This example of a scheme of work is one which has been provided by a Centre doing the new WJEC Spec B. This particular scheme of work draws reference to specific case studies. Obviously there in no definitive list of case studies.

Centres are advised to choose case studies which can be easily resourced and are relevant to the centre. Some of the case studies involved here are ones which have been relevant to the old Avery Hill course for a number of years. WJEC is also keen to encourage centres to use more contemporary case studies, wherever possible.

A SuffolkHigh School

WJEC Specification B - Scheme of Work

The secret to our scheme of work is to make sure that the Case Studies deliver the content. Where possible, the same case studies will be used to deliver Key Questions within and sometimes across the three Themes. Think smart, everything is connected to everything else! The structure of the two year course is presented below. We have structured the course to allow for the opportunity to enter some / all students in the Unit 1 exam - Yr 10

Resources to support the scheme of work will reflect those we have developed over the last 10 years. Please add suggestions for new material in the right hand column of each Theme. We will update and publish the resource bank after teaching one cycle

Use a wide range of learning activities / always challenge the students / be provocative and questioning at all times

Assessment is signalled within the programme. Note, we will revisit many case studies in the 6 weeks of Problem Solving at the end of Yr 11

Yr 10 programme

Autumn TermSpring TermSummer Term

Theme 2 (Natural World) Theme 1 (Built Environment) Prep for Unit 1 Controlled Assessment

The Issue (Belize)

(16 weeks to cover 26 Key Q’s) (14 weeks to cover 23 Key Q’s) 1 week 4 weeks (5hrs + 5hrs)

Yr 11 programme

Autumn TermSpring TermSummer Term

Controlled AssmtTheme 3 (Work & Dev) Problem Solving Prep for Unit 2

The Enquiry (Quality of Life compared)exercises (cross theme)

5 weeks (5hrs+8hrs)(14 weeks to cover 20 Key Q’s) 6 weeks 3 weeks

Theme 1: Challenges of Living in a Built Environment:(Note: this is the second Theme that we will teach)

A simplified Scheme of Work...... Must do topics...... Must do case studies...... Must keep to time...... Must challenge and provoke debate

14 Weeks to cover 23 K Q’s: Yr 10 February through to early June Yr 10

In the first instance, use resources from the old spec and add details of new / supplementary materials in the right hand column.

Week / Key Q’s / What do the students have to know? / What case studies should I do? / What resources should I use?
Week 1 / 1.1 - 1.2 / How do you measure Quality of Life?
How is that different to standard of living?
What variations are there across the UK?
What variations are there LDCs to MEDCs? / Suburban Ipswich / Inner London
Controlled Assessment for the Enquiry is Q of Life comparison
Ghana / UK
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 / 2.1 - 2.4 / What are the traditional zones associated with UK cities?
Why are most urban models completely out of date?
What patterns are emerging in 21st century cities?
Why does housing provision create tension / issues?
How do LEDC cities compare?
How is quality of life affected by urban location? / Ipswich / London overview / old models
London Docklands / Tower Hamlets
Sao Paulo / Mumbai
Week 5
Week 6 / 6.1 - 6.3 / What is / was counter-urbanisation in the UK?
Why are many Euro cities experiencing re-urbanisation?
What are the aspirations for a sustainable future?
Why is urbanisation occurring in LEDCs?
What is the impact on de-populated rural areas? / Norwich
Paris (La Defense) - France
Freiburg (Germany)
From the Caatinga to Sao Paulo
Week 7
Week 8 / 3.1 - 3.3 / What is the typical pattern of shopping provision in the UK?
What is happening to this service provision across the UK?
Why are changes taking place?
What are the issues / tensions associated with change? / Ipswich
Week 9 / 4.1 - 4.4 / Why do we have inequalities in housing and services?
How can we plan for a sustainable future? / Wards across Newcastle -u -L
Cambourne Cambridgeshire
Week 10
Week 11 / 7.1 - 7.3 / How is rural life changing? Who gains who loses?
What pressures do urban dwellers bring to rural areas?
How can visitor pressure be managed for sustainable futures? / Norfolk
Peak District
Week 12
Week 13 Week 14 / 5.1 - 5.4 / Why is planning for housing controversial? - Using Greenbelt
Why are planning applications be controversial? Windfarms!
Are Ecotowns the future?
What improvements can be made to LEDC cities? / South-East Housing boom - Felixstowe
Blot on the landscape - Suffolk
ECOtowns project UK
Sao Paulo - Cingapura Project

Theme 2: People and the Natural World - Interactions(Note: this is the first Theme that we will teach)

A simplified Scheme of Work...... Must do topics...... Must do case studies...... Must keep to time...... Must challenge and provoke debate

16 Weeks to cover 26 K Q’s: Yr 10 Autumn Term through to Yr 10 Feb

In the first instance, use resources from the old spec and add details of new / supplementary materials in the right hand column.

