Psychological Bulletin MS# 2013-1356RRBridgett et al.Online Supplement 3

Supplemental Materials

Intergenerational Transmission of Self-Regulation: A Multidisciplinary Review and Integrative Conceptual Framework

by D. J. Bridgett et al., 2015, Psychological Bulletin

Table S3

Studies Reporting Associations between Self-Regulation and Relationship Adjustment

First Author & Date / Self-Regulation
Construct / Top-Down or Bottom-Up Regulation / Relationship Adjustment Outcome / General Methodology / Key Findings / Support for Model
(Yes, Some, No)
1. O’Leary, 1994 / Self Reported Impulsivity Measured with The Jackson Personality Research Form (Jackson, 1974a) / Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Report Marital Discord; Self Report Nonphysical Marital Aggression; Self and Spouse Reported Physical Aggression towards Spouse / Men and Women in First Time Marriages; Self and Other Report Only; N=393 / For Women and Men,Impulsivity was Positively Associated with Marital Discord, and Psychological Aggression, but not Physical Aggression (Zero-Order Associations); In the Full Model, The Only Significant Association was Between Women’s Impulsivity and Marital Discord, which was Associated with Women’s Physical Aggression / Some
2. Newman, 1997 / Examiner Reported Child Impulsivity/Under Controlled Temperament at 3-Years Old / Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self-Reported Romantic Relationship Functioning at 21-Years Old / Men and Women; Longitudinal; Mixed Methods; N=1,037; Laboratory Visits / Children Rated as Under Controlled Reported Lower Adjustment in Romantic Relationships Related to Power Balance, but not to Intimacy or Mutual Interest, at Age 21 / Some+
3. Schafer, 1997 / Lab Administered Set Shifting and Inhibitory control Tasks (Digit Symbol subtests from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised; The Booklet Category Test; DeFillippis & MccCampbell, 1997; The Stroop Test; Stroop, 1935; and The Trail Making Test; Lezak et al., 1995) / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Married Men; Mixed Methods; N=31; High Risk; Laboratory Visit / Men’s Better Performance on the Booklet Category Test, Stroop Test, and Trails B, but not Performance on Digit Symbol or Trails A, was Negatively Related to use of Conflict Tactics Involving Violence / Some+
4. Westby, 1999 / Lab Administered Set Shifting and Inhibitory Control Tasks; Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (Grant & Berg, 1948); The Stroop Color-Word Test (Stroop, 1935); Trails B (Reitan & Davidson, 1974). / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation / History of Engaging in Partner Abuse / Male Abusers and Non-Abusers; Mixed Methods; N=76; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High); Laboratory Visit / Men’s Better Executive Functioning as Measured by Some Tasks (Trail Making), but not Other Tasks (Wisconsin Card Sorting Task and The Stroop Color Word Test) was Negatively Related to Abuse History / Some
5. Cohen, 1999 / Lab Administered Tasks of Attention, Cognitive Flexibility, and Verbal Fluency/Working Memory, Including Digit Symbol from WISC-R (Wechsler, 1981); The Wisconsin Cart Sort (Heaton, 1981); Controlled Oral Word Association Test (Benton & Hamsher, 1978). / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation / History of Domestic Violence / Male Batterers and Non-Batterers; Mixed Methods; N=102; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High); Laboratory Visit / Individuals with a Domestic Violence History Performed Worse on Some, But Not All, Measures of Executive Functioning / Some
6. Teichner, 2001 / Lab Administered Inhibitory Control (The Stroop Color and Word Test, Golden, 1978), and Visual Scanning and Cognitive Flexibility Tasks (Trail Making Tests A and B; Davies, 1968; Reitan, 1955) / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation / History of Engaging in Partner Abuse / Abusers and Non-Abusers From Court Mandated Anger Management; Experimental; Mixed Methods; N=73; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High); Laboratory Visit / Individuals with an Abuse History Performed Worse on Executive Functioning Measures / Yes
7. Cohen, 2003 / Lab Administered Executive Functioning, Attention and Impulsivity Tasks, Including the Adaptive Rate Continuous Perormance Test (Cohen, 1993); The Controlled Oral Word Association Test (Lezak, 1995); The Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (Gronwall,1977);The Porteus Mazes (Lezak, 1995); The Stroop Interference Test (Golden, 1978); The Trail Making Test (Lezak, 1995);a Go–No-Go Task (Lezak, 1995); Contrasting Motor Programs (Lezek, 1995); and The Walter Reed Performance Assessment Battery (Thorne et al., 1985) / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation & Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Enrollment Status in a Domestic Violence Program / Male Batterers and Non-Batterers Enrolled in a Treatment Program; Experimental; Mixed Methods; N=61; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High); Laboratory Visit / Individuals with a Domestic Violence History Performed Worse on Some, But Not All, Measures of Executive Functioning and Impulsivity / Some+
