
To investigate places
-Use world maps, atlases and globes to identifythe United Kingdom and the Amazon Rainforest.
- Identify the key features of the Amazon Rainforest in order tosay whether it is a city, town, and village, coastal orrural area
key physical features, including: beach,coast, forest, hill, mountain, ocean, river,soil, valley, vegetation and weather.
key human features, including: city,town, village, factory, farm, house, officeand shop.
- Name and locate the world’s continents andoceans
- Identify and name a variety of common plants, includinggarden plants, wild plants and trees and those classified asdeciduous and evergreen.
-Ask questions and decide how they might find answers to them.
-Identify common appliances thatrun on electricity.
-Construct a simple series electricalcircuit.
Using Scratch to create characters and settings
Use Tux paint
Art and design
Children will add white to colours to make tints and black to colours to make tones.
Make a rainforest collage using resources eg sticks leaves etc
Children will take part in singing a variety of songs
Children will make and control long and short sounds usingvoice and instruments