1. The macrophage:
A. Gives rise to T-lymphocytes.
B. Contains major basic protein granules in its cytoplasm.
C. Is derived from the tissue fibroblast.
D. Releases histamine and leukotrienes.
E. Ingests foreign substances and bacteria
2. The term "transformation zone" is applied to the:
A. the tubuli recti-seminiferous tubule junction.
B. the uterine oviduct junction.
C. the anal-rectal junction.
D. cervical squamocolumnar junction.
E. the bronchus-bronchiole junction.
3. The glands in the cardiac portion of the stomach:
A. contain pepsinogen
B. secrete lysozyme
C. have infrequent goblet cells
D. secrete mucus
E. secrete acid
4. Fructose is the primary secretion of the:
A. vas deferens
B. seminal vesicles
C. epididymis
D. ductuli efferentes
E. prostate
5. Which of the following apical specializations does the corneal epithelium possess?
A. Microvilli
B. Hemidesmosomes
C. Stereocilia
D. Microplicae
E. Cilia
6. The portion of the nephron which renders the inner stripe of the outer medullaeosinophilic possesses cuboidal cells. What section is it?
A. Distal convoluted
B. Descending thin limb
C. Ascending thin limb
D. Straight portion of proximal tubule
E. Thick ascending limb
7. Which statement is correct?
A. The stratum spinosum is shed from the skin surface
B. The stratum germinativum is anucleate
C. The stratum corneum is mitotically active
D. The stratum granulosum is the thickest epidermal layer on palms and soles
E. The stratum lucidum may be traversed by eccrine ducts
8. The form of glycogen referred to as "alpha" is:
A. elongate coils
B. associated with actin
C. rosette form
D. intranuclear
E. single spherical particles
9. Which of the following is found in compact bone :
A. Elastic fibres
B. Chondroblasts
C. Type II collagen
D. Matrix capsules
E. Osteocytes
10. Corpus fibrosum is the end result of:
A. Atretic primary follicle
B. Atretic primordial follicle
C. Atretic antral follicles
D. Corpus luteum of pregnancy
E. Corpus albicans
11. All of the following are true of brown adipose tissue EXCEPT:
A. Is derived from mesenchymal cells
B. Has a dark color due to cytoplasmic lysosomes
C. Has a rich vascular supply
D. Has thermogenic properties
E. Is widely distributed in the newborn
12. Luteinizing hormone:
A. stimulates sperm motility
B. stimulates testosterone production
C. originates from the adenohypophysis
n stimulates the corpus luteum to expel the ovum
E. originates in the hypothalamic nuclei
13. The nerves which will make up the optic nerve exit the eye through the:
A. fovea
B. limbus
C. optical foramen
D. macula
E. lamina cribrosa
14. A 67-year-old man sees his physician with complaints of difficulty breathing and fever.
Chest x-ray shows a right middle lobe pulmonary infiltrate, and sputum cultures are
positive for a Gram-positive bacterium. Which of the following cell types would you
expect to be increased in the peripheral blood of this patient?
A. Mast cells
B. Red blood cells
C. Neutrophils
D. T lymphocytes
E. Macrophages
15. Choose the correct answer regarding hyaline cartilage:
A. Contains osteoclasts in lacunae
B. Contains elastic fibers
C. Is always associated with a perichondrium
D. Contains Type I collagen fibers
E. None of the answers is correct
16. The zona pellucida first appears at which of the following developmental stages?
A. Secondary follicle
B. Quaternary follicle
C. Graafian follicle
D. Primary follicle
E. Tertiary follicle
17. Renal peritubular capillaries:
A. originate from the efferent arterioles
B. arise from the interlobular arterioles
C. originate from the efferent venules ;
D. originate from the vasa recta
E. arise from the arcuate arteries
Matching: For each numbered item (Column 1), choose the most closely related item
in column 2. Each answer can be used once, more than once, or not at all.