Week / Key Q’s / What do the students have to know? / What case studies should I do? / What resources should I use?
1 -2 / 1.1 - 1.3 / What is the cause and effect of a Low Pressure system?
What is the cause and effect of a High pressure system?
How is quality of life affected by extreme weather? / Hurricane Katrina
Australian Drought (see below)
UK Fog and Frost
3-4 / 2.1 - 2.3
5.1 - 5.3 / What is climate? How does climate impact on people?
What is climate change / global warming?
What are the impacts of climate change?
How can Drought and Desertification be managed? / Sub Sahara - Savanna + Arctic - Alaska
Climate Change cause and effect
UK / Maldives
Sub Saharan Savanna / Australia
5 - 7 / 3.1 - 3.4 / How do ecosystems function?
How and why do humans exploit ecosystems?
How are ecosystems damaged?
Can they be exploited in a sustainable way? / Norfolk Broads (wetland)
Amazon (Tropical Rainforest)
Controlled Assessment for the ISSUE is the exploitation the Belize Coral Reef
8 - 9 / 4.1 - 4.3 / How does the water cycle function?
What are the issues relating to the supply of fresh water? / UK (Wales to Birmingham)
Botswana / South Africa
3 Gorges dam
10 - 12 / 6.1 - 6.3 / What causes flooding?
What impact does flooding have?
How is Flooding managed? / Rhine floods
Bangladesh Floods
3 Gorges Dam
Week 13 / 7.1 / How can Aid relieve Flood / Drought problems?
Teach this as part of the drought / flood case studies! / Bangladesh / Rhine (Flood)
Sub Sahara / Australia (Drought)
14-15 / 8.1 - 8.2 / How are landforms created along a river?
How are landforms created along the coast? / The Nile / The Severn
NorfolkCoast / CarolinaCoast
Week 16 / 9.1 - 9.4 / How do humans use and impact on river landforms?
How do humans use and impact on coastal landforms?
Where conflict exists, how is the conflict managed for a sustainable future? / The Nile / Severn
NorfolkCoast / CarolinaCoast

Theme 3: People, Work and Development:(Note: this is the third Theme that we will teach)

A simplified Scheme of Work...... Must do topics...... Must do case studies...... Must keep to time...... Must challenge and provoke debate

14 Weeks to cover 20 K Q’s Yr 11 Mid Autumn Term through to Mid Spring Term

In the first instance, use resources from the old spec and add details of new / supplementary materials in the right hand column.

Week / Key Q’s / What do the students have to know? / What case studies should I do? / What resources should I use?
Week 1 / 1.1 - 1.2 / Define employment structure (Prim, Sec, Tertiary, Quaternary)
How does employment structure (P/S/T/Q) vary?
LDCs to MDCs how does employ struct change with develmnt? / UK / Ghana / Brazil
Suffolk compared to UK as a whole
Week 2
Week 3 / 2.1 - 2.4 / What is development?
How is it best measured? GDP PPP or HDI discuss
Why is the Brandt Line an outdated concept?
LDCs, LEDCs, NICs and MEDCs - which country fits? / Ethiopia LDC/ Ghana LEDC / Brazil NIC / UK MEDC
Week 4 / 3.1 - 3.3 / What is globalisation?
What has caused it?
What are the positive and negative impacts across the world? / UK / South Africa / Japan
Week 5
Week 6 / 4.1 - 4.3 / What is international trade? Is it fair?
What is international Aid? Does it help?
Are the world systems fair? / Bananas: Europe / Caribbean
Disaster: Pakistan earthquake 2005
Fairtrade chocolate Ghana / UK
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10 / 5.1 - 5.3 / Why is industry where it is?
What impact does it have?
How and why does industry change its location? / Primary: Open cast mining Sth Wales
Secondary: ToyotaDerby
Tertiary: Patent Office, Newport
Quaternary: Cambridge Science park
Week 11
Week 12 / 6.1 - 6.2 / What are Multinational companies?
Where are they located?
What impact do they have (positive and negative)
What is the multiplier effect (positive and negative) / Toyota (Japan / UK)
Anglo American (Sth Africa / Ethiopia)
Kenya - Flowers and Foods
Sao Paulo inward investment of MNCs
Week 13
Week 13 Week 14 / 7.1 - 7.3 / Economic Activity damages the environment
How do conflicts arise?
How can conflicts be best managed for a sustainable future? / Sugar Beet - Bury St Edmunds
Open cast mines, South Wales
Amazon Forest Exploitation (with YR 10 ecosystems work)

Many Case Studies, across the three Themes will be re-visited in the 6 weeks given over to Problem Solving at the end of the course.