8. Kinsfogel, 2004 / Emotion Regulation Specific to Anger Measured with The Trait Anger Scale (Spielberger et al., 1983) / Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Adolescents; Self Report Only; N=391; Mixed Risk / Anger Regulation Positively Related to Conflict in Romantic Relationships, and Positively Related to Relational Aggression in Males, but not Females / Some+
9. Schafer, 2004 / Self Reported Impulsivity Measured with a Three Item Measure (Schafer, 1994) / Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Married and Cohabiting Couples; Self Report Only; N=1,427 Couples; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High) / Impulsivity Positively Related To Interpersonal Violence (IPV) Perpetration in African American Women, but not African American Men; In Hispanic Men and Women, Impulsivity Positively Related To IPV Perpetration;In Caucasian Men and Women, Impulsivity Positively Related To IPV Perpetration. / Some
10. Stuart, 2005 / Self Reported Impulsivity Measured with The Eysenck Impulsiveness Scale, Impulsivity Subscale Only (Eysenck et al., 1985) and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (Barratt, 1985); Behavioral/Performance Based Measures of Impulsivity (Time Production and The Circle Tracing Task, Bachorowski & Newman, 1985; The Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate Responding Task, Gordon, 1979). Two Composites Created From These Measures, 1) Self Report Impulsivity (The Eysenck Impulsiveness Scale and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale), and 2) Time Regulation Impulsivity (Time Production, The Circle Tracing Task, and The Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate Responding Task); Self Reported Anger Regulation (The State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory, Spielberger, 1988) / Combination of Bottom-Up Impulsivity, Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Self Reported Husband-to-Wife Psychological Abuse and Violence / Married or Cohabitating Men; Mixed Methods; N=86; Phone Interview and Laboratory Visit; High Risk / Self-Reported Husband Impulsivity, but not Time Regulation Impulsivity, was Positively Related to Marital Discord, Marital Discord was Related to Psychological Abuse, which was Related to Marital Violence. / Some+
11. Stanford, 2007 / Lab Administered Executive Functioning Tasks Assessing Set Shifting, Attention, and Planning (Trail Making Test, Reitan & Wolfson, 1986; Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, Heaton, 1993) / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation / Abuse History (Court Mandated Anger Management) / Abusers and Non-Abusers; Quasi-Experimental; Mixed Methods; N=36; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High); Laboratory Visit / Abusers Performed More Poorly on Executive Functioning Measures / Yes
12. Verhoeven, 2007 / Self Reported Self Control Measured with a 24-item Measure Developed by Grasmick et al., 1993 / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Top-Down Emotional Regulation, Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Marital Satisfaction / Mothers and Fathers; Self Report Only; N = 111; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High) / Significant Association Between Self Control and Marital Satisfaction for Fathers, but not Mothers / Some+
13. Caetano, 2008 / Self Reported Impulsivity Measured with a Three Item Questionnaire Based on Eysenck & Eysenck (1977) and Jackson(1974b) / Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Married and Cohabitating Couples; Self Report Only; N=1,620 Couples; Home Visit / Men and Women in Violent Relationships, Compared to Men and Women in Nonviolent Relationships, had Higher Impulsivity Scores / Yes
14. Gover, 2008 / Self Reported Self Control (Grasmick et al., 1993) / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Top-Down Emotional Regulation, Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Physical and Psychological Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization / College Students; Self Report Only; N=2,541; Classroom Visit / Better Self Control Negatively Associated with Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization / Yes
15. Gyurak, 2008 / Resting Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia and Self Reported Emotion Control During Conflict with Partner Measured with a Four Question Measure Developed by Authors for Study / Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Self Reported Hostile Conflict Behaviors Used with Romantic Partner / Undergraduate Students; Mixed Methods; N=41; Low Risk; Laboratory Visit / RSA Negatively Related to Hostile Conflict Behaviors, but only for Individuals High in Rejection Sensitivity; Emotion Control Negatively Related to Hostile Conflict Behaviors; Emotion Control Mediated the Interaction Effect of RSA and Rejection Sensitivity on Hostile Conflict Behaviors / Yes