18. Copious amounts of lipid A. Zona retIculans
19. Lipofuscin pigment B. Zona glomerulosa
20. Salt regulation C. Zona Fasciculata
21, Renin-Angiotensin D. Medulla
22. Protein catabolism E. Subcapsular plexus
23. The largest of the male sperm cells also contain prominent chromatin patterns. These
cells are:
A. Primary spermatocytes
B. Secondary spermatocytes
C. Spermatids
D. Primary spermatogonia
E. Secondary spermatogonia
24. In females, one of the two X chromosomes remains highly condensed and inactive. It
is referred to as the:
A. Basal Body
B. Midbody
C. Barr body
D. Mitotic center
E. Centrosome
25. Which enzyme is found localized to the GI microvilli glycocalyx?
A. Lysozyme
B. Trypsin
C. Chymotrypsinogen
D. Pepsin
E. Dipeptidase
26. Unlike skeletal and cardiac muscle, smooth muscle is found in many diverse areas of
the body, particularly associated with the GI tract and vasculature. In vascular disease
such as atherosclerosis, or in vessel injury repair, there is often a thickening of the
intimadue to the fact that the smooth muscle undergoes which of the following:
A. Increased sarcoplasmic reticulum synthesis
B. Hyperplasia and hypertrophy
C. Hypertrophy only
D. Hyperplasia only
E. Down-regulation of troponin regulation
27. The adult male breast lacks:
A. Acini
B. Myoepithelial cells
C. Segmental ducts
D. Terminal ducts
E. Fibrous tissue
28. A 60-year-old woman complains of easy bruising and prolonged bleeding from the
slightest injury. These findings are most likely associated with which of the following?
A. Increased number of lymphocytes
B. Decreased number of neutrophils
C. Decreased number of platelets
D. Increased number of plasma cells
E. Increased number of red blood cells
29. Loose connective tissue is a primary component of:
A. Hyaline cartilage
B. Lamina propria
C. Wharton's jelly
D. Tendons
E. Ligaments
30. The major difference between the proximal and distal ureter is:
A. The proximal has scattered ciliated cells.
B. The distal has pseudostratified epithelium.
C. The proximal has thicker transitional epithelium.
D. The distal has three muscle layers in the muscularis.
E. The distal has a third muscularis layer of skeletal muscle.
MATCHING: For each numbered item (column 1), choose the letter of the most closely related item in column 2. Each answer can be used once, more thanonce, or not at all.
31. Spleen A. Hassall's corpuscles
32. Lymph node B. Periarterial lymphatic sheath
33. Tonsil C. Crypts
34. Thymus D. Dendritic reticulum cell
E. Peyer's patches
35. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The anal canal has pseudosi atilied columnar epithelium.
B. The entire collecting duct in the nephron is sensitive to aldosterone.
C. The epithelium of the gall bladder is simple cuboidal.
D. There are no myoepithelial cells in the exocrine pancreas.
E. Pericytes are found surrounding the external surface of veins.
36. Chromatin condenses into chromosomes at what phase of mitosis?
A. Prophase
B. Anaphase
C. Telophase
D. Interphase
E. Metaphase
37. Taste buds on the dorsal tongue:
A. are only associated with fungiform papillae.
B. decrease in number with increasing age.
C. are only associated with circumvallate papillae.
D. are associated with multiple papillae.
E. are only associated with filliform papillae.
38. The liver is involved in all of the following EXCEPT:
A. glycogen storage
B. drug metabolism
C. protein synthesis
D. hormone synthesis
E. bile production
39. Surface mucus cells of the stomach "turns over", ie., are renewed in:
A. 10-14 days
B. 12 hours
C. 24 hrs.
D. 6-8 hrs
E. 4-7 days
40. Fetal macrophages in the placenta are:
A. Hofbauer cells
B. Merkel cells
C. Entman cells
D. Herdman's cells
E. Denson's cells
41. The most ubiquitous cytoskeletal protein is:
A. Desmin
B. Vimentin
C. Tubulin
D. Troponin
E. Actin
42. Your Great Uncle Ned attends the family Thanksgiving Dinner. Unfortunately, andmuch to the disgust of your young sister, he has a persistent, hacking cough due toaccumulation of mucus inthe lungs. Although he has recently quit, he had been aheavy smoker for many years. As a medical student and therefore the resident familyexpert on all things associated with health, you are asked to explain the reason for thiscough.
