PGCE Primary
Course induction 2015
Teaching Issues
This is one of the key areas in which to develop your understanding. You will be using assessment during all periods of school placement and all of your academic assignments will require you to use assessment to find out what children know and understand.
Essential task
Download the documentAssessment for Learning - a practical guidefrom theNorthern Ireland Curriculum webpage. Read through the document, paying particular attention to sections 1 and 2. Much of the first weeks of the course will explore the aspects mentioned here. It will also support towards your academic assignments on the course.
Additional tasks
The above document has a reference list on page 57. Use this as a starting point to research other authors who have written about Assessment for Learning (AfL). Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam in particular have produced a considerable amount on the subject.
A very accessible text is Shirley Clarke, (2008)Active Learning through Formative Assessment. London, Hodder Education. This is well worth reading.
Managing behaviour
This is a priority area for schools and the subject of much discussion and debate.
Essential task
Read the latest government guidance related tobehaviour and discipline in schools.
Additional task
Search for primary school behaviour policies online. Try to access more than one (preferably including the policy of a school that you are familiar with) and then identify common aspects and particular differences in their approaches.
Read Rogers, Bill (2011)Classroom Behaviour: A Practical Guide to Effective Teaching, Behaviour Management and Colleague Support. 3rd Ed. London, Paul Chapman Publishing.
Additional suggestions to explore areas of teaching and learning
Browse Teacher's TV videos.
- Discover how to search key stages for primary or whole school issues.
- Select a programme from behaviour issues, bullying or classroom management.
- Watch your chosen video in the light of the insights gained from your experiences and from the recommended reading above.
Wider reading
It is important to keep abreast of current issues in education so following discussions in the news and the education press will be valuable.
- Times Educational Supplement
- Education Guardian
The following is a general reading list which you may find helpful.
We are not suggesting you should buy these books but should consider aspects of teaching in which you feel you need greater support. Many of these texts will be available at the NTUlibrary as a hard copy or as an eBook once you have enrolled.
Placements or time in school:
- Cohen, L. Manion, L. Morrison, K. & Wyse, D. (2010)A Guide to Teaching Practice. 5th Ed.
This is a very comprehensive text which covers on good quality teaching and learning. The blurb suggests it is “Interesting and reassuring” Michael Duffy - TES. - Jane Medwell (2007)Successful Teaching Placement: Primary and Early Years(2nd Edition), Learning Matters ISBN: 978-1-84445-091-6
This book offers advice about being on placement in school. It has ideas for activities and generally considers all aspects of working and training in schools. There are case studies, reflective tasks and summaries of key points at the end of every chapter.
Behaviour management:
- Sue Cowley (2006)Getting the Buggers to Behave(3rd Edition), Continuum International Publishing Group ISBN: 0-8264-8912-5
TES – Jan 24 2003: "a book full of sound advice, founded in good practice and proper attitudes to young people"
(1st edition) Sunday Times – 9 Sept 2001: "has won a cult following among harassed teachers"
TES – Mar 30 2001: "rich and realistic" … "practical, sound and interspersed with imaginative ideas that arrest attention" … "a treasure trove"
“NQT Handbook”:
- Elizabeth Holmes (2009)The Newly Qualified Teacher’s Handbook(2nd Edition), Routledge ISBN: 978-0-415-44596-2
This is an interesting read and covers topics from applying for jobs, behaviour management to how to secure a work/life balance. It is well presented and concise and will support you through this year and beyond.
Theories of learning and teaching:
- Muijs, D & Reynolds, D. (2011)Effective Teaching – Evidence and Practice3rd Ed. London: Sage
This book is very useful in considering a range of key topics, it has a readable style and is research based. It provides a comprehensive overview of the large body of knowledge on effective teaching.
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