Minutes of Meeting of
Mocketts Wood Surgery Patient Participation Group (“PPG”)
held at 3pm on Saturday, 23rd January 2016
Present:John Kent, Chair
Miriam Lambouras
Ken Pearch
Bridget Crow
Sarah Hammond
Barbara Kelly
Mavis Eales
Gwennyth Lamb
Neil Dobson
Jean Simmons
Helen Downer, Practice Manager
Apologies:Dr S Kanumuru
Dr V Reddy
Neil Dobson
Marjorie Dobson
Sara Stavarious
Peter Swan
Barbara Swan
In attendance:Susan Green (minutes)
The Chairman declared the meeting open at 3.15 pm.
The minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2015 were taken as read. The Chairman undertook to ensure that all members receive copies of minutes and agenda and all AGREED that he may access their contact details for the purpose.
- Health Reference Group Meeting
JK reported back following his attendance at the recent Health Reference Group meeting which comprises the Chairman plus representatives from various Thanet PPGs.
A presentation had been given regarding Thanet’s prescribing budgets which included discussionaround prescribing generic –v- branded medicines and some of the problems this can create. The issueof unused items was also discussed and it was suggested that perhaps these could be sent overseas.
HD reported that Mocketts Wood is working closely with Thanet CCG to reduce our previously high prescribing budget and confirmed letters are sent to all patients whose previous branded item prescriptions have been replaced by generic versions.
Discussion to place around the various methods of assisting patients to understand how and why prescription costs may be reduced, including posters in surgery/pharmacies, notes attached to prescriptions and explanation by GPs.
- CCG Personal Health Budget Meeting
JK confirmed he will be attending the meeting at 1pm on Thursday 18 February at Trinity Community and Resource Centre in Cliftonville and offered a lift to anyone else who would like to attend.
- Voluntary Sector
JK circulated various voluntary services’ flyers which had been presented at the Health Reference Group meeting.
- Other PPGs
JK reported that other PPG Chairs had given feedback and were particularly impressed with the newMocketts Wood Practice Leaflet.
- Patient Practice Leaflet
HD confirmed that the new Mocketts Wood Patient Practice Leaflet, which provides information on services offered by the Surgery have been printed and posters are ready to be displayed. JS commended the Committee on the production of a very useful and informative leaflet.
PPG members will attend the Surgery at various times over the next few weeks to interact with patients, advising them of the existence of the PPG, directing them to the services offered, particularly Online Access to GP appointments, health records and repeat prescription ordering. Mocketts Wood is a Beacon Site for the Online Access system and as such needs to actively promote this to patients.
ME has volunteered to attend walk-in surgery on Friday 28 January; HD to confirm with GPs.
- PPG Patient Letter
JK circulated a draft letter which could be written to all patients asking if they wish to voice concerns or provide their views on issues relating to the Surgery and if so, to provide their personal contact details to the PPG, via Reception. A copy is attached to and forms part of these minutes. HD to discuss with GPs.
HD confirmed that Drs Khemani and Ryder are working at the Surgery on a part-time basis
- Member ResignationsAppointments:
Nikki Kaikobad and Michael Trevethick have tendered their resignation from the PPG.
It was AGREED that Ken Pearch be appointed as Vice Chair to fill the vacancy created by the
resignation of MrTrevethick.
HD advised she had been approached by three patients interested in becoming members of the PPG.
- PPG Meetings/Agreements
It was AGREED that informal PPG meetings be held half way between the formal, quarterly meetings.
It was AGREED that if decisions are needed at short notice the Chair will contact all members by email or in writing, requesting their response within 72 hours; further AGREED that HD will provide all PPG member contact details to JK.
- Bereavement Contacts
KP circulated a leaflet from DWP, “Tell Us Once” which provides a single contact number for the bereaved to advise of a relative’s death and the information is be passed to all relevant Government authorities, saving time, telephone calls and distress. It was AGREED that a copy should be displayed in the Surgery.
Saturday, 16 April 2016, 3pm at Mocketts Wood Surgery
The Chairman declared the Meeting closed at 5:15 pm.