A. Allergic response to Great Aunt Gertrudes perfume
B. Overactive Clara cells
C. Overproduction of mucous.
D. Lack of cilia on his respiratory epithelium.
E. Epithelial production of defensins
43. The prostatic concretions are:
A. eosinophilic
B. basophilic
C. common in young men
D. seen only in prostate cancer
E. extraluminal
44. The stroma of the cornea:
A. is highly hydrated
B. is the thinnest portion of the cornea
C. is highly organized collagen fibers
D. is comprised of interwoven fibroblasts
E. has a low refractive index
45. A 16-year-old girl has an increased serum level of antibodies against Ebstein-Barr virus
following an episode of infectious mononucleosis. Which of the following cell types is
most likely responsible for this increase in antibody level?
A. T lymphocytes
B. Basophils
C. Neutrophils
D. Plasma cells
E. Monocytes
46. Which of the following contain cilia?
A. Prostate
B. Vas deferens
C. Epididymis
D. Rete testis
E. Ductuli efferentes
47. The major constituent of the skin (bye weight) is:
A. Melanin
B. Ground substance
C. Collagen
D. Elastic tissue
E. Keratin
48. Damage to which specific feature is of concern when considering risk to long bone
growth in a prepubertal child:
A. Spongy bone
B. Diaphysis
C. Primary ossification center
D. Compact bone
E. Epiphysis
49. The major resorption site of the various constituents of the renal ultrafiltrate is:
A. Proximal tubule
B. Loop of Henle
C. Distal tubule
D. Collecting duct
E. Thick ascending limb
50. Which of the following is FALSEregarding the olfactory epithelium in man:
A. Sensory and supporting cells arise from a common basal cell type.
B. It covers the middle and inferior conchae.
C. Bowmans glands are associated with this epithelium.
D. Dendrites of bipolar neurons lie flat on its surface.
E. Some cells contain a yellow, lipofuscin like pigment.
51. Type I pneumocytes:
A. Are present throughout the respiratory system.
B. Are involved in the immune response.
C. Are roughly cuboidal in appearance.
D. Secrete surfactant in response to noxious gases.
E. Are intimately involved in gas exchange.
52. The major site of increased resistance to flow in the circulatory system are:
A. large elastic arteries
B. small veins
C. capillaries
D. venules
E. arterioles
53. Peg or intercalary cells are specific for
A. prostate
B. corpus fibrosum
C. penis
D. seminal vesicle
E. fallopian tube
54. The vagina has all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Glands
B. Adventitia
C. Lymphatics
D. Nerves
E. Collagen
55. Unilocular fat is unique in its presence in the submucosa of the:
A. stomach
B. rectum
C. appendix
D. duodenum
E. jejunum
56. What is the most abundant collagen type in basement membranes?
A. Type IV
B. Type III
C. Type V
D. Type I
E. Type II
57. The tympanic membrane:
A. Is covered by epithelium on both sides.
B. is divided into the crown and mid-piece.
C. Is composed of the tensor tympani and stapedius.
D. Separates the middle ear from the inner ear.
E. Stimulates the release of audiopressin.
58. Skeletal muscle components form astructure called a TRIAD whereas in cardiac
muscle a similar structure called a DYAD is apparent. These two structures are made
up of which two structural components.
