The Lord’s Lambs Preschool- Cornerstone Community Church

1088 Sarasota Drive, Seymour, Indiana


Preschool Information Sheet

Lord’s Lambs Preschool is a Christian school that teaches Biblical principles. Children will be taught about God’s love, how to talk to him in prayer, andhow to grow intheir relationships with God andothers.

We strive to provide a fun, active, and stimulating environment where children can grow in knowledge and self-confidence. Children will learn letter and number recognition, shapes, colors, social skills, and how to use classroom tools. They will also learn beginning phonics, math, and literacy skills. We engage in many fun, interactive, hands on experiences. It is our desire that from the preschool experience, your child will be ready to adjust to and fully enjoy the kindergarten classroom.

SESSIONS: The three year old class will meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The four year old class will meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.There is also an afternoon option that meets Monday- Friday.

CLASS TIMES: School will begin at 9:00 a.m. each morning and the children may arrive between 8:45-9:00 a.m. Classes will dismiss at 11:30 a.m. The afternoon class begins at 12:30 and students may arrive 12:15-12:30. Afternoon class will dismiss at 3:00. Parents are invited to visit the classroom at any time.

HEALTH:To insure the health of all the children in our program, any child with a fever must remain at home for 24 hours after their fever has broken. Children with contagious diseases such as pink eye and strep throat should remain home until they are no longer contagious.

CALENDAR:Classes will begin August 17th or 18th and end in May. Parents will receive a letter in July announcing a Parents’ Night. At parents’ night, the monthly class calendar will be distributed,along with other information. The preschool will follow Seymour Community Schools’schedule, including:days off, holidays, vacations, and closings due to weather.

SNACKS: Snacks will be served daily. Each child will have the opportunity toprovide the snacks once or twice during the year.

FEES: Tuition may be paid in full before the first day of school, or in nine (9) monthly payments, beginning in August.Payments made by check should be made payable to Lord’s Lambs.

Two day class (Tues, Thurs): $750.00/year or $75.00/month and a one-time activity fee of $75.00 for supplies.

Three day class (Mon, Wed, Fri): $900.00/year or $90.00/month and a one-time activity fee of $90.00 for supplies.

Five day class (Mon- Fri): $1650.00/ year or $165.00/ month and a one-time activity fee of $165.00 for supplies.

Classes fill quickly and students are registered on a first-come basis. Payment of the activity fee will reserve your child’s spot in the class.

Lord’s Lambs Preschool Enrollment Application

Child’s name______Male __ Female

Name you want used at school______Birthdate______


The Lord’s Lambs Preschool- Cornerstone Community Church

1088 Sarasota Drive, Seymour, Indiana


Mother’s name______

Mother’s occupation______

Place of work______

Work phone ______

Home phone ______

Cell phone______

Father’s name______

Father’s occupation______

Place of work ______Work phone ______Home phone ______

Cell phone______

Siblings’ Names Birthdates




In case of emergency the school should contact (other than parents):

l. Emergency Contact: ______

2. Alternate Contact: ______

3. Physician ______

Transportation will be provided by ______


List anyone who should NOT pick up your child from school______


Allergies: (food, skin, etc.)______


Special needs/instructions______

How would you describe your child? ______


What are your child's interests and activities? ______


What are your child's favorite toys/ books? ______


Does your child have any fears? ______

Do you have any pets? ______

Anything else you would like to share with us? ______


Does your child have any physical, behavioral, or social difficulties that would need our attention? ___Yes ___ No If yes, please list and describe: ______

Does your family have any hobbies, occupations, interests, or cultural experiences they would like to share with the class? ______

Do you give us permission to release your child’s name and phone number to other classmates? ___Yes ___No

I wish to enroll my child in the ______(2, 3, or 5) day class.

___ I agree to pay a one-time activity fee.

___ I agree to pay in full before the first day of school or on a monthly basis.

___ I give permission for my child to be included in pictures on the school’s website, publications, and brochures.

___ I understand that Lord’s Lambs will not be providing transportation for the children, including field trips.

___ I authorize Lord’s Lambs to provide emergency medical care, including calling an ambulance for transportation to the hospital,if necessary.

__ I have received and read a copy of the student handbook.