16. Kerley, 2008 / Self Reported Self Control (Grasmick et al., 1993) / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Top-Down Emotional Regulation, Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Physical and Psychological Victimization and Aggression / Married Women Living in Thailand; Self Report Only; N=816; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High) / Self Control Significantly Negatively Related to Physical and Psychological Victimization and Aggression / Yes
17. Finkel (Study 1),
2009 / Self Reported Impulses to Engage in and Actual Engagement in Intimate Partner Violence Measured with The Safe Dates Physical Violence Scale (Foshee et al., 1996) / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation; Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Engagement in Intimate Partner Violence / Adolescent Males; Self Report Only; N=936; Low Risk; Rural Sample / Impulsivity Positively Related to Dating Violence / Yes
18. Finkel (Study 2),
2009 / Self-Regulation Training Intervention Group Based on Interventions Demonstrated to Boost Ego Strength (Gailliot et al., 2007) / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation / Self Reported Intimate Partner Violence Inclinations / Undergraduate Students; Experimental; Mixed Methods; N=40; Low Risk; Laboratory/Clinic Visits / Individuals Who Participated in a Self-Regulation Training Demonstrated Less Violent Inclinations in Romantic Relationships / Yes
19. Kim, 2009 / Parental Emotion Regulation (Self-Reported via The Caprara Irritability Scale, Caprara et al., 1985; State-Trait Anxiety Scale, Spielberger, 1983; Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Hathaway & McKinley, 1951; and The Activity Survey, Jenkins, 1972) (Son Reported via Items from a Telephone Interview, Dishion et al., 1984) (Observer Report via Interviewer and Coder Ratings)
Son Emotion Regulation (Self-Reported via The State-Trait Anxiety Scale, Spielberger, 1983; The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, Radloff, 1977; The Perceived Stress Scale, Cohen et al., 1983; The Young Adult Self Report, Achenbach, 1993) (Parent Reported via The Child Behavior Checklist, Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1983; The Young Adult Adjustment Scale, Capaldi et al., 1992; The Young Adult Behavior Checklist, Achenbach, 1993) / Top-Down Emotion Regulation; Although Items Predominately Assessed Emotion Regulation, Some Studies May Have Top-Down Behavioral Regulation and Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Parental Self-, Son-, and Observer- Reported Relationship Adjustment; Son Self- and Partner- Reported, and Observer Rated, Relationship Adjustment / Mothers, Fathers, and Sons; Longitudinal; Questionnaire Only; N=130; High Risk; Home Visit / Emotion Regulation Positively Related to Relationship Adjustment in Parents and in Son-Partner Dyads / Yes
20. Berzenski, 2010 / Self Reported Emotion Regulation and Impulsivity assessed with The Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS; Gratz & Roemer, 2004); The State-Trait Anger Scale (STAXI; Spielberger et al., 1983); and The Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20; Bagby et al., 1994). Impulsivity Composite Created from The DERS Impulse Control Difficulties Subscale and the STAXI Reactivity Anger Subscale; Alexithymia Composite Created from The DERS Lack of Emotional Awareness Subscale and the TAS-20 Total Score / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Top-Down Emotional Regulation, and Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Male and Female Undergraduate Students; Self Report Only; N=2,169; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High); Laboratory Visit / Impulsivity, but not Alexithymia, was Positively Related to Both Violence Perpetration and Victimization / Some
21. Payne, 2010 / Self Reported Self Control Measured with The Self Control Scale (Grasmick et al., 1993) / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Top-Down Emotional Regulation, Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Violence with Partner / Women; Self Report Only; N=375; Low Risk; Phone Interview / Higher Self Control Negatively Related to Violence with Partner / Yes
22. Turcotte-
Seabury, 2010 / Self Reported Anger Management Measured with an Undefined Three Item Subscale (Behavioral Self-Soothing, Recognizing Signs of Anger, and Self-Talk) Measure / Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Undergraduate Students; Self Report Only; N=14,252; Low Risk / Anger Management Negatively Associated with Violent Conflict Strategies in Romantic Relationships / Yes
23. Derefinko, 2011 / Self Reported Impulsivity (Negative Urgency, Lack of Premeditation, Lack of Perseverance, Sensation Seeking, and Positive Urgency subscales) Measured with The UPPS-P Impulsivity Scale (Whiteside & Lynam, 2001) / Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Interpersonal Aggression / Undergraduate Male Students; Self Report Only; N=131; Mixed Risk; Laboratory Visit / Urgency (combined Negative and Positive), but not Other Aspects of Impulsivity, was Positively Related to Intimate Partner Violence / Some