A. Nucleus and sarcoplasmic reticulum
B. Actin and Z-band
C. Sarcolemma and dense bodies
D. Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum
E. Sarcoplasmic reticulum and t-tubule
59. Sweat gland ducts typically have what kind of epithelium
A. Stratified cuboidal
B. Transitional
C. Pseudostratified columnar
D. Simple columnar
E. Stratified squamous
1. Choose the correct answer:
A. Each cell is known as a lipoblast
B. This tissue is found predominantly in the newborn
C. This tissue is avascular
D. This is a site of energy storage
E. This is a site of heat production
2. Which of the following is true regarding the epithelium in this structure:
A. Clara cells are present in abundance.
B. It is responsible for 30% of all gas exchange
C. It contains ciliated cells.,
D. There are no elastic fibers in the lamina propria.
E. It is generally stratified squamous.
3. All of the following may be found in this structure EXCEPT:
A. Acrosyringium
B. Outer root sheath
C. Henle's layer
D. Melanin
E. Cuticle
4. This tissue:
A. Secretes its product via striated and intercalated ducts.
B. Is an example of a typical endocrine gland.
C. Involutes following puberty.
D. Contains an abundance of lipofuscin.
E. Contains high endothelial venules.
5. The structure(s) indicated by the arrow is(are):
A. Extraglomerular mesangial cells
B.. Macula densa
C. Glomerular mesangial cells
D. Podocytes
E. Juxtaglomerular mesangial cells
6. The structure indicated:
A. Carries bile to the duodenum
B. Carries highly oxygenated blood
C. Carries poorly oxygenated blood
D. Secretes testosterone
E. Carries bile to the jejunum
7. Which of the following A true regarding this material:
A. It does not contain collagen.
B. There are no canaliculi.
C. It is the hardest material in the body.
Q. 11 contains no blood vessels.
Fibers anchor ii to the periodontal ligament.
8. This structure is:
A. Psammoma body
B. Reinke's Body
C. Call-Exner body
D. Skene's body
E. Charcot's body
9. This cell found in normal peripheral blood is a:
A. Basophil
B. Monocyte
C. Lymphocyte
D. Neutrophil
E. Eosinophil
10. This structure is the:
A. Rete ovarii
B. Rete testis
C. Segmental duct
D. Lactiferous sinus
E. Galactophore
11. What type of epithelium might you expect to see in the progressively larger structure
distal to-the one-indicated?
A. Stratified cuboidal
B. Stratified columnar
C. Simple squamous
D. Transitional
E. Pseudostratified columnar
12. The eosoinophilic region outlined is(are):
A. Bowman's membrane
B. Bruch's membrane
C. Descemet's membrane
D. Muller's cells
E. The inner plexiform layer
13. Which is NOT true concerning these cells surrounding this vessel:
A. They synthesize and secrete catecholamines
B. They can be considered as modified neural cells
C. They contain numerous granules
D. They can be referred to as Chromaff in cells
E. They contain large amounts of lipid
14. This tissue is best classified as:
A. Dense regular connective tissue
B. Elastic tissue
C. Mesenchyme
D. Dense irregular connective tissue
E. Smooth muscle
15. Spermatozoa pass through this structure just before entering which of the following?
A. epididymis
B. prostate
C. seminal vesicle
D. ejaculatory duct
E. spermatic cord
16. Choose the correct answer:
A. The cartilage contains Type I collagen fibres
B. The cartilage contains elastic fibres
C. The capsules contain chondroclasts
D. The lacunae contain chondroblasts
E. The cartilage is avascular
17. The structure shown is the:
A. pineal gland
B. prostate gland
C. neurohypophysis
D. Herring body
E. calcified gallbladder
18. This structure contains:
A. Microglia as structural neural elements
B. Cell bodies of postganglionic sympathetic neurons
C. Multipolar neurons of dorsal nerve of spinal column
D. Oligodendrocytes in spinal ganglia
E. An elaborate heat sensitive nerve ending
19. The illustrated structure is:
A. Aggregate of plasma cells
B. Diffuse lynphatic tissue
C. Meissner's plexus
D. Oligodendrocytic capsule
E. Golgi nerve end specialization
20. Which of the following is correct?
A. The tissue seems to be thyroid
B. The tissue is definitely thyroid
C. The tissue is most likely thyroid
D. The tissue is absolutely thyroid
E. The tissue is nothing else but thyroid
1 / E2 / D / 48 / E
3 / D / 49 / A
4 / B / 50 / C
5 / D / 51 / E
6 / E / 52 / E
7 / E / 53 / E
8 / C / 54 / A
9 / E / 55 / C
10 / C / 56 / A
11 / B / 57 / A
12 / B / 58 / E
13 / E / 59 / A
14 / C
15 / E
16 / A
17 / A
18 / C
19 / A
20 / B
21 / B
22 / C
24 / C / 1 / D
25 / E / 2 / C
26 / B / 3 / A
27 / A / 4 / E
28 / C / 5 / A
29 / B / 6 / C
30 / D / 7 / E
31 / B / 8 / C
32 / D / 9 / D
33 / C / 10 / D
34 / .A / 11 / B
35 / D / 12 / B
36 / A / 13 / E
37 / D / 14 / D
38 / D / 15 / A
39 / E / 16 / E
40 / A / 17 / A
41 / E / 18 / B
42 / D / 19 / C
43 / A
44 / C
45 / D
46 / E
47 / C
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