Interpersonal Communications-T/TH Communication Studies 100
INSTRUCTOR: Georgie Monahan
VOICE MAIL/PHONE: (714) 432-5006
Office: L&L 218
Office Hours: Mon 4.30-6 L&L 218; L&L 218-Wed-4.30-6;
Thursday: Virtual hour -11.30-12.30
Email: and
Or Google my full name (Georgie Monahan)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Communicating with others is an activity we all do with a fair amount of expertise. However, there are many times when communication creates feelings of dissatisfaction, confusion, or other unexpected outcomes. Improving the way we manage such situations often requires that we develop a sense that allows us to see communication in new ways. That is the aim of this course: a better understanding of interpersonal communication situations giving you the opportunity to improve the ways we manage them. We will be examining communication from many perspectives, including perception, self- concept, feelings and language, nonverbal, listening, relationships, self-disclosure, and conflict resolution through an intercultural perspective.
By the end of this class, you will be able to:
SLO 1:
Identify and distinguish interpersonal and intrapersonal communication theories and concepts.
SLO 2:
Identify and demonstrate intrapersonal awareness as related to personal and professional interactions.
SLO 3:
Identify and demonstrate interpersonal communication skills in areas that resolve conflict.
SLO 4:
Identify concepts for developing and improving friendships, committed relationships, and the understanding of gender differences.
ASSIGNMENTS: There will be several assignments designed to support you in applying and practicing what we read and talk about in class. You will receive points for each project and exam and your total will determine your final grade. The following describes the various projects:
Individual Participation including Shares-100 points-Here is your opportunity to demonstrate that you are keeping up with the reading assignments, attending every class and being on time, participating in exercises, are making observations about various interactions you have with your relationships, and just overall contributing in a constructive way to class. Additionally, there is a more formal way of sharing in this class, too. Everyone must participate in this communication and sharing process. Please see web site for more specific information on sharing in class.
Assertiveness Project-100 points-This is probably the most valuable assignment because it asks you to apply what we are talking about in class as well as getting you to pay attention to the communication choices you are making in a relationship. This project is divided into 4 stages, 3 of which will be typed and one will be done orally with notes in a small group. All papers will be typed and turned in on time. If you turn in a late paper, each day late will be a loss of 10%. See details and guidelines on the web site.
Film Analysis Project-100 points-This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to recognize concepts in others by watching a film. You will pick the chapter that best supports your analysis and offer examples of how the chapter’s concepts are exhibited through the various behaviors and interactions of the film’s characters. All papers will be typed and turned in on time. I do not accept any late film analysis. See details and guidelines on the web site.
Journals-110 points-This is your opportunity to reflect on each chapter you read and discuss in class. You will be given a prompt to answer and turn in for points. All journal entries will be typed and turned in on time. If you turn in a late paper, it will lose 10%/day. See details and guidelines on the web site.
Exams-150 points-There will be 3 exams; each exam will be worth 50 points. You will be tested on tested and which chapters will be on the exam. You will need 3 Scantrons or you can recycle one. There will be NO make-up exams unless you have arranged an alternative time with me. I also teach this class at 9.30 on M/W in MBCC 308. Ask me when the exam is and/or a discussion you have missed to see if it works in your schedule to make it up.
A word about honesty in this class—the OCC Honesty Statement will be followed. I expect all standards of ethical behavior to be upheld in all project work and in test taking. Anything else is simply your loss.
Success from Day 1in this class includes your ability to:
• Speak in a complete thought, an audible level; be clear enough for everyone to understand you
• Ask questions, interact in groups and engage others in classroom topics, as well as share personal experiences and opinions.
• Listen and maintain a responsive level in your communication.
• Understand college classroom vocabulary, instructions, others opinions and should show an ability to recall and apply class information.
• Apply the course material to your own experiences, write about your experiences in relationship to the course, construct coherent sentences with acceptable spelling, punctuation, and organize ideas around a clear and specific thesis in essay form.
These skills will give you the ability to do a decent job in this class. If you feel uncomfortable in any way about the above, come and talk to me and together, we will assess the situation and make the appropriate decision.
Each of the above assignments and exams contribute to these totals on a 90%,
80%, etc. scale. Therefore, to pass the class, you will need at least 70%, or a C on each assignment for a final minimum of 399 points.
Total Grading/Points:
Again, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to see me. I am available to talk. In fact, I very much enjoy visiting with my students. Please refer to this and the schedule and any handout material throughout our time together. It will support you planning and organizing to meet the class requirements. If anyone is interested in extra credit, please make an appointment with me or visit me during an office hour.
The following page is the schedule for the
SPRING Semester ’16, Tues/Thurs, 5.30-6.55
Note: This could change at any time…I will let you know
REVISED 3/8-5/19
Spring’16 Weekly Schedule
Date / Class Prep: Assignments/Reading2/2
Week 1 / Introduction of class Overview of semester/assignments
NO CLASS-There will be a quiz on the syllabus and the assignments on Mon, 2/9-next class meeting.
Week 2 / Complete introductions and Read & be prepared to discuss Chapter 1- A First Look
CH 1’s discussion continues
Week 3 / Read & be prepared to discuss Chapter 10-Friendships… +
CH 10’s discussion continues
Week 4 / CH 10
Week 5 / Sick Week for Georgie
Week 6
CH 11’s discussion begins
CH 11 cont. + Journal for CH 10 & 11 Due
Week 7 / TEST 1- CH 1, 10, 11
Read & be prepared to discuss Chapter 4-World of Words
Week 8 / Discussion CH 4 continues +Journal for CH 4 Due
Read & be prepared to discuss Chapter 5-Beyond Words
3/28-4/1 / S P R I N G B R E A K
Week 9 / 2 Assertiveness Due + Finish CH 5
Read & be prepared to discuss Chapter 6 + Journal for CH 5 Due
Week 10 / (TUES)-Test #2 – CH 4, 5, 6
Stage 3 Assertiveness Due-Completed in Class+ Journal for CH 6 Due + Chapter 7-Emotions…
Week 11 / CH 7’s discussion continues
Stage 4 Assertiveness Due + Read & be prepared to discuss
Chapter 8-Communication Climates
Week 12 / CH 8’s discussion continues+ Journal CH 7 Due
CH 9-Managing Conflict
Week 13 / CH 9 continues + Journal’s CH 8 Due
CH 9 continues (TH) + Journal CH 9 Due
Week 14 / Test #3 – CH 7, 8, 9
Read and be prepared to discuss CH 3-Perception
Week 15 / Film Analysis Due (WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE PAPER) Read and be prepared to discuss CH 2-Self-Concept + Journal for CH 2&3 Due
Final day for shares
Week 16 / LAST DAYS OF CLASS-Scheduled Interviews for final
grade during these last two class meeting times-Sign-ups during class on 5/19