24. Diamond, 2011 / Vagal Tone Reactivity; Measured at Rest and During Stressful Tasks (Description of Thoughts and Feelings Surrounding a Hypothetical Separation from Their Partner, a Serial Subtraction Task (Earle et al., 1999), a Speech Task Designed to Elicit Negative Affect (Dickerson & Kemeny, 2004), and an Anger Recall Task (Anderson & Lawler, 1995) / Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Daily Diaries of Interpersonal Functioning With Their Partner / Cohabiting Couples; Mixed Methods; N=68; Low Risk; Laboratory Visit / For Men, Higher Resting Vagal Tone was related to their Female Partners’ Higher ratings of Positive Interactions. Men who had Low Resting Vagal tone or High Vagal Reactivity and Reported Higher Negative Affect were Reported as being More Argumentative/Critical by their Partners. Women who Experienced Higher Positive Affect and had Higher Resting Vagal Tone Engaged in More Positive Interactions as Reported by their Partners. / Some+
25. Jennings, 2011 / Self Reported Self Control Measured with The Self Control Scale (Grasmick et al., 1993) / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Top-Down Emotional Regulation, Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Undergraduate Students; Self Report Only; N = 1,399; Korean Sample; Low Risk; Classroom Sample / Higher Self Control Negatively Related to Use of Violent Conflict Tactics / Yes
26. Payne, 2011 / Self Reported Self Control Measured with a Shortened Version of The Self Control Scale (Grasmick et al.,1993) / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Top-Down Emotional Regulation, Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Violence with Their Partner / Men and Women, Mostly in Romantic Relationships; Self Report Only; N = 375; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High); Phone Interview / Better Self Control Negatively Related to Partner Violence / Yes
27. Shorey, 2011 / Self Reported Impulsivity Measured with The Eysenck Impulsiveness Questionnaire (Eysenck et al., 1985) and Self Reported Anger Regulation Measured with The State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (Spielberger, 1988) / Combination of Bottom-up Impulsivity, Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Undergraduate Students; Self Report Only; N=440; Low Risk / Impulsivity and Anger Regulation were Positively Related to Psychological and Physical Violence Perpetration, but Impulsivity was not Significant After Controlling for Anger Regulation / Some+
28. Murray-Close,
2011 / Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia and Heart Rate Reactivity During Rest and During a Stressful Couple Interaction Task / Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Self Reported Romantic Relational Aggression and Victimization / Female Emerging Adult Undergraduate Students; Mixed Methods; N=131; Low Risk; Laboratory Visit / RSA was not Related to Relational Aggression / No
29. Smith, 2011 / Heart Rate Variability at Rest and During a Stressful Couple Interaction Task / Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Self-Reported Marital Quality / Young Married Couples; Mixed Methods; N=114 Dyads; Laboratory Visit / Wiver’s HigherBasline HRV was Associated with Self-Reported, but not Husband Reported Higher Marital Quality; Husbands’ Higher Resting HRV was related to Higher Wivers’ Reports, Self-Reports, and Composite Reports of Marital Satisfaction; Increases in HRV, particularly for Wives’ During the Stressful Interaction Task were Consistent with Use of More Regulatory Efforts / Some
30. Vohs, 2011
(Study 1) / Self Reported Self Control Measured with The Trait Self Control Scale (Tangney et al., 2004) / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Top-Down Emotional Regulation, Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Romantic Relationship Quality / Heterosexual Couples; Self Report Only; N=97 / Greater Total Self Control Levels (Sum of Both Partners) Positively Associated with Relationship Quality / Yes
31. Vohs, 2011
(Study 2) / Self Reported Self Control Measured with a Dutch Translation of The Self Control Scale (Frijns et al., 2005) / Combination of Top-Down Emotional Regulation, Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Relationship Adjustment, Conflict Frequency, Forgiveness, Trust, Partner Responsiveness, and Perceived Partner Exclusion / Newly Married Couples; Self Report Only; N=199; Home Visit / Greater Total Self Control Levels (Sum of Both Partners) Positively Associated with all Indicators of Relationship Quality / Yes
32. Mair, 2012 / Self Reported Impulsivity Measured with a Three Item Questionnaire based on Caetano et al., 2000 / Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Married and Cohabiting Couples; Self Report Only; N=1,861 Dyads; Phone Interviews / Impulsivity Positively Related to Violent Conflict Tactics in Males, but not in Females / Some
33. Murray-Close,
