Weber State Athletic Training Program
Research Fund Request
Proposal Title:
Brief Research Summary (please limit to half of a page)
Please provide a brief summary for a general audience that includes background, rationale, and hypothesis for the proposed research.
Description / Funds Committed from Source #1 / Funds Committed from Source #2 / Funds Requested from AT Research Fund / Grand TotalEquipment
Participant Incentives
Budget Narrative
Please clearly explain any budget items that are not self explanatory and include a brief justification.
Please provide a timeline for the project and detail when funds will be required.
Project Alternative
Please brief describe your “back-up” plan should this application not be funded.
If requesting funds for participant incentives, please review the research incentives policy(below) and complete the following:
Due to limited funding for Athletic Training Research from the Program, Department and College, the following policies have been established for students seeking research incentive funding. While these guidelines only apply to monetary-based incentives, please note that only one form of incentive may be provided to a subject (i.e., you cannot offer course extra credit (with instructor approval) and a gift card).
The following is a list of projects that ARE likely suitable for participant incentive funding (NOTE: list is not all-inclusive; decisions will be made on an individual basis, based on information provided by the requestor):
- Research involving invasive techniques (e.g., blood draw, intramuscular temperature measurement)
- Research requiring the subject to attend multiple training and/or data collection sessions
The following is a list of projects that are likely NOT suitable for participant incentive funding (NOTE: list is not all-inclusive; decisions will be made on an individual basis, based on information provided by the requestor):
- Survey research (online or face-to-face)
- Research requiring the subject to attend 1 non-invasive data collection session (sessions length <1 hour)
- Describe the form of compensation (i.e., cash, check, gift certificate, voucher, etc.):
- If compensation is monetary please provide the amount of compensation.
- Please provide a brief justification for the form and amount of compensation provided to subjects.
- Please describe when and how compensation will be provided to subjects.
- Will compensation be prorated?
If yes, please describe how proration will occur.
- For research involving students, will compensation be provided in the form of class credit to students that choose to participate?
If yes, describe how students who choose not to participate in the research may earn class credit. The alternative method to earn class credit should be comparable in time and effort required for research subjects to complete study tasks.