2012 / Baseline Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia During a Stressor (Disagreement Discussion) / Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Partner Reported Relational Aggression and Self Reported Dyadic (Relationship) Adjustment / Dating Undergraduate Couples; Mixed Methods; N=115 Dyads; Laboratory Visit / Higher Resting RSA and Higher RSA Suppression was Related to Better Partner Reported Dyadic Adjustment, but not Related to Observed Relational Aggression / Some
34. Swogger, 2012 / Impulsivity Measured with the Lifestyle Subscale of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (Hare, 2003); Completed Using Omterview, File Review, and Review of the Criminal History Database / Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Intimate Partner Violence / Males Participating in a Pretrial Supervision Program Post Criminal Charges; Mixed Methods; N=75; High Risk; Laboratory Visit / Impulsivity Not Significantly Related to Intimate Partner Violence / No+
35. Tharp, 2012 / Self Reported Impulsivity Measured with The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-II (Patton et al., 1995) and Self Reported Emotion Regulation Measured with The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (Gratz & Roemer, 2004). / Bottom-Up Impulsivity and Top-Down Emotional Regulation / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Men Enrolled in Substance Abuse Treatment; Self Report Only; N=128; High Risk / Difficulties with Emotion Regulation and Impulsivity were Positively Related to Psychological Aggression, Physical Aggression, and Sexual Coercion / Yes
36. Bridgett, 2013 / Multi-Method Construct Consisting of Maternal Self Reported Effortful Control (The Adult Temperament Questionnaire, Evans & Rothbart, 2007) and Executive Functioning (Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Roth et al., 2005), and Lab Administered Working Memory Tasks (Letter Number Sequencing from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-4th Edition, Wechsler, 2008; Verbal Fluency Test from the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function Scale, Delis et al., 2001) / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation / Maternal Self-Reported Dyadic Adjustment / Mothers of Infants; Longitudinal; Mixed Methods; N = 84; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High); Rural Sample; Laboratory Visit / Higher Behavioral Self Regulation Positively Related to Dyadic Adjustment / Yes
37. Cunradi, 2013 / Self Reported Impulsivity Measured with a Three Item Questionnaire based on Caetano et al., 2000 / Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Married and Cohabiting Couples; Self Report Only; N=1,950 Couples; Phone Interview / Male, but not Female, Impulsivity Positively Related to Male-to-Female and Female-to-Male Partner Violence / Some+
38. Schumacher,
2013 / Self Reported Impulsivity Measured with the Eysenck Impulsiveness-Venturesomeness-Empathy Questionnaire (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1978); Lab Administered Tasks of Set Shifting (Trail Making Test, Reitan, 1979; Category Test Computer Version, DeFillippis & PAR Staff, 2005), Behavioral Inhibition (Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Test, Trenerry et al., 1989; GoStop Impulsivity Paradigm (Dougherty et al., 2003), Working Memory (Controlled Oral Word Association, Benton & Hamsher, 1976), Planning and Problem Solving (Tower of London-Drexel University, Culbertson & Zillmer, 2001),Non Verbal Fluency (Ruff Figural Fluency Test, Ruff et al., 1987) and other measures of Executive Functioning (Symbol Digit Modalities, Smith, 1982; Computerized Delay Discounting Task, Robles & Vargas, 2008) / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation and Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Men Enrolled in Substance Abuse Treatment Who Met Criteria for a Primary Alcohol Dependence Diagnosis Who Were in a Current Romantic Relationship; Mixed Methods; N=103; / Self Reported Impulsivity, but not Behavioral Measures of Executive Functioning, was Positively Related to Self Reported Violent Conflict Tactics / Some
39. Becerra-Garcia,
2014 / Lab Administered Executive Functioning (Processing Speed, Cognitive Flexibility and Inhibition, Executive Control, and Set Shifting) Tasks (The Trail Making Test, Reitan, 1992) / Top-Down Behavioral Regulation / Self Reported Domestic Violence / Male Offenders and Non-Offenders; Partly Incarcerated Sample; Mixed Methods; N=78; Mixed Risk (Some Low, Some High) / Individuals with a History of Domestic Violence, Compared with a History of Non-Domestic Violence or No Violence, Performed Most Poorly on Executive Functioning Task / Yes
40. Cheung, 2014 / Self Reported Impulsivity and Other Aspects of Self-Control; Items Borrowed from the Grasmick et al (1993) Scale. / Combination of Top-Down Behavioral Regulation, Top-Down Emotional Regulation, Bottom-Up Impulsivity / Psychological and Physical Violence in Intimate Partner Relationships / Married couples living in Hong Kong; Self Report Only; N=871 Couples / Self Control Negatively Related to Husband to Wife Psychological and Physical Violence / Yes

+ Studies reported an effect that was not statistically significant, but was in the anticipated direction with a minimum effect size of .10.